属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国省议会选举 三雄争霸
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-车费的变动 寻找出租车供需平衡解决方法(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-聪明不在 Not so smart now
1 | 我有少少问题要直截了当地问你,我希望你也会直戴了当地回答我。 | I am brimful of downright questions; and I expect you to be brimful of downright answers | |
2 | 下层阶级最喜欢的就是带点爽直愉快的批评。 | There is nothing the lower orders like better than a little downright good-humoured rating | |
3 | 要做到与人合得来,需要仔细思考、认真努力和痛下决心。--埃弗逊 | It takes a lot of thought and effort and downright determination to be agreeable.-- Everson | |
4 | 要做到与人融洽相处,需要仔细地思考,认真地努力和痛下决心。美国思想家爱默生 | It takes a lot of thought and effort and downright determination to be agreeable.--Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker | |
5 | 与此相对照,国际依附学派则悲观得多,在许多情况下甚至是完全悲观主义的。 | The international dependence school, in contrast, is much less sanguine and, in many cases, is downright pessimistic | |
6 | 在这些群情激昂的日子里,姓惠普尔和休利特的学生可谓度日如年。 | In those exciting days it was downright unpleasant to be a Whipple or a Hewlett | |
7 | 这个女人的求婚遭到一口回绝之后发生了什么事情,我们无需多费笔墨来描述。 | It is unnecessary to expatiate on the effect of this downright refusal of the woman’s proposals | |
8 | 这是个弥天大谎。 | This is a downright lie. | |
9 | 这完全是谎言. | It`s a downright lie. | |
10 | 装腔作势,借以吓人,则不但是幼稚,简直是无赖了。 | Writing long-winded and empty articles may be set down to immaturity, but striking a pose to overawe people is not merely immature but downright knavish | |
11 | 做这种事纯粹是发疯。 | It would be downright [sheer] madness to do such a thing | |
12 | ||1:“有条件的现金补助计划”的增多正是这些理念合乎逻辑的演进,比如说巴西的“家庭补助金计划”,只要人们将孩子送去学校或是给孩子接种牛痘疫苗,政府就给他们发放现金。||2:在曼德维尔所处的时代,为了能过上更好的生活而让穷人去上学的理念似乎有些荒谬。“与工作比起来,上学就是懒惰的表现,而且孩子们过这种简单生活的时间越长,长大之后越难以适应完全的体力劳动。”||3:这对关于贫困的想法听起来可能会感觉有些过时,但是它们持续的时间超乎你的想象。 | ||1: The growth of “conditional cash transfers”, schemes like Brazil’s Bolsa Familia that give poor people money as long as they send their children to school or have them vaccinated, are logical developments of these ideas. ||2: The notion of schooling the poor to a better life seemed absurd in the era of de Mandeville: “Going to school in comparison to working is idleness, and the longer boys continue in this easy sort of life, the more unfit they’ll be when grown up for downright labour.” ||3: Such poverty of thinking may sound archaic, but it persisted for longer than you might think. | |
13 | ||1:对弗朗索瓦·奥朗德总统来说,无论瓦尔斯总理怎样另找说辞,选举结果绝对是一大耻辱。||2:社会党准备好在第二轮中迎接彻底的失败——自奥朗德执政以来,在所有的中期选举中,社会党无一胜出。||3:虽然该党将目光转向2017年,但这次省议会选举暴露了盘算左翼派的残忍方法。||4:社会党赢得的可怜票数反映出其未能联合在大部分选区的绿党和左翼派其他政党。||5:如果该党希望参加2017年的总统决选,那么它需要朋友。||6:然而,瓦尔斯总理身边的温和派与法国左翼派其他人士之间的意识形态从未产生过如此大的差异,而减少差异的机会也是前所未有的渺茫。 | ||1:As for President Fran.ois Hollande, the result was a downright humiliation, however much Mr Valls tried to argue otherwise.||2:The Socialists are set for crushing losses in the second round–they have lost every mid-term election since Mr Hollande took office.||3:This election exposes a cruel calculation on the left, as the party turns its eyes towards 2017.||4:The Socialists’ poor score reflects a failure in most constituencies to join up with the Greens and other parties of the left.||5:If the party has any hope of making it into the presidential run-off in 2017, it needs friends.||6:Yet the ideological differences between the moderates around Mr Valls and the rest of the French left have never looked so wide, nor the chances of bridging them so slim. | |
14 | ||1:对与很多人来说,深夜外出后拿出智能手机叫一辆优步的车回家似乎是一种常见的仪式了。然而打的费却比平时高出了三倍。||2:像很多经济学家钟爱的定律一样,这种时不时困饶着优步用户的“动态定价策略”虽有效却极不受欢迎。||3:从消费者的角度看,动态定价策略最多是恼人而已,但在紧急状况下采用该策略时却是极其讨厌的。||4:急剧上涨的车费会引起公众的不满:2013年的暴风雨使得纽约整个城市瘫痪,包括萨尔曼·拉什迪在内的名人在社交媒体上斥责收取三位数短程车费的行为。||5:一些市政府取缔了这种做法:德里(印度城市)在四月就这样做了。 | ||1:IT IS a familiar ritual for many: after a late night out you reach for your smartphone to hail an Uber home, only to find—disaster—that the fare will be three times the normal rate.||2:Like many things beloved by economists, “surge pricing” of the sort that occasionally afflicts Uber-users is both efficient and deeply unpopular.||3:From a consumer’s perspective, surge pricing is annoying at best and downright offensive when applied during emergencies.||4:Extreme fare surges often lead to outpourings of public criticism: when a snowstorm paralysed New York in 2013, celebrities, including Salman Rushdie, took to social media to rail against triple-digit fares for relatively short rides.||5:Some city governments have banned the practice altogether: Delhi’s did so in April. | |
15 | ||1:市政委员们对此协议的反应是有人逆来顺受,有些则嗤之以鼻。||2:截止到四月四日上午本刊即将出版发行之前,九位市政委员推迟就此议案进行投票。||3:一位委员竟脱口问道:“为什么这么急?”||4:着急的原因是四月五日就是截止期。||5:与此同时,底特律公会间已达成联盟,开始进行反击。||6:他们提出,协商议案属于暗箱操作,违反法律所规定公正公开的原则。他们希望联邦法官阻止市政府和州政府达成协议。||7:而联邦法官在四月三日晚些时候给出的答复却是他会在四月九日就此事作出判决。换句话说,过了截止期再说。 | ||1: The city council’s response to the consent agreement has ranged from resigned to downright hostile. ||2: As The Economist went to press early on April 4th, the nine members had delayed voting on it. ||3: One even asked,“What is the hurry?” ||4: The hurry was the next day’s deadline. ||5: Meanwhile, a coalition of unions has gone on the attack. ||6: They argue that the agreement was negotiated behind closed doors, rather than openly as the law requires, and want a federal judge to stop the city and state signing it. ||7: The judge said late on April 3rd that he will rule on the matter by April 9th: in other words, after the deadline. | |
16 | ||1:有些实验结果十分奇怪。||2:那些在看到美元的图像,更容易想到钱的人的实验参与者通常会表现得更为自私。||3:如果坐在他们身旁的人有人掉了铅笔,相比较那些没那么容想到钱的人,他们肯弯腰捡起笔的几率要大大降低。||4:这甚至间接地暗示:想到老年的意象会使人们走路速度放缓—尽管他们自己从没有老年的感觉,这些结论稍后将后发布。 | ||1:Some findings are downright peculiar.||2:Experimental subjects who have been “primed” to think of money, perhaps by seeing a picture of dollar bills, will act more selfishly.||3:So if someone nearby drops some pencils, these subjects will pick up fewer than their non-primed counterparts.||4:Even obliquely suggesting the concept of old age will inspire people to walk more slowly—though feeling elderly never crossed their mind, they will later report. | |
17 | “这些画最多只能算是业余水平,相当一部分人认为这完全是拙劣之作。” | ’These are at best the standard of a reasonably competent amateur and some might consider them downright crude in execution. | |
18 | KatyPerry的歌“IkissedaGirl”就是相同的炒作,她是如此的不温不火,看起来就像彻头彻尾的笑话。 | Katy Perry pulled the same stunt with her "I Kissed A Girl" song, which is so tepid it’s downright laughable. | |
19 | 本台记者刚离开纽约,华盛顿或者亚特兰大的时候,天还正冷着呢。 | It was downright cold when many CNN reporters left New York, Washington or Atlanta, Georgia. | |
20 | 不过,日本民主党的大部分经济规划仍相当粗略、不可信或者完全不切实际。 | Yet much of the DPJ’s economic programme remains sketchy, improbable or downright unrealistic. | |
21 | 不过是个派?那可完全是个杰作,是充满美感的事物。每种味道一一呈现的过程,就想书中的一个个章节。 | Just a pie? It’s downright expert. A thing of beauty. How each flavor opens itself, one by one, like a chapter in a book. | |
22 | 不幸的是,我们的现实并不是这么田园诗画般的,有时候,彻底地限制的。 | Unfortunately, our reality is for less idyllic, and for some, downright restrictive. | |
23 | 才华很重要。看一看自己属于哪一类十分关键。下面是方法。 | Talent is important. Figuring out where you belong is downright crucial. Here’s how. | |
24 | 充分展现了你母性的光辉我才没有 | It’s downright maternal. I’m not maternal. | |
25 | 此外,医学报道逐渐从单纯的无知演变到彻头彻尾的疯狂。 | Medical news reports, moreover, tend to vary from ill-informed to downright crazy; | |
26 | 从卡通人物到重金属摇滚歌手,下面是我们收集到的十二大最酷、最搞笑或是最无厘头的飞机彩绘。 | From cartoon characters to heavy metal mascots, here are 12 of the coolest, funniest or downright goofiest we’ve seen. | |
27 | 但此类试验在美国并不普遍,在英国更是绝对罕见。 | Yet such trials are not common in the US, and downright rare in the UK. | |
28 | 但是,那些在剑桥附近吞食致幻药品的人却一群中产阶级,其中甚至有人还是十足的上层社会人士。 | But the people devouring mind-bending substances in Cambridge are a middle-class bunch, and some are downright posh. | |
29 | 但是忽视营销不止是危险;简直是彻头彻尾的愚蠢。 | But to ignore marketing is more than dangerous; it’s downright stupid. | |
30 | 但是现在中国已经具备了世界性的影响力,其国内舆论也渐渐展露强悍的立场(有时候甚至是进攻性的)。 | Butnow China has more worldwide clout, and public opinion at home hastaken on a combative (and sometimes downright jingoistic) tone. |