属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Tale of Two Cities
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美式乌托邦 短命的狂热(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-寻找外星生物 闪烁吧小行星
1 | 赛季前一次事故使得法国人巴利因脑震荡休养了5个月,好在他及时恢复过来并在伊莫拉大奖赛中取得排位赛第一 | A pre-season accident in Malaysia left Frenchman Bayle with concussion for five months before he recovered in time to set the pole position for the Imola Grand Prix. | |
2 | 上周末,当世界125cc摩托车越野赛来到德国站的时候,法国车手弗雷德里克又恢复了他的最佳状态。 | Frenchman Frederic stormed back to his best form when the World125cc Motorcross Championship went to Germany last weekend. | |
3 | 他不是英国人便是法国人。 | He is either an Englishman or a Frenchman . | |
4 | 他法语流利得使人以为他是法国人. | He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman . | |
5 | 他原籍法国. | He is a Frenchman by origin . | |
6 | 他再一次使用了很口语化的"gimme"代替"give me"(意为"给我"),并且称这个法国人为青蛙佬,这是英国殖民者在17世纪从英国带到美国的一个对法国人很不尊重的词 | Again he uses the very colloquial "gimme" for "give me", and addresses the Frenchman as "frog", a disrespectful term for Frenchmen that British colonists brought to America from 17th-century England | |
7 | 我的法文能说得好到让人把我当成法国人吗? | Do I speak French well enough to pass for a frenchman ? | |
8 | 我的王国却是以整个世界为界限。因为我既不是意大利人也不是法国人,不是印度人也不是美国人,也不是什么西班牙人,我是一个宇宙人。 | My kingdom is bounded only by the world, for I am not an Italian, or a Frenchman , or a Hindu, or an American, or a Spaniard--I am a cosmopolite | |
9 | 我们首先要谈的是法国的德彪西,他将当代绘画中的印象主义引入了音乐创作。 | "The first composer we’ll talk about is The Frenchman Claude Debussy who introduced a style called ""impressionism, "" a term used for contemporary painting." | |
10 | 我能辨别意大利人和法国人。 | I can tell an Italian from a Frenchman . | |
11 | 我是唐太斯船长,一个忠实的法国人,有人诬告我是叛徒,请你告诉我你们究竟要押我到什么地方去,我以我的人格向你保证,我一定听天由命。” | I am Captain Dants, a loyal Frenchman , thought accused of treason; tell me where you are conducting me, and I promise you on my honor I will submit to my fate." | |
12 | 我向您保证,一个法国人不论到突尼斯、君士坦丁堡、巴格达或开罗去,他尽可以在公众场所露面,而他的周围决不会有人围观的。” | Now I can promise you, that a Frenchman might show himself in public, either in Tunis, Constantinople, bagdad, or Cairo, without being treated in that way." | |
13 | 我要让你们这些人看看,一个法国人也能跟他们一样的‘美利坚’!” | I will show these people that a Frenchman can be as american as they!’ | |
14 | 五年以后,在伦敦中央刑事法庭的审判室里,一个年轻的法国人正在接受生死攸关的审判。 | Five years later, in the court-room of the Old Bailey in London, a young Frenchman was on trial for his life. | |
15 | 西班牙选手曼提亚以六比三、六比一德国选手巴浦斯柴德晋级二轮;罗马尼亚选手瓦内亚以六比四、六比二击败法国选手杜比。 | Spain’s mantilla entered the second round, beating German Knippschild 6-3 and 6-1; Romanian Voinea overpowered Frenchman Dupuis 6-4 and 6-2 | |
16 | 现在,他的法国同事将这个昵称升级为‘J6M’,意思就是:我,让·米歇尔,是世界的主宰。 | Now his fellow Frenchman have upgraded him to J6M--Jean-Marie Messier, moi-meme, maitre du monde’ (myself, master of the world) | |
17 | 星期三,汤米.马基宁获得了汽车拉力赛冠军,他驾驶着三菱车领先意大利车手利亚蒂7秒,法国车手帕尼兹获得第3名。 | Tommi Makinen won the Auto Rally on Wednesday, as his Mitsubishi finishing seven seconds clear of Italian Liatti with Frenchman Panizzi third. | |
18 | 一个法国人得了重感冒。 | A Frenchman had caught a very bad cold. | |
19 | 一见到拿破仑,年轻的法国士兵两只脚跟喀嚓一声并拢,立正敬礼。 | At the sight of Napoleon, the young Frenchman clichéd his heels together. | |
20 | 与此相反,欧洲根系的大多数人在遗传上是混合的,要想把德国人与法国人分开,把波斯尼亚人与塞尔维亚人分开,是根本不可能的。 | By contrast, most people of European origin are so genetically mixed that it’s impossible to tell German from Frenchman , Bosnian from serb | |
21 | 在海岛定居时,西班牙人先造教堂;法国人先造要塞;荷兰人先造仓库而英 国人则先造酒店。 | In settling on island,the first building erected by a Spaniard wil be a church; by a Frenchman ,a fort; by a Dutchman,a warehouse; and by an Englishman, an alehouse. | |
22 | 这个法国人能用鼻子检验各种香水气味。 | The Frenchman can examine the smell of perfumes with his nose | |
23 | 这个法国人说:“我要给我的奶牛买点药。” | The Frenchman said:"I want something for my cow, please." | |
24 | 这个狡猾的法国佬,连在这儿咱们要通过的路上,也放着岗哨哩。 | Here has the cunning Frenchman been placing a picket directly in our path | |
25 | 这位70岁的法国人曾帮助过婴儿分娩的革命化,并且在1960年代因将分娩池(指水下分娩法)引入产院而闻名。 | The 70-year-old Frenchman has helped revolutionise child birth, and is famous for introducing the birthing pool to maternity hospitals in the 1960s | |
26 | ||1:但还存在第三种聚焦光源的方法。||2:在牛顿利用星光的150年后,伽利略的透镜系统的两百多年后,一个名叫奥古斯丁.让.菲涅尔的法国人想到也可以利用衍射来达到目的。||3:一组兼有透明和不透明的同轴环可以分散和传播光波,并且在稍远的地方可以再使他们重新聚焦,由此形成一个图像。||4:这些环被称作波带片。||5:法国南比利牛斯天文台劳伦.凯什兰认为波带片可以用来寻找其他星球上是否存在生命。 | ||1:But there is a third way to focus light.||2:A century and a half after Newton, and more than two after Galileo, a Frenchman called Augustin-Jean Fresnel worked out that you can do it using diffraction.||3:A set of concentric rings, alternately transparent and opaque, will scatter and spread light waves in a manner that causes them to reinforce each other some distance away, and thus form an image.||4:The rings are known as a zone plate.||5:And Fresnel’s countryman, Laurent Koechlin, of the Midi-Pyrenees observatory, thinks zone plates are the way to find out if there is life on other planets. | |
27 | ||1:罗伯特欧文是英国一个工厂的厂长,同时他也是一位改革家,他把私有财产同有组织的宗教与婚姻归为社会灾祸。||2:1825年,他在印第安纳州购买了农场,建造了将农场与工厂集一身的公社,吸引农民、艺术家与学者前往。||3:工具,食物与住房都是免费提供,还有男女混合制的学校与图书馆。||4:此外,公社还赞助科学研究。||5:然而因没有共同的信仰或目的,公社内部发生分裂,成员间相互争斗。||6:到了1827年,欧文的这个非宗教团体也解散了。||7:在美国这样一个追求内阁政策的资本主义国家中,想要追求微型公社,困难重重。||8:欧文的新世界Icarians分裂成几个敌对群体。||9:无论是震教徒,欧文的组织还是Lcarians,都以他们各自的方式关注职责,都寻求驯化人类自私的心理。||10:法国人查尔斯傅里叶关注于这其中的乐趣,尽管他在肖像画里看起来很忧伤。||11:但他的著作鼓舞了波斯顿附近的“小溪农场”公社,还间接影响了奥奈达一带。||12:傅里叶想要解放人们的本能以便每个人,尤其是女性,都尽可能的过上享受多种娱乐与感官愉悦的生活。||13:他传递的信息不再只具有强调性,而是指好的生活,即耕种生活,并不是奋斗与工作的生活之一,这一观点对于“小溪农场”核心力量,一些来自新英格兰的学者颇有吸引力。 | ||1:Robert Owen, a British mill-owner and reformer, treated private property, along with organised religion and marriage, as a social scourge.||2:In 1825 he bought land for a farm-and-factory commune in Indiana. It attracted farmers, artisans and intellectuals.||3:Tools, food and housing were free. The commune had mixed-sex schools and a library.||4:It sponsored scientific research.||5:Without a shared faith or purpose, however, the members split into competing groups.||6:By 1827, Owen’s secular community had disbanded.||7:The difficulty of pursuing micro-communism in a capitalist society also dogged Cabet’s American followers.||8:His New World Icarians split into several rival groupings.||9:Shakers, Owenites and Icarians focused, each in their own way, on duties. They sought to tame human selfishness.||10:Gloomy as he looked in portraits, the Frenchman Charles Fourier concentrated on fun.||11:His writings inspired the Brook Farm commune near Boston and, less directly, Oneida.||12:Fourier wanted to free people’s instincts so that everyone, especially women, might lead a life of varied enjoyments and sensual delight.||13:Stripped of emphasis on sex, Fourier’s message that a good life was a cultivated life, not one of striving and work, appealed to New England intellectuals who formed Brook Farm’s core. | |
28 | 马里的圣战者释放了一名法国人质,据报道以交换两名马里监狱的囚犯为条件。该人质同另外一名法国人一同在2011年被抓,后者在马格里布的基地组织被俘虏者杀害。 | A French hostage held by jihadists in Mali was freed after reportedly being swapped for two prisoners held in jail in Mali. He had been kidnapped in 2011 along with another Frenchman who was killed by his captors, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, in 2013. | |
29 | 沃克成了第一个做出香贝坦红葡萄酒的非法国籍人士,如今他和妻儿在勃艮第的生活别提有多安逸。 | Now ensconced in Burgundy with his wife and young family, he is the only non-Frenchman ever to have made Chambertin. | |
30 | 在牛顿利用星光的150年后,伽利略的透镜系统的两百多年后,一个名叫奥古斯丁·让·菲涅尔的法国人想到也可以利用衍射来达到目的。 | A century and a half after Newton, and more than two after Galileo, a Frenchman called Augustin-Jean Fresnel worked out that you can do it using diffraction. |