属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙与加泰罗尼亚 马斯观察
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-格鲁吉亚的历史 糟糕的位置
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-身心医学 要相信你的身体很棒
1 | 这家跨国公司用五万美元买下了这家商号,两千美元买下了它的信誉。 | The international corporation paid $50,000 for the firm, and $2,000 for its goodwill . | |
2 | 这商行将连同其商誉一并售出. | The goodwill is to be sold with the business. | |
3 | 只要双方都有充分的善意,这种纠纷是没有理由解决不了的。 | Given sufficient goodwill on both sides, there’s no reason why this dispute shouldn’t be resolved. | |
4 | 质量第一,信誉至上 | Quality and reputation come first (before anything); Goodwill and quality of production come first. | |
5 | 资产负债资产负债表总帐目,表明所有有形资产和无形资产,以及可直接或间接对他人财物提出所有权要求的,以偿付某人或企业的债务,如现金,原料和信誉 | The entries on a balance sheet showing all properties,tangible and intangible,and claims against others that may be applied,directly or indirectly,to cover the liabilities of a person or business,such as cash,stock,and goodwill . | |
6 | 最显著的例子就是商誉、专利和商标等。 | Leading examples are goodwill , patents, and trademarks. | |
7 | 作为基督徒,从根本而言,我们的希望不在于人天然无饰的善意和理性。 | Our hope as Christians is not fundamentally in man’s naked goodwill and rationality | |
8 | ||1:西班牙总理马里亚诺·拉霍伊希望经济增长超过欧洲大部分国家,由于经济复苏可以带来更多工作机会,这将有望遏制独立趋势的蔓延。||2:他的人民党(PP)也已做好准备与 Podemos于5月在诸如马德里和巴伦西亚这样的城市和地区进行激烈对抗。||3: Podemos将于1月31日在马德里举行一场大游行,这也将是这个新党派实力的展示。 | ||1:Spain’s prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, is hoping that economic recovery, with growth outstripping most of the rest of Europe, will create enough jobs and goodwill to stop the independence bandwagon.||2:His Popular Party (PP) is also readying itself for a bruising confrontation with Podemos in cities and regions like Madrid and Valencia in May.||3:A big Podemos march in Madrid on January 31st will be a demonstration of the new party’s muscle. | |
9 | ||1:在该书中,读起来最让人心情愉快的部分与格鲁吉亚的黄金时代有关—格鲁吉亚的黄金时代在1212年左右塔玛皇后执政时期达到顶峰。||2:那时的格鲁吉亚的疆域最大、国力最强、局势最稳。其疆域绵延800英里(1288公里),从现在位于土耳其的特拉布宗一直到里海的海岸。||3:只有在那些比格鲁吉亚大得多的邻国处于衰弱时期,或者对格鲁吉亚态度友好时,格鲁吉亚才得以繁荣。这些邻国有北部的俄罗斯,东南部的波斯以及西部的土耳其。||4:在Rayfield宏大的著作中,格鲁吉亚每次短暂的繁荣和稳定后都是列强的侵略和肆意抢劫。||5:格鲁吉亚人不得不习惯于被外国人统治:但他们常常比统治者更聪明。||6:苏联占领格鲁吉亚初期展开大屠杀和毁灭性的计划经济,但在随后的几十年里格鲁吉亚是苏联最繁荣最适宜居住的地方。||7:19世纪格鲁吉亚被俄国君王统治时也是相似的情形。 | ||1: The most cheerful pages concern Georgia’s golden age—around 1212 at the height of Queen Tamar’s reign. ||2: The country has never since been bigger, stronger or safer, stretching 800 miles (1,288km) from what is now Trabzon in Turkey to the shores of the Caspian sea. ||3: Georgia’s fortunes depend on the weakness or goodwill of its much larger neighbours: Russia to the north, Persia to the south-east, Turkey to the west. ||4: Mr Rayfield’s powerful theme is of brief periods of prosperity and security, ended by invasion, conquest, looting and despoliation. ||5: Georgians have had to get used to rule by outsiders: they often outwit them. ||6: Kremlin rule began with mass murder and ruinous economic planning, but in later decades Georgia was one of the most prosperous and enjoyable places to live in the Soviet Union. ||7: It was a similar story in the 19th century under Russian imperial rule. | |
10 | 此外,他们还随机邀请了一半志愿者到一个注册治疗师开的一系列工作坊中,学习冥想的技巧,旨在让冥想者产生一种善待自己、善待他人的情绪。 | In addition, half the participants, chosen at random, were invited to a series of workshops run by a licensed therapist, to learn a meditation technique intended to engender in the meditator a feeling of goodwill towards both himself and others. |