属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无处高速 Going Nowhere Fast
1 | ||1:杰里?布朗本以为成功说服该团体应该会为自己的计划扫清障碍。||2:他的计划是小幅上调营业税和富裕阶层的所得税,期限分别为四年和五年。||3:由此,每年的财政收入将增加七十亿美元(据乐观估计),这样就能填补所有的预算漏洞,尤其是学校会有所得益。||4:杰里?布郎这位民主党人希望,稍微提高富人税率但又不向其征收重税、增加税收的同时削减开支这些措施能使自己以温和派的形象示人,并获得支持。 | ||1:That victory was supposed to clear the path for Mr Brown’s own plan.||2:This aimed to slightly raise sales taxes for four years and income taxes on the affluent for a period of five years.||3:The additional revenue—$7 billion a year, on an optimistic calculation—would repair the overall budget and benefit schools in particular.||4:By sprinkling but not soaking the rich, and by cutting spending as well as raising taxes, Mr Brown, a Democrat , was hoping to appear moderate and to win approval. | |
2 | ||1:近四年来,纽约的政局并不稳定。||2:2007年,时任州长艾略特?斯皮策,他律师出身,作风凌厉,毫不妥协。这种做法曾让纽约州首府奥尔巴尼一度陷入政治僵局。||3:且任职仅一年多,斯皮策就陷入招妓门事件,辞去了州长职务。||4:民主党人大卫?帕特森继任,他亲和有余,力度不足,无力推动纽约州立法机构平衡财政收支。||5:同为民主党人的安德鲁?科莫,于2010年参加州长竞选,并轻松取胜。他承诺要“重建政府,重塑能力,重拾信任,让州民能够再次相信政府”。纽约民众曾对此不以为然。 | ||1: FOR four years New York was adrift. ||2: When Eliot Spitzer, a crusading lawyer, became governor in 2007, his uncompromising ways caused political gridlock in Albany, the state capital. ||3: Just over a year later, he was caught frolicking with a prostitute and resigned. ||4: His successor, David Paterson, was affable enough, but too weak to push the state legislature to balance the books. ||5: When Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat like his predecessors, handily won the 2010 governor’s race on a promise to “rebuild the government, restore competence, restore trust, [and] get the people of this state believing once again”, New Yorkers gave a cynical snort. | |
3 | ||1:民主党乐见瑞恩先生又使共和党像去年那样重新陷于困境,那时议院共和党人以压倒性的姿态支持他的预算草案,却被民主党以“正如我们都知道的那样会终结医疗保险制度”和以削减富人缴税为先而不是造福于穷人为理由痛斥。||2:一位民主党人去年因坚持这份提案而赢得了递补选举,稳稳地称为了纽约北部的一名共和党人。||3:民主党今年又发起了一场类似的竞选,公开谴责共和党是“医疗保险制度疯子”。||4:对于共和党人来说,则坚持认为他们鲜明的立场会为他们赢来选民的尊重,这与参议院民主党人三年都未能通过一项预算形成鲜明对比。||5:大有希望的共和党候选人米特?罗姆尼似乎非常同意这点——他热切支持瑞恩先生的提案。 | ||1: Democrats are delighted that Mr Ryan is returning to the limb he put his party out on last year, when House Republicans overwhelmingly backed his budget proposal only to be lambasted by Democrats for “ending Medicare as we know it” and prioritising tax cuts for the rich over benefits for the poor. ||2: A Democrat who stuck to that script won a by-election in what had long been a safe Republican seat in upstate New York last year. ||3: The party has already launched a similar campaign this year, denouncing the Republicans’ “Medicare madness”. ||4: Republicans, for their part, insist that their forthright stance, in contrast to the Senate Democrats’ failure to pass a budget for the past three years, will earn them respect from voters. ||5: Mitt Romney, the probable Republican nominee seems to agree: he has heartily endorsed Mr Ryan’s approach. | |
4 | ||1:唯有在加州建造高铁的愿望尚存一丝希望。||2:因为73岁的民主党州长Governor Jerry Brown喜欢回忆19世纪另一项宏伟的铁路工程,该工程使成立不久的加州与美国的其它地区相连通。||3:20世纪60年代,Brown的父亲Pat担任州长时建造了宏伟的水道和高速公路,70年代 Brown首次当选州长,并勾画建造自己宏伟工程的蓝图。||4:以上这些加之他对神学的虔诚及酷爱冥想, 因此人们称之为“月光州长”。 | ||1:Only in California does the dream live on.||2:As Governor Jerry Brown, aged 73 and a Democrat , likes to remember, another big railway project in the 19th century connected the young state to the rest of America.||3:In the 1960s his father, Pat, served as governor and built ambitious aqueducts and highways.||4:In the 1970s Mr Brown himself became governor for the first time, and had visions of his own grand projects. | |
5 | “你可能会说,‘让我们结束在阿富汗的战争,我们在那已经花费了1200亿美元。’”加里佛尼亚的民主人士补充说。 | "You might take it forward and say, ’Let’s end the war in Afghanistan where we’re spending $120 billion, ’" added the California Democrat . | |
6 | “哦,真是一个不可思议的夜晚。”民主党籍的众议院议长南希·佩洛西(NancyPelosi)感慨说,她被认为对表决的通过起了主导作用。 | "Oh what a night, " said Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat leader in the House, who is credited with steering the vote through. | |
7 | “如果这个风险使得中国心烦的话,那就这么定了。”法案共同发起人代表,俄亥俄州民主党人TimRyan如是说道。 | "If this risks upsetting the People’s Republic of China, so be it, " said co-sponsor Representative Tim Ryan, an Ohio Democrat . | |
8 | “在工作环境异常艰难的情况下,他的表现很好,”奥巴马在一次新闻发布会上表示。 | "He has done a fine job under very difficult circumstances, " Obama, a Democrat , said at a news conference. | |
9 | 3月,加州民主党人、众议院议员乔治·米勒提出了一项就业的法案其中包括一项230亿美元的学校救助计划。 | In March, Representative George Miller, a Democrat of California, introduced a jobs bill that included a $23 billion school rescue plan. | |
10 | 55岁的纽约联邦法官索托马约尔是15年来第一个由民主党提名的最高法院大法官。 | A New York federal judge, Sotomayor, 55, is the first high court justice nominated by a Democrat in 15 years. | |
11 | GaryAckerman一位来自纽约州的民主党人要求对主管的薪酬展开广泛调查。 | Gary Ackerman, a Democrat from New York, demanded broader checks on executive pay. | |
12 | 阿加德是个民主激进派。在他看来:不管出身背景如何,人人都可以写诗。 | Agard is much more of a democrat : by his lights, anyone can write poetry, no matter what his or her background. | |
13 | 阿斯姆森已经成为部长汉斯•艾歇尔(社会民主党员,简称社民党)领导下的财政部中重要人物。 | Mr Asmussen became an important player at the finance ministry under a social-democrat (SPD) minister, Hans Eichel. | |
14 | 爱荷华州民主党人、参议院议员汤姆·哈金到目前为止提出了一项类似的计划时尚地称为紧急支出法案。 | Senator Tom Harkin, a Democrat of Iowa, has since introduced a similar plan fashioned as an emergency spending bill. | |
15 | 保守党和自民党联合政府11月披露的最新计划省略掉了这个一百万的目标数字。 | The latest plan, unveiled in November by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government, omitted the one million target figure. | |
16 | 保守党-自由民主党联盟对学校自主办学信心十足:现在全英格兰有1500所公学。 | The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition has put great faith in school autonomy: there are now 1, 500 academies in England. | |
17 | 报导称,是次听证会将由美国众议院政府改革及监管委员会主席HenryWaxman主持。 | The hearing before the House oversight committee will be headed by Democrat Henry Waxman, the paper said. | |
18 | 布什总统表示他希望参议院多数党领导人、内华达州民主党人哈里·里德与自己一样有意推动立法进展。 | President Bush said he hoped Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat , has the same desire to move the bill forward as he does. | |
19 | 参议员和国会议员联手同唱两党齐心协力的美德赞歌,不管是共和党人,还是民主党人,概莫能外。 | Senators and congressmen, Republican and Democrat alike, join in the hymn to the virtues of bipartisan effort. | |
20 | 参议院的民主党重要人物、多数党领袖哈里.里德说,达成一致很难,但对国家来说很重要。 | The top Senate Democrat , Majority Leader Harry Reid, said reaching the agreement was difficult but important for the country. | |
21 | 参议院银行业委员会主席,民主党人TimJohnson,欢迎两位最新的提名者。 | Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson, a Democrat , welcomed the most recent nominations. | |
22 | 此外,保守党中的欧洲怀疑论者和他们的自由民主党盟友之间也爆发了严重的争执。 | And the Tory Eurosceptics and their Liberal Democrat coalition partners are already at each other’s throats (see article). | |
23 | 代表第32区的圣盖博谷民主党将胜利授于一个有着24年政治生涯的女性。 | The San Gabriel Valley Democrat , who will represent the 32nd District, adds the victory to a 24-year political career. | |
24 | 但是,任何形式的暂缓都只是暂时的,需要再次强调的是,共和党人对协助民主党执政丝毫不感兴趣。 | But any respite would be only temporary; again, the G. O. P. is just not interested in helping a Democrat govern. | |
25 | 但是,至少到目前为止,谁也没有提出金融改革的明确承诺。 | But at least so far, neither Democrat has made a clear commitment to financial reform. | |
26 | 但是,自有杰克逊的捍卫者,民主党议员SheilaJackson-Lee在杰克逊的葬礼上赞扬他,并且这样含蓄地提到他过去的问题 | But Jackson had his defenders. Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee praised him at his funeral and alluded to the problems in his past. | |
27 | 但是参议院银行委员会主席民主党员克里斯多夫·道多辩称盖特纳有资格掌管财政。 | But Senate Banking Committee Chairman Democrat Christopher Dodd argued that Geithner has the qualifications to handle the financial mass. | |
28 | 但问题是,十一月份总统大选的选票上可不是泛泛地列出民主党作为候选人。 | Trouble is, there will be no generic Democrat on the ballot in November. | |
29 | 当民意调查员询问选民他们会倾向于选共和党还是民主党人为总统时,民主党人很明显的领先。 | When pollsters ask voters to say whether they will favour a Republican or Democrat for president, the Democrat has a handsome lead. | |
30 | 当然了,他是个民主党,不过他是在奥古斯塔长大的,那是我父亲的家乡。 | Sure, he was a Democrat , but he grew up in Augusta, where my daddy is from. |