属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东西方 "欢喜冤家"
1 | 我们大家都应该支援处在极度贫困中的人们。 | All of us should boost up the people who are in dire necessity | |
2 | 我们看的那部电影差劲透了! | The film we saw was absolutely dire ! | |
3 | 我们太需要你的帮助了. | We’re in dire need of your help. | |
4 | 陷于(恶劣的[极度的/严重的])财务困境中. | Be in(dire /desperate/serious)financial straits | |
5 | 研制成功水稻育秧精量播种成套设备、棉花残膜回收机及新型自走梳脱式稻麦联合收割机等一批农业机械,满足了农业生产急需。 | New farming machinery such as advanced rice seeders, cotton film collectors and new-type automatic rice-wheat combine harvesters have been successfully developed to meet the dire needs of agricultural production | |
6 | 有一个棚屋区原来糟得无以复加,曾被住户称为“蝎子窝”,改建之后,他们称它为“幸福园”。 | One was once so dire that its people had called it the scorpions’ Nest. After it was rebuilt they named it Happiness Park | |
7 | 在1933年极端紧急状态中,这个任务出乎寻常容易。 | This task proved deceptively easy in the dire emergency of 1933 | |
8 | 在把这些成本延后计算、不纳入目前的预算案方面,布什的做法尤甚于当时的约翰逊,但是两者产生的后果可能同样可怕。 | Mr Bush has been more upfront than Johnson about deferring these costs from the current budget but the consequences for both could be equally dire . | |
9 | 在几年内爪哇人的进攻,看来已使巴邻旁处于极度危险之中。 | For some years the javanese attacks placed Palembang in dire peril | |
10 | 在紧迫的环境下无暇再去周密慎重 | Precaution was impossible in those dire circumstances. | |
11 | 曾经有人就看电视太多的危害性提出严重警告。 | There were dire warnings about the dangers of watching too much TV. | |
12 | 这次军事政变后患无穷. | The military coup brought dire consequences in its train. | |
13 | 这次军事政变後患无穷 | The military coup brought dire consequences in its train, ie as a result of it | |
14 | 这个家庭极为贫困 | The family is in dire need. | |
15 | 这商行已陷入岌岌可危的境地,可能要破产了. | The firm is in dire straits(ie in a very difficult situation)and may go bankrupt. | |
16 | ||1:可惜的是,这种趋势不是因为州政府突然放弃严格管制,而是因为经济衰退后各州财政赤字严重。||2:“各州正在寻找财政来源,而不是直接对居民征税”,代表赌场利益的美国博彩协会的霍利?策尔说。||3:全美州议会联合会的曼迪?拉夫说的更直截了当:“各州过去几年财政吃紧所以想尽一切办法。” | ||1: This trend is not, sadly, the result of a sudden renunciation of paternalism by state governments. Rather, it stems from the states’ dire fiscal straits in the aftermath of the recession. ||2: “States are looking for a source of revenue beyond [directly] taxing their residents,” says Holly Wetzel of the American Gaming Association, which represents gambling interests. ||3: Mandy Rafool of the National Conference of State Legislatures puts it more bluntly: “States have been so desperate over the last few years that they’re looking at everything.” | |
17 | ||1:例外也是有的。||2:在澳大利亚,女性在董事会和执行领导层所占份额与美国和欧洲部分水平一致。||3:新加坡也有大量女性工作在高级经理职位上。||4:但在其他地方,女高管的境地就多半是岌岌可危的了,也不一定,都因为相关国家很穷。||5:在日本和韩国这两个富裕国家,女子就很可能只是给坐在董事会里的男人们倒茶端水,而不是一起议事。 | ||1:There are exceptions.||2:In Australia women’s share of board and executive-committee jobs is roughly on a par with that in America and parts of Europe.||3:Singapore too has a large number of women in senior management (see chart).||4:But elsewhere the picture is mostly dire , and not necessarily because the countries concerned are poor.||5:In Japan and South Korea, both rich, women are about as likely to sit on boards as men are to serve tea. | |
18 | ||1:列维先生说,集团董事会要他留下来,因为经济危机可能会持续一段时间,他们希望有经验且让人放心的人能在高层掌舵。||2:他看到了明年的许多不确定性,但是他认为各公司不会像在2008年雷曼兄弟破产后大幅度地减缩广告开支。||3:他们对严峻的经济形势的反应因各行业各国家的情况不同而各异。||4:在欧洲,其经济状况越往南越糟糕,这一点都不奇怪。 | ||1:The board wants him to stay, says Mr Lévy, because the economic crisis could last, so they want a safe pair of hands at the top.||2:He sees lots of uncertainty next year, though he does not think that companies will cut back advertising spending as sharply as they did after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.||3:Their response to the dire state of the economy will vary from one industry and country to the next.||4:In Europe, not surprisingly, the outlook is bleaker the farther south you go. | |
19 | ||1:上周,华盛顿州开始向它经营的167家酒精类饮料商店拍卖许可证。||2:到6月1日为止,华盛顿州将彻底放手酒精类业务,这是自禁酒令以来首次允许私营企业在州内出售烈性酒。||3:去年,尽管公司牟利严重,醉架司机增多,警务成本上升此类事件接连不断,一次全民投票中支持烈性酒出售私有化的选民占59%,发对的占41%。 | ||1: LAST week the state of Washington began auctioning the licences to 167 of the liquor stores it runs. ||2: By June 1st Washington will be out of the liquor business altogether, freeing private businesses to sell spirits in the state for the first time since Prohibition. ||3: Last year, despite dire warnings about corporate profiteers, drunk drivers and surging policing costs, voters in the state approved the privatisation in a referendum by 59% to 41%. | |
20 | ||1:以前,在亚洲人眼中,西方似乎得神庇护,很少落后于亚洲。||2:不过,似乎没完没了的战争和随之而来的虐待、金融危机和经济瘟疫使欧洲和美国不再是亚洲人心中值得学习的榜样,却成为人们唯恐避之不及的悲惨对象。||3:与之相照应的是,亚洲精英们正在本国文化和思想史中寻找灵感。 | ||1:Rarely has the prestige of the West fallen lower in Asian eyes.||2:Seemingly endless wars and the attendant abuses, financial crisis and economic malaise have made Europe and America look less like models to aspire to than dire examples to be shunned.||3:In response, Asian elites are searching their own cultures and intellectual histories for inspiration. | |
21 | “仅12%的孩子活泼好动”这种说法有些言过其实,但做出这种极为严重的警告的目的,是为了引起公众注意。 | Saying that "only 12 per cent of children are active" overstates reality, but such dire warnings are made to get the public’s attention. | |
22 | “如果这些车都是丰田,三菱或即使是奥迪,我不认为能激起这么可怕的反应。” | "Had it been all Toyotas, Mitsubishis or even Audis, I don’t think it would have provoked as dire a reaction. " | |
23 | “虽然我们生活在一个充满辐射的世界,但人们把任何辐射的增加当成致命的危险,”他通过电子邮件说到。 | "Although we live bathed in a sea of background radiation, people treat any increment as a dire risk, " he said by email. | |
24 | “所以如果你留意接下来几个季度,整个银行业出现可怕的情形是有可能的。” | "So as you look out over the next few quarters, it’s a potentially very dire situation for the overall industry. " | |
25 | 312%的债务与收入比例已经将希腊陷入绝境。 | With a debt-to-revenue ratio of 312%, Greece is in dire straits already. | |
26 | Shemelya解释了在美国这些地方可怕的经济现象。 | Shemelya puts it down to the dire economy in this part of America. | |
27 | Wakatsuki是第一个承认这些优势是相对的,日本陷入了可怕的经济困境中。 | Wakatsuki is the first to acknowledge that these advantages are relative, and that Japan is in dire economic straits. | |
28 | 把当前经济看作是灾难,促成的原因颇多。长期失业率高即是其中之一。 | Among the many reasons to regard the current economic situation as dire is the high incidence of long-term unemployment. | |
29 | 必然的情况是,在多数州中,由社会服务处处理的不作为案例都是那些极度恶性事件。 | As a matter of necessity, cases of neglect taken on by the DSS in most states are ones that are incredibly dire . | |
30 | 并非偶然,4月也是欧元危机进入新的绝望阶段。 | And it’s probably no coincidence that April was also when the euro crisis entered its new, dire phase. |