属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-手工劳动 Handy work
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-外汇市场 固定汇率
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-看电视 分开的屏幕
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-审美和金钱 弦动我心
1 | 作为一个谦虚者,他愿意居于他人的次要位置。 | Being a modest person, he was content to play second fiddle to others | |
2 | 做一个好副手需要的技巧无法言传(副手难为)。 | It needs more skill than I can tell to play the second fiddle well. | |
3 | ||1:出于机械方面的好奇心,这根本算不上什么障碍。||2:科学技术也在某些方式上使这种拆拆弄弄更容易了。||3:你能在英特网上找到非官方的操作手册,还能通过YouTube看看别人是怎么做的。||4:你可能会犯错,但这就是你了解事物的工作原理并学习如何修理它们的方法。||5:弗劳恩菲尔德先生声称,这样做会让你变成一个更优秀的人:一个外界环境的主人,而不是俘虏。 | ||1:For the mechanically curious, that is no obstacle.||2:And in some ways technology has made it much easier to fiddle and fix.||3:You can find unofficial instruction manuals on the internet, and watch YouTube to see someone doing it properly.||4:You may make mistakes, but that is the way you learn how things work and how to mend them.||5:Doing so makes you a better person, Mr Frauenfelder argues: master, not prisoner, of your environment. | |
4 | ||1:根据KBW银行估计,全球范围内针对篡改货币利率的罚金可达到260亿美元。||2:欺骗客户还可能会遭到赔偿起诉。||3:许多人抱怨货币市场已经不再像以前那么容易控制了。||4:包括大型机构投资者和资产管理者在内的金融从业者权利越大,就越有可能鼓动监管机构改变货币交易方式。||5:金融稳定理事会是一个全球监督委员会,它提出了符合全球货币供求的“全球效用函数”的概念。||6:不管这个概念具体是什么--也很少有人确切的知道--听起来这就像是一个削弱商业银行作用的措施。||7:详情将会在十一月份的20国集团金融峰会上提出。 | ||1:The fines for the currency fiddle could reach 26 billion globally, according to KBW, a bank.||2:Cheated clients might sue for compensation, too.||3:Many complain the market is no longer fit for purpose.||4:The more powerful among them, including giant institutional investors and asset managers, might egg on regulators who want to change the way currencies are traded.||5:The Financial Stability Board, a committee of global supervisors, has floated the idea of a “global utility” that would match supply and demand of currencies.||6:Whatever that means—and few know for sure—it sounds like a way of sidelining bankers.||7:More details are expected in time for a meeting of G20 leaders in November. | |
5 | ||1:之后他也对此感到后悔。||2:他也对自己不知不觉开始大谈“白黑鬼”和“黑白杂种”,还有他被揭穿是3K党的活跃成员,1943年在西弗吉尼亚州的螃蟹果园。曾向150个朋友和同事收取10美元的会费以及会员必备的绳子和兜帽的3美元租金,表示抱歉。||3:他解释说,他曾经短暂的加入3K党,因为他们的反共和他们提供给他召集本地群众的平台,即屠夫和小提琴手。||4:随着他动人的曲目《黑麦威士忌》和《草丛中的火鸡》,这个平台很快让他在1946年被选入州参议院,1952年被选入美国众议员,而且到了1958年,他40岁的时候,到达了参议院,并且几乎任满9期从未离开。 | ||1:This he later regretted.||2:He was sorry, too, that he found himself slipping into talk of “white niggers” and “race mongrels”, and that he was exposed as an active member of the Ku Klux Klan, charging 150 friends and colleagues $10 membership and $3 robe-and-hood hire to form a chapter in 1943 in Crab Orchard, West Virginia.||3:He had briefly joined the Klan for its anticommunism, he explained, and for the platform it gave him, a mere butcher and fiddle -player, to organise people locally.||4:This, with his spirited playing of “Rye Whiskey” and “Turkey in the Straw”, soon got him elected to the state House of Delegates in 1946, the US House of Representatives in 1952 and, by 1958, at 40, the Senate, which through almost nine terms he never left. | |
6 | 大约四分之三的美国互联网用户经常边玩手机边看电视。 | Around three-quarters of American internet users regularly fiddle with a mobile device while watching the gogglebox. | |
7 | 这里有前提保障,以确保不利的观点不会影响小提琴的市值。 | That was a condition of the loans, in order that an adverse opinion should not affect a fiddle ’s market value. | |
8 | “啊,是的;什么也比不上提琴,”奶牛场老板说。 | ’Oh yes; there’s nothing like a fiddle , ’ said the dairyman. | |
9 | “即使世界下一秒就要灰飞湮灭,你爸爸还是会拉他的小提琴。”这样的话,妈妈曾说过不下一千次。 | At least a thousand times, my mother said, "Your papa would play his fiddle if the world was about to blow up. " | |
10 | IMF应该开始在应对危机的过程中扮演带头角色,而非只是充当次要角色。 | The IMF should start taking the lead in managing the crisis rather than playing second fiddle . | |
11 | Steven不想当新董事的副手,所以辞职了。 | Steven has no intention of playing second fiddle to the new director, so he has resigned. | |
12 | 爸爸把小提琴拿到话机旁,重重地拨弄了几下琴弦。然后他把听筒拿到耳边,问:“威尔,听到吗?” | Dad took the fiddle to the telephone and thumped the strings. Putting the receiver to his ear, he said, "Hear anything. Will? " | |
13 | 摆弄收音机? | Fiddle with the radio? | |
14 | 不论是在商业还是在文化方面,上海往往屈居北京之后。 | Whether it is business or culture, Shanghai often plays second fiddle to Beijing. | |
15 | 不伪造花费、税费或利润,并且不要欺骗同事。 | Don’t fiddle expenses, taxes or benefits, and don’t cheat colleagues. | |
16 | 创新者也是根深蒂固的实践者,他们可以随意摆弄他们的产品和经营模式。 | Innovators are also inveterate experimenters, who fiddle with both their products and their business models. | |
17 | 从现在全球经济大衰退中突起的表现看,印度看来好像再一次担当了第二位的角色。 | And as the global economy emerges from the Great Recession, India once again seems to be playing second fiddle . | |
18 | 但劳拉躺下了一会儿后还没睡着。她听着爸爸柔声弹奏着小提琴;听着大丛林的风声。 | But Laura lay awake a little while, listening to Pa’s fiddle softly playing and to the lonely sound of the wind in the Big Woods. | |
19 | 但是除非这种情况真的发生,否则副总统就该当第二把手,听从总统的指令。 | But unless this happens, people expect him to play 2nd fiddle and do what the president wants him to do. | |
20 | 但是如果美联储想要再度震惊市场,一个更激进的政策无异于是要去玩弄它的托管方。 | But if the Fed wants to surprise the markets again, a more radical idea would be to fiddle with its own mandate. | |
21 | 但这是一个胡乱摆弄全球政治结构的徒劳的需要。 | But there is also plainly a need to fiddle with some of the global political architecture. | |
22 | 当大家纷纷落座,威尔·鲍温建议:“查理,把你的小提琴和琴弓拿出来,给大伙来点儿音乐怎么样?” | When everyone had found seats, Will Bowen suggested, "Charley, how about getting down your fiddle and bow and giving us a little music? " | |
23 | 当你通过头戴式3D显示设备沉浸在一款虚拟的游戏中的时候,你需要不停的控制按键,不能够把它摘下来。 | When you are immersed in a virtual game using a head-mounted 3D display, you cannot just take it off to fiddle around with control buttons. | |
24 | 地方政客们依然可以恐吓或者贿赂选民。 | Local politicians may still intimidate or pay off voters; local election-officers may still fiddle results after votes are in. | |
25 | 地缘因素让位于意识形态。 | Geography played second fiddle to ideology. | |
26 | 而无需耗资巨大且旷日持久地去摆弄单独的路由器和交换机。 | centrally without having to fiddle with individual routers and switches, which is costly and time-consuming. | |
27 | 二胡历史沿革考略 | Research on the Historical Evolution of Erhu Fiddle | |
28 | 她的立场证实了外界的一种看法,即柏林方面如此沉迷于国内的战术动作,以至于把国家的战略关系放在第二位。 | Her stance has confirmed the impression that Berlin’s strategic relationships play second fiddle to obsessive tactical manoeuvring at home. | |
29 | 科学技术也在某些方式上使这种拆拆弄弄更容易了。 | And in some ways technology has made it much easier to fiddle and fix. | |
30 | 没有其他人来面试提琴手 | no other fiddle players showed up, |