属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-辉瑞制药有限公司 自尝苦果
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-劳资关系在美国 波音受欺凌
1 | 我们已经离开了中国和日本的那些神奇莫测的地方,我们已经回到了这些文明的国度,最后只要坐上火车,从旧金山到纽约,再坐上横渡大洋的轮船,从纽约到伦敦,这样就毫无疑问能够按时完成这个人们认为不可能的环球旅行了。 | A railway train from San Francisco to New York, and a transatlantic steamer from New York to Liverpool, would doubtless bring them to the end of this impossible journey round the world within the period agreed upon | |
2 | 我明天大约可以看到你. | I shall doubtless see you tomorrow. | |
3 | 沃尔特现在不在这儿,但是肯定他呆会会来的。 | Walter isn’t here but doubtless he’ll come later. | |
4 | 无疑地,风是一个因素 | The wind was doubtless a factor. | |
5 | 无疑地. | doubtless | |
6 | 无疑他会坐下趟火车到的。 | He will doubtless arrive by the next train. | |
7 | 无疑这是使用机器代替手工所产生的结果。 | This is doubtless due to the displacement of hand labor by machinery | |
8 | 吸收外国资金肯定可以作为我国社会主义建设的重要补充 | Foreign investment will doubtless serve as a major supplement in the building of socialism in our country. | |
9 | 小船已系在岸边,他们向前走了几步,找到了一块舒适的露宿地点,但他们所选择的地点显然不合那个当哨兵的走私贩子的心意,因为他大声喊道:“请你们别在那儿。” | The boat was moored to the shore, and they advanced a few paces to find a comfortable bivouac; but, doubtless , the spot they chose did not suit the smuggler who filled the post of sentinel, for he cried out, "Not that way, if you please." | |
10 | 一定是我神经太紧张和恐惧压制得太厉害,所以脑子昏了,虽然记得我假冒的这个人的一切,却记不起他的名字。 | A strange black, caused doubtless by my nervous tension and suppressed panic, let me remember everything about the man I was pretending to be except his name | |
11 | 一个路过洛格里亚诺的船夫有几只猴子,那个刁滑的家伙引坏了他,偷钱的念头无疑也是那个家伙教给他的。 | A boatman, who had passed by Rogliano, and who had several of these animals, whose tricks had greatly diverted him, had, doubtless , suggested this idea to him. ’ | |
12 | 约翰无疑会象平常那样很早就来。 | John will doubtless come early as he always does. | |
13 | 约翰一定会向往常一样准时来. | John will doubtless come on time as he always does. | |
14 | 这种欢呼无疑额外增加了声势,表明了当年人们对其统治者孩提式的忠诚 | This-though doubtless it might acquire additional force and volume from the child- | |
15 | 正如你很可能早已知道的那样 | as you doubtless already know. | |
16 | 至于报纸未来的地位,目前还没有任何可替代的媒体,但是报纸毫无疑问将进一步在形式上发生变化。 | as to the future of the newspaper, there is nothing on the horizon likely to replace it, though it will doubtless undergo further changes of form. | |
17 | 至于细节,我们可以根据遗言人的事业状况来拟订,在这方面,您以前曾亲自经手过,无疑的还可以为我们提供帮助。 | As to the details, the greater part will be furnished afterwards by the state in which we find the affairs of the testator, and by yourself, who, having had the management of them, can doubtless give full information on the subject | |
18 | ||1:但是这无疑将招致意外的后果。||2:实用的产品交易量会减少。||3:风险产品的交易可能转移至不受监管的实体。||4:银行可能会被交易账户和银行账户之间变换的资产诱惑,进入一套新的监管套利模式。||5:最坏的情况可能是由于额外的复杂性造成的后台拙劣的工作风险增加 。 | ||1:But unintended consequences will doubtless follow.||2:Useful products may become less tradable.||3:Trading of riskier products could migrate to unregulated entities.||4:Banks may be tempted into new forms of regulatory arbitrage, by juggling assets between their trading book and their banking book.||5:Worst of all, perhaps, is the increased risk of back-office bungling because of the extra complexity. | |
19 | ||1:对于如此高额的事后估计收益有种种解释。||2:一种是幸存者偏差。||3:作为股票风险溢价测量方法的基准的美国,被证明是20世纪最成功的经济体,但这一切已经不复存在。||4:在第一次世界大战之前对阿根廷,中国或俄罗斯抱很大希望的投资者没想到会失望。 | ||1:There are a number of possible explanations for these very high ex post returns.||2:One is survivorship bias in the numbers.||3:America, which is the benchmark for ERP measurements, turned out to be the most successful economy of the 20th century, but it might not have been.||4:Before the first world war investors doubtless had high hopes for Argentina, China or Russia—only to be disappointed. | |
20 | ||1:相关管理人员拿此次和解做文章,自鸣得意地称这是自1977年《反海外腐败法》(FCPA)颁布以来实施最有力的一次。||2:同时,他们还希望此次事件能证明他们采取的软硬兼施的措施已经开始生效。||3:以往一些控诉成功的案件不是有人揭发就是运气使然,监管者一直怀疑许多公司虽然在公开场合坚决拥护法律,但私底下却对那些海外不法行为视而不见,还相信自己永远不会被绳之以法。||4:现在新的监管方法目的在于鼓励那些公司进行自我监督,并对他们采取坦白从宽的政策。 | ||1:Citing the settlement, regulators will crow that the FCPA is being enforced more vigorously than at any time since it became law in 1977.||2:They will also hope that it is evidence that their new carrot-and-stick approach is starting to work.||3:Most successful prosecutions in the past have been the result of whistle-blowing or a lucky break; regulators have long suspected that many companies have publicly supported the law while privately turning a blind eye to dodgy activities abroad, doubtless assuming that they would never be caught.||4:The new approach is designed to encourage companies to police themselves, by punishing them only lightly when they turn themselves in. | |
21 | 帕图的店家都很兴奋。一位经营摩托车的店主说现在每家都是成年人人手一辆车,而不是像十几年前一样,每家只有一辆,大家合伙骑。古鲁巴朗也开始进了3D电视的货,每台要95000卢比,(1700美元)。毫无疑问,看电视的人将看到更多想买的东西。 | Chengalpattu’s shopkeepers are upbeat. A motorcycle vendor says families are buying one bike per adult, rather than one for everyone to share, as they did a few years ago. Mr Gurubaran has started stocking 3D televisions that cost 95,000 rupees ($1,700) a pop. Viewers will doubtless see even more new products to crave. | |
22 | 许多公司无疑会在国外建厂,NLRB的官僚好斗者们无法在那里威胁它们。 | Many will doubtless build their factories abroad, where the NLRB’s bureaucratic bruisers can’t threaten them. | |
23 | “人民与国家都是在烈火中涅槃重生,”他说,毫无疑问他认为他自己也和美国人的经历一样。 | "People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity, " he said, doubtless thinking of his own as well as the American experience. | |
24 | 《地图》的第七版无疑将需要和第六版一样进行大幅修订。 | The seventh edition of the Atlas will doubtless need just as vigorous a revision as the sixth. | |
25 | BBC广播警告大家不要恐慌,然后立马取了4000瓶给自己的员工,毫无疑问这些都可以报销(译注:BBC最近在闹“报销门”丑闻。) | The BBC broadcast a warning that the public should not panic, then promptly bought up 4, 000 doses for its staff, doubtless on expenses. | |
26 | ODA无疑会为奥运提供令人影响深刻的环境。 | The ODA will doubtless provide the Olympics with a splendid setting. | |
27 | 盎格鲁撒克逊人的不幸无疑通过英国频道激起了一片幸灾乐祸。 | The Anglo-Saxon distress will doubtless prompt Schadenfreude across the English Channel. | |
28 | 奥巴马无疑更偏爱由政府运营的医疗系统,但明白美国不愿走到那一步。 | Mr Obama would doubtless prefer a government-run system but saw that the country would not go there. | |
29 | 北京方面无疑会提供一个不同的视角,但其中的是非曲直与此无关。 | Beijing would doubtless offer a different perspective, but the rights and wrongs are beside the point. | |
30 | 参与各方无疑将把这视为一项历史性的妥协。 | The participants will doubtless hail this as a historic compromise. |