属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 63
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 63
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 63
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 63
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 63
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-局外旁观 On the Outside Looking
1 | GeoffreyHampden交友甚广,在社会上也很受欢迎。 | Geoffrey Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties. | |
2 | Geoffrey为此有点扫兴,但他仍按女儿的话做了。 | Geoffrey was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked. | |
3 | Geoffrey问她为什么不,她告诉他说,她不愿意看见那么多人都嘲笑她爸爸。 | Geoffrey asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him! | |
4 | 当克利福的姊妹爱玛·查太莱小姐从米德兰到伦敦去做看护工作的时候,她暗地里嘲笑着佐佛来男爵和他的刚愎的爱国主义。 | When Miss Chatterley---Emma---came down to London from the Midlands to do some nursing work, she was very witty in a quiet way about Sir Geoffrey and his determined patriotism. | |
5 | 都柏林集邮家彼得·杰弗里说:"它的形状看上去不像塞浦路斯而更像克里特岛,尽管公平的说,邮票设计者确实也从艺术角度对其他国家的版图形状做了一些修改。 | "The shape is closer to that of Crete than Cyprus although, to be fair, the designer does seem to have taken some artistic license with the other countries too," said Peter Geoffrey , a Dublin philatelist | |
6 | 基金会发言人杰弗里?科尔(音译)说,他们正在致力于恢复供水、供电。 | The organization is working to provide clean water and restore electrical power, said Geoffrey Keele, a unicef spokesman | |
7 | 基金会发言人杰弗里?科尔说,他们正在致力于恢复供水、供电。 | The organization is working to provide clean water and restore electrical power, said Geoffrey Keele, a UNICEF spokesman. | |
8 | 杰弗里经常与别人住在一起,而不是自己的家人。椐我看,他好像喜欢过种关系不太密切的家庭生活。 | Geoffrey always lives with others rather than his own family.It seems to me that he prefers to enjoy domesticity at one remove. | |
9 | 杰弗里问她为什么不喜欢他的讲演。 | Geoffrey asked her why she was not amused | |
10 | 杰弗里先生,请您把情况告诉我们好吗 | Mr. Geoffrey , can you put us in the picture? | |
11 | 杰弗里因此感到有点扫兴,但他还是按照他女儿的要求做了。 | Geoffrey was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked | |
12 | 杰弗里注意着每一个机会,因为他想获得成功。 | Geoffrey watched very opportunity because he wanted to get on | |
13 | 杰弗里走进那栏马,用审视的目的目光一匹接一匹地望去。 | geoffrey approached the line of horses and glanced judicially down the row | |
14 | 克利福这话里,带着某种愤慨悲伤的情绪。这树林还保存着一点荒野的老英格兰时代的什么神秘东西,但是大战时候佐佛来罗爵的伐木却把它损伤了。 | There was a certain pathos. The wood still had some of the mystery of wild, old England; but Sir Geoffrey ’s cuttings during the war had given it a blow. | |
15 | 所以佐佛来男爵吹伐他的树木,拥护英国和路易·佐治。 | So Sir Geoffrey felled timber and stood for Lloyd George and England, England and Lloyd George. | |
16 | 他们的物质生活是很少的。她得监督家务。那多年服侍过佐佛来男爵的女管家是个干枯了的毫无苟且的老东西。她不但不象个女仆,连女人都不象。 | Of physical life they lived very little. She had to superintend the house. But the housekeeper had served Sir Geoffrey for many years, arid the dried-up, elderly, superlatively correct female you could hardly call her a parlour-maid, or even a woman.. | |
17 | 他现在正叫人重新植些树木。不过这小山使他看了便怨恨他的父亲。 | He was having it replanted. But it made him hate Sir Geoffrey . | |
18 | 他拥护英国和路易。佐治,正如他的祖先们拥护英国和圣佐治一样;他永不明白那儿有什么不同的地方。 | Sir Geoffrey stood for England and Lloyd George as his forebears had stood for England and St George: and he never knew there was a difference. | |
19 | 他早就深知生在这查太莱世家的勒格贝,作佐佛来男爵儿子,是多么重要的,他决不能逃避他的命运。 | His importance as son of Sir Geoffrey , and child of Wragby, was so ingrained in him, he could never escape it. | |
20 | 我谨对在杰弗里·豪爵士和国务委员兼外交部长吴学谦指导下的两个谈判代表团及其全体工作人员的忘我工作表示敬意。 | I should like to pay tribute to the dedication of the two negotiating teams and all their supporting staff, under the guidance of Sir Geoffrey Howe and State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian | |
21 | 我可以和杰佛里商量一下,把这件事安排好。 | I could fix it up with Geoffrey . | |
22 | 我可以和杰弗里商量一下,把这事安排好. | I could fix it up with Geoffrey . | |
23 | 这是大战中佐费来男爵伐木以供战壕之用的一个地方,在马路的右边渐次隆起的圆丘,一片光溜溜,怪荒芜的。 | This was one of the places that Sir Geoffrey had cut during the war for trench timber. The whole knoll, which rose softly on the right of the riding, was denuded and strangely forlorn. | |
24 | 这正是Geoffrey乐意干的事。 | This is the sort of thing that Geoffrey loves. | |
25 | 这正是杰弗里所喜欢的那种事。 | This is the sort of thing that Geoffrey loves. | |
26 | 最近,Geoffrey的一个最亲密的朋友要求他在一个婚礼的宴会上作演说。 | Recently, one of Geoffrey ’s closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. | |
27 | 佐佛来男爵,克利福的父亲,尤其可笑。砍伐着他园里的树木,调拨着他煤矿场里的矿工,和败草一般地送到战场上去,他自己便安然在后方,高喊救国,可是他却人不敷出地为国花钱。 | Sir Geoffrey , Clifford’s father, was intensely ridiculous, chopping down his trees, and weeding men out of his colliery to shove them into the war; and himself being so safe and patriotic; but, also, spending more money on his country than he’d got. | |
28 | 佐佛来男爵却不以为有什么荒唐的地方。他脸色苍白地、紧张地固执着要救他的祖国和他的地位,不管在位的是路易·佐治或任何人。 | Sir Geoffrey would have none of the absurdity. He was pale and tense, withdrawn into himself, and obstinately determined to save his country and his own position, let it be Lloyd George or who it might. | |
29 | ||1:莱博维茨是一位纽约的文学编辑,对于这些攻击,他不仅积极为威廉姆斯辩护,还转而关注威廉姆斯作品中极端的部分。||2:1952年,因为其左倾观点而被赶出国会图书馆的诗歌顾问职位,威廉姆斯写了一首诗,在诗中罗森博格姐弟与杰弗里·乔叟*一同出现。||3:作为一位刚出师的年轻医生,他主要为在卢瑟福镇附近的意大利,希腊和波兰人的社区服务,要么就去纽约的法国医院医治受伤的妓女或瘾君子。||4:作为一位事业体面的长者,他仍然更愿意以社会边缘群体为伴:“我认识那些失意者,并认为他们是]比他们走运的兄弟们要好得多的人。” | ||1: Mr Leibowitz, a New York literary editor, is keen to defend Williams against these charges, and focuses instead on the radical aspects of Williams’s work. ||2: Banned in 1952 from being poetry consultant to the Library of Congress for his left-leaning views, Williams wrote poems in which the Rosenbergs appeared next to Geoffrey Chaucer. ||3: As a young doctor just starting out, he had mainly served the Italian, Greek and Polish communities around Rutherford, or attended to bruised prostitutes or addicts at the French Hospital of New York. ||4: As an elderly man with a respected practice, he still preferred the company of the socially marginalised: “I have known the unsuccessful, [and think them] far better persons than their more lucky brothers”. | |
30 | 传言称财政部代理助理部长杰弗里·冈本可能接替这一职位。 | It is floating the name of Geoffrey Okamoto, an acting assistant secretary of the Treasury, as a potential replacement. |