属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-名利赞 Celebration of the vani
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 城市的黑暗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老旧飞机的金属疲劳 飞行侦查兵
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铜 破碎的联系
1 | 我在1994年所提出的论点不是针对危机即将发生而做的预言,至少我不这么认为。不过,我想你可以从一些迹象中看出亚洲是无法长期维持那样的高速增长。 | The stuff I talked about in 1994 wasn’t a sign of an impending crisis--at least I didn’t think so. But I suppose you could look at the indicators there and say there were signs there that Asia’s growth at that pace was not sustainable. | |
2 | 乌云表明暴风雨即将来临。 | The dark clouds suggest an impending storm. | |
3 | 香港主权在一九九七年七月一日回归中国时,大家都预测这个前英国殖民地,势必失去昔日的个人自由。 | When Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997, the air was full of forecasts of impending doom for the former British colony’s individual freedoms. | |
4 | 许多投资者密切关注公司的行为,并且欣赏公司告诉员工最后决定的做法。 | Many investors closely watch the performance of a company and will appreciate knowing that a company informs its workers about impending terminations. | |
5 | 宣布这个消息。这是对500名员工负责,他们有权利决定留下来还是寻找另外一份工作。 | This is acting responsibly t Announce the impending termination of the 500 employees. This is acting responsibility towards the 500 employees, who have the right to decide whether they will stay or find another job. | |
6 | 宣布最后辞退所有员工的消息,这样员工就可以决定他们是留下来还是寻找另外一份工作,这是一个非常有趣的矛盾说法 | Announcing the impending lay-offs so that employees can decide whether they will stay or find another job presents a most interesting paradox | |
7 | 要将少校即将返回的消息告知朱利安·卡文迪什是有绝对充足的理由的。 | There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major’s impending return. | |
8 | 以上所讨论的7075――T6WOL试样的理论和试验结果都证实:对因疲劳裂纹扩展即将引起的破坏,用间歇验证试验法可以作出早期警报。 | The theoretical and experimental results for the 7075-T6 WOL specimens presented above both show that intermittent proofing provides early warning of impending failure due to the growth of fatigue cracks | |
9 | 有谣传说是快要合并了. | There are rumours of an impending merger. | |
10 | 预兆即将到来的危险或邪恶的恐吓、威胁或迹象 | An intimation,a threat,or a sign of impending danger or evil. | |
11 | 约翰提醒他们迫临的危险。 | John admonished them of the impending peril | |
12 | 战争,虚伪,诈骗,混乱以及迫在眉睫的杀戮充斥了我们日常生活的世界里。 | Wes till do;living in a world in which war,hypocrisy,chicanery,anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives. | |
13 | 直到会计方面提出了利润下降的警告,降低成本的必要性才变得更为突出。 | The need for coat reduction does not become apparent until the accounting system flags a warning of impending profit losses | |
14 | 转移人们对即将来临的弹劾投票的视线 | to divert attention from their impending impeachment vote against him over the Monica Lewinsky scandal | |
15 | ||1:从很多方面来看,《高人一等》古怪透顶。||2:各章节常常跳过几年,丝毫不解释情节进展,除了暗示莫雷夫妇一帆风顺的成功,比如说,事实表明,这家人如今有了私人飞机,一班雇员来为辛西娅支持的慈善事业帮忙填写支票。||3:到末了,不免让人怀疑这对夫妇的巨额财富对两个长大成人的孩子有何影响。||4:不过,这要留给诸位读者想象,猜想眼前发生的金融危机对他们有什么冲击。||5:本书写得清晰明了,当代风俗与对话一览无余,《高人一等》足够有趣,道德上却模棱两可。 | ||1:In many ways, “The Privileges” is an oddity.||2:Chapters often leap ahead by several years without any explanation of what has happened other than hints of the Moreys untroubled progress, for example when it emerges that the family now has a private jet and that staff are employed to help write cheques for the philanthropic causes Cynthia supports.||3:At the end, doubts are raised about the effects of tremendous wealth on the couple’s two grown-up children.||4:But otherwise, it is left to the reader’s imagination to wonder what impact (if any) the impending financial crash will have on the couple.||5:Lucidly written and with a pitch-perfect ear both for contemporary mores and dialogue, “The Privileges” is entertaining—and morally ambiguous. | |
16 | ||1:这本小说的故事开始于2007年12月,一年后结束在雷曼兄弟公司棘手的倒闭之后。||2:这本书讲的是伦敦的狂妄自大与傲慢,书中除了擅长花钱的主角罗杰·扬特外,还挤满了其它众多的人物。||3:每个人物都住在佩皮斯路,或是围绕着佩皮斯路而存在,他们的故事都充满了即将失去的感觉。 | ||1:The novel begins in December 2007 and ends a year later, after the unwieldy collapse of Lehman Brothers.||2:This is a London of swagger and hubris, and the story is cluttered with more characters than Roger Yount, the banker protagonist, knows ways to spend money.||3:Each character lives on Pepys Road or orbits it, and their stories are fraught with a sense of impending loss. | |
17 | 让老旧飞机搁浅的一件事就是飞机铝构造因为金属疲劳产生的故障隐患。 | One thing that does ground old aircraft is the impending failure of their aluminium structure from metal fatigue. | |
18 | 原因在于今年和明年将从蒙古、秘鲁、墨西哥的新建矿场中增加进口许多矿石。 | This stems from the impending extra metal coming this year and next from new mines in places such as Mongolia, Peru and Mexico. | |
19 | 这是总统罗伯特?穆加贝的非洲民族联盟在为即将到来的大选赢得支持的平民主义伎俩。 | another populist ploy by President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party to attract support ahead of impending elections. | |
20 | “达摩克利斯之剑”,一方面标志着即将发生的危险,另一方面,表明权力和职级的不稳定。 | "The sword of Damocles" on one hand signifies the impending danger, and on the other hand, indicates the precariousness of power and rank. | |
21 | Gartman似乎有先见之明。他曾在两周前预警过月亮正向地球靠近。 | Gartman may have been on to something when he warned two weeks ago of the impending approach of the moon to the earth. | |
22 | IMF与世界银行(WorldBank)即将召开的年会将会乐意听到布朗的呼吁,而无疑这也合乎布朗的本意。 | Mr Brown’s call will be well received at the impending annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank, as it was no doubt intended to be. | |
23 | 巴克利先生为即将发生的年龄代的冲突创作了一部小说“好日子”。 | Mr Buckley devoted a novel, "Boomsday" , to the impending war of the generations. | |
24 | 把整个吃下去可导致“肉豆蔻精神病”,会给你濒临死亡,精神错乱,并心情骚动的体会。 | Eating a whole nutmeg can lead to "nutmeg psychosis" which includes feelings of impending doom, confusion, and agitation. | |
25 | 暴风雨来临之前,大家纷纷收拾行装,外出避难。 | People are packing up and driving away ahead of the impending storm. | |
26 | 比如,当Hoodbhoy先生说即将发生大屠杀的时候,不得不说也有夸张的成分。 | And when Mr Hoodbhoy, for example, talks of an impending bloodbath it is still possible to think he exaggerates. | |
27 | 毕竟他也有74岁了,而且必须意识到即将进行的指控其犯罪的审判使得他不太可能履行国家首脑的职责。 | He is, after all, 74 years old, and must realise that his impending trial on vice charges makes it less likely he can become head of state. | |
28 | 不过WOOD说,美国政府的决定对北京来说并不突然,因为中国人已经“数次”被告知了这一迫近的交易。 | But Wood said the U. S. government decision is no surprise to Beijing, as the Chinese were briefed "several" times about the impending deal. | |
29 | 此前,该公司相对较早地看出大宗商品和能源价格即将上涨,并得以转嫁相应的成本。 | The company was able to identify, relatively early, impending commodity and energy price rises and pass them on. | |
30 | 此外,全球约有十分之一的人称自己为2012年即将到来的世界末日而感到恐惧或焦虑。 | About one in 10 people globally also said they were experiencing fear or anxiety about the impending end of the world in 2012. |