1 | 年长一代的妇女对年轻一代摇头(不表赞同). | The dowager s shook their heads over the younger generation. | |
2 | 其中因与黛玉同随贾母一处坐卧,故略比别个姊妹熟惯些. | Because he and Daivu both lived in the Lady Dowager ’s quarters he was closer to her than to the other girls | |
3 | 乾隆则喜欢陪皇太后到瀛台看焰火,也乐于在瀛台设宴赏赐大臣,以显示王朝的升平景象。 | For Emperor Qianlong, one great pleasure was to accompany his mother the empress dowager to Ying’Tai to watch a fireworks display and to give banquets for his ministers in celebration of peace and prosperity in the land | |
4 | 清末新政启动前慈禧心态的变化 | Empress Dowager ’s Psychology before Startup of New Policy Reform of Late Qing Dynasty | |
5 | 如今且说林黛玉自在荣府以来,贾母万般怜爱,寝食起居,一如宝玉,迎春,探春,惜春三个亲孙女倒且靠后 | Since her coming to the Rong Mansion, the Lady Dowager had been lavishing affection on her, treating her in every respect just like Baoyu so that Yingchun, Tanchun and Xichun, the Jia girls, all had to take a back seat. | |
6 | 是日先携了贾蓉之妻,二人来面请.贾母等于早饭后过来 | She brought Jia Rong and his wife with her to deliver the invitations in person, and so the Lady Dowager and the rest went over after breakfast. | |
7 | 说着,便叫小丫头到倒厅上悄悄的打听打听,老太太屋里摆了饭了没有. | She sent her little maid in to see if the Lady Dowager ’s meal had been served. | |
8 | 太后(已故君主之妻). | queen dowager | |
9 | 太后. | Queen Dowager | |
10 | 王夫人遂携黛玉穿过一个东西穿堂,便是贾母的后院了. | Lady Wang led Dalyu through an entrance hall running from east to west into the Lady Dowager ’s back courtyard. | |
11 | 王后和她的婆婆--王太后--都出席了. | The queen and her mother-in-law,the queen dowager , were both present. | |
12 | 西太后本人当时并非是无能为力的。 | Even the dowager had not been as incompetent | |
13 | 袭人素知贾母已将自己与了宝玉的,今便如此,亦不为越礼 | As she knew that the Lady Dowager had given her to Baoyu she felt this would not be an undue liberty. | |
14 | 爷也不用自己去见,等我到他家,就说老太太有说的话问他呢,雇上一辆车拉进去,当着老太太问他,岂不省事. | Why go yourself, sir? Let me go and tell her the old lady wants her. I’ll hire a carriage to bring her, and you can question her in the Lady Dowager ’s presence. Wouldn’t that save trouble? | |
15 | 一个衣饰华丽的老年贵妇人。 | A richly figged out dowager | |
16 | 一时宝玉倦怠,欲睡中觉,贾母命人好生哄着,歇一回再来. | Soon Baoyu was tired and wanted to have a nap. The Lady Dowager ordered his attendants to take good care of him and bring him back after a rest. | |
17 | 一天,有个 | One day a dowager of the impertinent variety who thinks herself spiritual, addressed this sally to him, "Monseigneur, people are inquiring when Your Greatness will receive the red cap!" | |
18 | -译注];而那时他必定认真挑选够资格和他一起玩牌的--如大使、大主教、亲王、总统或寡居的公爵夫人之流。 | Occasionally, but seldom, he played at whist, and then care was taken to select partners worthy of him--sometimes they were ambassadors, sometimes archbishops, or sometimes a prince, or a president, or some dowager duchess | |
19 | 驿车内坐的是一位面目可憎的老太太,已经70来岁,她的使女年纪与她相仿。 | The post-chaise contained a snuffy old dowager of seventy, with a maid, her contemporary | |
20 | 因东边宁府中花园内梅花盛开,贾珍之妻尤氏乃治酒,请贾母,邢夫人,王夫人等赏花. | As the plum blossom was now in full bloom in the Ning Mansion’s garden, Jia Zhen’s wife Madam You invited the Lady Dowager , Lady Xing, Lady Wang and the others to a party to enjoy the flowers. | |
21 | 因史老夫人极爱孙女,都跟在祖母这边一处读书,听得个个不错. | The Lady Dowager is so attached to these grand-daughters that she makes them study in the Rong Mansion near her, and I hear good reports of them all. | |
22 | 又兼贾母爱惜,也时常的留下秦钟,住上三天五日 | And thanks to the Lady Dowager ’s partiality, Qin Zhong often stayed for a few days with the Jia family. | |
23 | 原来近日贾母说孙女儿们太多了,一处挤着倒不方便 | Recently the Lady Dowager had found it inconvenient to have all her grand-daughters crowded together in her compound. | |
24 | 在慈禧太后六十大寿时,地方官把一套大型手捏戏文泥人《蟠桃会》供奉内廷 | When Empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her 60th birthday, the local officer of Huishan presented a clay figurine set, Immortality Peach Gathering. | |
25 | 这日一早,袭人的母亲又亲来回过贾母,接袭人家去吃年茶,晚间才得回来 | One morning Xiren’s mother came and asked the Lady Dowager ’s permission to take her daughter home to tea and keep her until the evening. | |
26 | 这熙凤携着黛玉的手,上下细细打谅了一回,仍送至贾母身边坐下。 | Xifeng took her hand and carefully inspected her from head to foot, then led her back to her seat by the Lady Dowager . | |
27 | 这袭人亦有些痴处:伏侍贾母时,心中眼中只有一个贾母,如今服侍宝玉,心中眼中又只有一个宝玉. | Xiren’s strong point was devotion, Looking after the Lady Dowager she thought of no one but the Lady Dowager, and after being assigned to Baoyu she thought only of Baoyu. | |
28 | 自从西太后废除旧科举制度,他就心灰意懒了。 | When the dowager abolished the old examination system, he had begun to fade | |
29 | “酸奶,慈禧太后让我把这给皇上品尝”。 | Yogurt, the Emperor Dowager asked me to give it to the emperor. | |
30 | 慈禧太后画像 | Portrait of Empress Dowager Cixi |