1 | 就连荷马也有打瞌睡的时候。 | Even Homer sometimes nods. | |
2 | 巨匠也有败笔。 | Even homer sometimes nod. | |
3 | 可是在欧洲最早的文学作品荷马史诗《十年归》(Odyssey)里--”那老头子的秃顶给这个外国字镇住不敢摇动--“据说就有这东西。 | But in the earliest literary work in Europe, Homer ’s Odyssey"-the old man’s bald pate seemed to be overwhelmed by that last foreign word-"there appears what is said to be this very thing | |
4 | 蒙古族史诗《江格尔》与古希腊《荷马史诗》英雄形象比较-以江格尔与阿基琉斯为例 | Comparison of Heroes in Epics of Janger and Homer Epic-Take Janger and Archilles as Examples | |
5 | 你们当献的供物乃是这样,一贺梅珥麦子要献伊法六分之一。一贺梅珥大麦要献伊法六分之一。 | This is the offering you are to give: a sixth of an ephah out of a homer of wheat, and a sixth of an ephah out of a homer of barley; | |
6 | 浅析“荷马史诗”女性观的双层结构 | A Tentative Approach to the Double Layered Structure of Feminist Perspective in Homer ’s Epic | |
7 | 人非圣贤,孰能无过。 | Even Homer sometimes nods. | |
8 | 人家告诉我,格莱斯顿先生如何为消遣而读荷马,我认为他活该如此。 | They told me how Mr. Gladstone read homer for fun, which I though serve him right. | |
9 | 任何凡人都没法与宙斯匹敌(荷马)。 | No mortal could vie with Zeus(Homer . | |
10 | 如《摸索》,描写了以荷马为首的世界各国先哲跟随其共同探索人生真谛的内容。 | For example, the painting Groping depicted Homer and other ancient European philosophers exploring the true meaning of life together. | |
11 | 他不会有荷马笔下的阿基里斯的感觉,宁可“在凡界的穷人家当奴仆”,宁可忍受任何艰难困苦,而不愿重返旧念,重过原来的生活吗? | Would he not feel like "be Homer ’s achilles, that he would far sooner on earth as a hired servant in the house of a landless man" or endure anything rather than go back to his old beliefs and live in the old way? | |
12 | 他对霍默说:"你们美国人喜欢城堡,我的故乡爱丁堡就有一个很大的城堡。 | "You Americans love castles," he says to Homer , "there’s a huge one in Edinburgh, the city where I was born." | |
13 | 他还抛开了那些密尔顿,坦尼逊和白朗尼的诗集,甚至也抛开了荷马的诗集。 | Also he flung aside his books of poems Mition, Tennyson, browning, even Homer | |
14 | 他们又用荷马写史诗的那种音调铿锵的语言交谈了几句话。 | Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which homer makes his gods converse | |
15 | 他曾尝试注释荷马著作的一段文字。 | He had tried to construe a passage from Homer . | |
16 | 特洛伊战争(古希腊人与特洛伊人之战,荷马史诗曾述其事). | The Trojan war,ie between the Greeksand the Trojans,as described by Homer | |
17 | 我便用银子十五舍客勒,大麦一贺梅珥半,买她归我。 | So I got her for myself for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a half of barley; | |
18 | 我常听到有一境域,广阔无垠,智慧的荷马在那里称王, | Oft of one wide expanse had I been told That deep-browed Homer ruled as his demesne | |
19 | 我看到那荷马的长满胡须、节瘤众多的面部雕像感到无比亲切,因为他也是盲人。 | The gnarled, bearded features of Homer are dear to me, for he, too, knew blindness | |
20 | 我们是通过荷马的史诗和海希奥德的诗歌了解古希腊人的法律思想的。 | The legal conceptions of archaic age of the Greeks are known to us through the epic works of Homer and the poetry of Hesiod | |
21 | 我想象着自己有朝一日也能在那座尊奉荷马和莎士比亚为圣的神殿之中占有一席之地。 | I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and Shakespeare are consecrated | |
22 | 我一向自以为能读荷马,并且深信自己有欣赏荷马的能力,但是我曾梦想过荷马忆把他的全部音乐知识传授于我。 | I am wont to think that I can read Homer , and, assuredly, if any man en1joys him, it is I; but can I for a moment dream that Homer yields me all his music | |
23 | 辛梅里安族荷马形容的一个居住在永恒黑暗地区中的虚构的民族 | One of a mythical people described by Homer as inhabiting a land of perpetual darkness. | |
24 | 星状神经节的应用解剖及其与Horner综合征关系的探讨 | The Applied Anatomy of Stellate Ganglion and It’s Relationship with Homer ’s Syndrome | |
25 | 学习希腊文是为了读荷马原著。 | Studying Greek to read Homer in the original | |
26 | 伊法与吧特大小要一样。吧特可盛贺梅珥十分之一,伊法也可盛贺梅珥十分之一,都以贺梅珥的大小为准。 | The ephah and the bath are to be of the same measure, so that the bath is equal to a tenth of a homer , and the ephah to a tenth of a homer: the unit of measure is to be a homer. | |
27 | 有2000多名读者参加了投票,霍默获得了24%的选票。第二名的选择更加明显,就是马丁·辛在连续剧《白宫群英》里扮演的总统乔塞亚·巴特列特。 | Homer got 24 percent of the vote in the poll of more than 2,000 readers. Second place went to the more obvious choice of Josiah Bartlet, the president played by Martin Sheen in "The West Wing." | |
28 | 约翰-辛普森和他的同事们把众多的例句中筛选出在现实生活中最禁得住推敲的句子。 | Simpson (John, not Homer )and his colleagues whittle that list down to the few that seem to have gotten a solid foothold in popular usage. | |
29 | 在荷马的《伊利亚特》史诗里,据说阿芙罗狄蒂是宙斯和狄奥妮--一个泰坦女神--生的女儿。 | In Homer ’s ’Iliad Aphrodite is said to be the daughter of Zeus and Dione, a titan goddess | |
30 | 在那种外表的寂静下就有荷马史诗中那种巨灵的搏斗,密尔顿诗中那种龙蛇的混战,但丁诗中那种幻象的萦绕。 | There, beneath that external silence, battles of giants, like those recorded in Homer , are in progress;skirmishes of dragons and hydras and swarms of phantoms, as in Milton;visionary circles, as in dante |