属类:文学表达-外国名著-Percy Bysshe Shelley
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-马里兰州州议会揭幕反奴隶主义者的雕像
1 | 我们大家涌进了哈丽特那狭小的客厅. | We’d all crowded into Harriet ’s small sitting-room. | |
2 | 现在她真希望自己从来不认识哈里特·史密斯。除了自己想嫁给奈特利先生之外,她还明白,奈特利如和哈里特结合,不但是不相称的婚配,而且也很难带来幸福。 | She now wished she had never seen Harriet Smith. Aside from the fact that she wanted to marry Mr. Knightley herself, she knew a match between him and Harriet would be an unequal one, hardly likely to bring happiness. | |
3 | 雪莱和哈丽艾特的结合完全破裂以后,他就和葛德文的十五岁女儿玛丽私奔了。 | His marriage with Harriet having proved a complete failure, Shelley eloped with Godwin’s 15-year-old daughter Mary. | |
4 | 于是,在哈里特心中,埃尔顿先生的位置开始由奈特利先生所代替。这件事连爱玛都不知道。 | And Harriet , without Emma’s knowledgeH, began to think of him instead of Mr. Elton. | |
5 | 在她年迈之前,哈丽特姑母家中常常大宴宾客。 | Before she grew old, aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly | |
6 | 这件事引起了客人们的欢笑,但哈丽特却着实吓了一跳。 | Though this occasioned great mirth among the guests, aunt Harriet was horrified. | |
7 | 真遗憾,虔诚的人大多是固执的(哈里特·比彻·斯特威)。 | It’s a pity pious folks are so apt to be pigheaded(Harriet Beecher Stowe. | |
8 | 至于哈里特,奈特利先生之所以对她关注,是因为他确实想调查清楚姑娘对他的年轻佃户罗伯特·马丁是否仍有爱心。 | As for Harriet , when Mr. Knightley was paying attention to her, he was really trying to determine the real state of her affections for his young farm tenant. | |
9 | 现在,马里兰州展示了两位著名的反奴隶主义者,或称为废奴主义者的雕像。他们是哈丽特·塔布曼和弗雷德里克·道格拉斯。议员们周一晚上在马里兰州议会大厦举行的仪式上向公众展示了这些雕像。 | Now, the state of Maryland has revealed statues of two famous anti-slavery activists, or abolitionists. They are Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass. Lawmakers presented the statues to the public during a ceremony Monday night in the Maryland State House. | |
10 | “我理解你的意思是什么,尽管我认为这是后来的邓小平所说的话。”Harriet说。 | "I understand what you mean, although I believe it was the late Deng Xiaoping who said that, " said Harriet . | |
11 | 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 | Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’Cabin | |
12 | 10月,玛丽同父异母的姐妹芬尼自杀了。11月,珀西的妻子哈里特也溺水身亡。 | In October Mary’s half sister, Fanny, committed suicide; the next month Percy’s wife, Harriet , drowned herself. | |
13 | 2005年,他支持哈里特•迈尔斯(HarrietMiers)那次灾难性的高等法院提名,并在接受CNN采访时表示法官们已变得太智性了。 | In 2005, while overseeing Harriet Miers’s disastrous nomination to the Supreme Court, he told CNN that justices had become too intellectual. | |
14 | HarrietTubman是当时在场的最老的成员,也是她们的力量和奋斗的化身。 | Harriet Tubman, the oldest member present, was the embodiment of their strength and their struggle. | |
15 | 别把我们两个人算在一块儿,哈丽特。拿我的演奏同她的相比,就如同一盏灯同太阳相比。 | Do not CLASS us together, Harriet . My playing is no more like hers than a lamp is like sunlight. | |
16 | 不管是张三还是李四,都可以登录并向世界广播自己最隐秘的思想。 | Any Tom, Dick or Harriet can log-on and broadcast their inner-most thoughts to the world. | |
17 | 布什先生因提名其白宫随扈哈里特•迈尔斯(HarrietMiers)继任奥康纳的席位而几乎破坏了整个计划。 | Mr Bush almost scuppered the whole project when he nominated a lightweight family retainer, Harriet Miers, to fill Ms O’Connor’s seat. | |
18 | 出于尊重,你要和学生会主席握手。 | Harriet : You shake the hand of the Head Girl out of respect. | |
19 | 妇女和平等部长哈里特·夏雅雯(HarrietHarman)说,此报告显示了对金融业中歧视妇女的关注。 | Harriet Harman, minister for women and equality, said the report shone a spotlight on discrimination against women in the financial sector. | |
20 | 哈莉特在被家属支持部再一次告知她的男朋友现在何处是机密后独身一人呆在家中 | Harriet at home alone as the Family Support Unit once again tells her that her boyfriend’s location is classified. | |
21 | 哈丽特·哈曼(HarrietHarman)(妇女和平等事务大臣)就迫不及待地标榜保守党的税务减免将作为给那些花花公子结婚的奖励。 | Harriet Harman (minister for women and equality) couldn’t wait to brand the Conservatives’ tax break for marriage a reward for philanderers. | |
22 | 哈丽特阿姨时常慷慨地一切准备工作就绪以款待客人.后,会议就开始。增加表示名词复数的词? | After all preparations Aunt Harriet used to were made, our entertain lavishly . meeting will begin . | |
23 | 哈丽特已经完成了她公司的业务处理。 | Harriet had finished the transaction of business in her company. | |
24 | 凯布尔称之为“哈丽雅特法”。 | "Harriet ’s law" , Mr Cable called it. | |
25 | 例如,来自中西部威斯康星州的有机物农场主哈里特.伯哈表示,美国农业部有机食品认证机构对有机工业的发展至关重要。 | Organic farmers, such as Harriet Behar from the midwestern state of Wisconsin, say the USDA organic seal is vital to the organic industry. | |
26 | 其他的民主党人则要求总统的前法律顾问罗夫和哈丽特.迈尔斯向国会作证。 | Other Democrats called for Mr Rove and Harriet Miers, the president’s former counsel, to testify before Congress. | |
27 | 然而,在问到迈耶斯女士的母亲,哈丽特.迈耶斯时,她说她已经开始喜欢这玩意儿了。 | However, in an interview, Ms. Meyers’s mother, Harriet Meyers, said she had come to appreciate the contraption. | |
28 | 事后据称她说“我是哈里特.哈曼,你知道在哪能找到我。” | After the accident she is alleged to have said: "I’m Harriet Harman. You know where you can get hold of me. " | |
29 | 先锋女士的网页仿佛一件来自更健康时代的工艺品——牧场上的奥兹和哈里特。 | The Pioneer Woman is like an artifact from a more wholesome era: Ozzie and Harriet on a ranch. | |
30 | 在动荡的19世纪50年代,HarrietTubman成为了地下铁路的一个著名“售票员”。 | Harriet Tubman became famous as a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad during the turbulent 1850s. |