1 | Perl还对各种XML对象模型(包括DOM、Grove和Twig)有很好的支持。 | Perl also enjoys excellent support for various XML object models, including DOM , Grove, and Twig. | |
2 | SaxonXQuery引擎被用来编译和执行针对文档DOM对象的查询。 | The Saxon XQuery engine was used to compile and execute the query against the DOM object of the document. | |
3 | W3C规范化了DOM,它的主要优点是可移植性:它是作为一种CORBA接口定义的,被映射到很多语言。 | The W3C has normalized DOM , whose main advantage is to be portable: it was defined as a CORBA interface and mapped to many languages. | |
4 | XmlTextWriter写入流,而不是使用对象模型(如XMLDOM),从而提供了更好的性能。 | The XmlTextWriter writes to a stream rather than using an object model such as the XML DOM , and so gives better performance. | |
5 | XML文档对象模型(DOM)查看是否已声明了引用的实体名称。 | The XML Document Object Model (DOM ) looks to see if the entity name being referenced has already been declared. | |
6 | XML文档对象模型(DOM)在创建新元素节点或属性节点时检查名称的有效性。 | The XML Document Object Model (DOM ) checks the validity of the names when creating new element nodes or attribute nodes. | |
7 | 柏林大教堂是一座宏伟的巴洛克式教堂,修建于1894至1905年间。它位于施普雷河中的一个岛屿之上。 | The Berliner Dom is a magnificent baroque cathedral built between 1894 and 1905. It is located on an island in the river Spree. | |
8 | 半解析法的计算速度非常快,但只能处理常物性问题。 | Only a constant physical property problem can TQM solved, although it is faster than DOM . | |
9 | 比如,一个小部件实现者可以用这种方法创建小部件标记并将其设置到小部件DOM节点。 | For instance, a widget implementer can create in this method the widget mark-up and set it into the widget DOM node. | |
10 | 标识节点类型,是对应于XML对象模型(DOM)节点类型编号的一个整数。 | Identifies the node type and is an integer that corresponds to the XML object model (DOM ) node type numbering. | |
11 | 除将XML作为无格式文本处理或使用DOM处理之外,还有一种非常流行的选择很重要,值得一提。 | One very popular options for dealing with XML, beyond treating it as unformatted text or using the DOM , is important and worth mentioning. | |
12 | 此处的会话被定义为从承载托管HTMLDOM的应用程序启动到应用程序关闭之间的时间长度。 | Session is defined as the length of time from when an application hosting the managed HTML DOM starts until the application closes. | |
13 | 此时,这个实现者可以在小部件的DOM结构之上操作。 | The implementer can operate on the widget’s DOM structure at this point. | |
14 | 从量上看,每一个惠普彩色打印机的墨盒里的墨水要比1985年的DomPerignon葡萄酒还要贵。 | By volume, the ink for an HP colour printer is more expensive than vintage 1985 Dom Perignon. | |
15 | 但其在水田土壤C、N转化过程中究竟起多大作用仍不明确。 | However the contribution of DOM to microbially mediated C and N transformations in paddy soils is not quantified. | |
16 | 但通常不这样做,传入DOM文档元素,然后从这里开始编写表达式是最简单的办法。 | More often than not, though, it’s easiest to pass in the DOM document element and write your expressions from there. | |
17 | 但为了实现总体简单性和清晰性,我们认为DOM将更容易理解。 | But for overall simplicity and clarity, we decided DOM would be easier to understand. | |
18 | 但由于申报非常住居民身份的人不断增加,围绕“非本地”规则的争议也激烈起来。 | But controversy surrounding the non-dom rules has heated up as the numbers claiming this status have risen. | |
19 | 对非托管HTMLDOM编程或为HTML页编写活动脚本时, | Object when programming against the unmanaged HTML DOM or when writing Active Script for HTML pages. | |
20 | 对几个大型XML项目的分析揭示了在使用DOM中的一些常见问题。 | An analysis of several large XML projects revealed some common problems in working with the DOM . | |
21 | 对于不同的Web浏览器和环境,其DOM结构和接口也不尽相同,DOM模型自然也无法避免这种影响。 | The DOM model is also affected by the fact that different Web browsers and environments have different DOM structures and interfaces. | |
22 | 对于产品XML数据,不再使用DOM解析器在应用程序中分解XML。 | For the product XML data, you no longer shred the XML in the application using the DOM parser. | |
23 | 多数DOMlevel2方法的实现都有适当的属性支持。 | Most DOM level 2 methods are implemented with properties properly supported. | |
24 | 而只需实现相应的处理程序,并在修改DOM树的时候调用它。 | You simply need to implement the appropriate handler and let it be called whenever you modify your DOM tree. | |
25 | 放弃美国国籍有利于常住在英国的居民避开这些新的非本地法规。 | Giving up a US passport helps some longtime residents of the UK get round these new non-dom rules. | |
26 | 该回调通常使用JavaScript文档对象模型(DocumentObjectModel,DOM)来根据新数据操作页面元素。 | That callback usually uses the JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM ) to manipulate the elements of the page based on the new data. | |
27 | 该事件处理过程在派生类中的工作方式同它在原始DOM类中的工作方式完全相同。 | The event-handling process works exactly the same in derived classes as it would in the original DOM classes. | |
28 | 该页还提供客户端行为的属性的值以及客户端行为针对的DOM元素的id值。 | It also provides values for the client behavior’s properties and the id value of the DOM element that the client behavior targets. | |
29 | 该属性在XMLHttpRequest上可用,它以DOM文档的格式返回服务器的响应。 | This property, available on XMLHttpRequest, returns the server’s response in the form of a DOM document. | |
30 | 根据目标Web服务器控件中呈现的ClientID属性,将该行为实例附加到DOM元素。 | The behavior instance is attached to the DOM element, based on the ClientID property that is rendered from the target Web server control. |