1 | 多少世纪以前的盖世英才,如今仍同当年一样,显示着强大的生命力。 | The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago | |
2 | 二十一响皇家礼炮 | A Royal [an Imperial ] salute of 21 guns | |
3 | 法国的经理人是拿破仑似的人物,管理风格傲慢自大。 | French managers are napoleonic and their management style is imperial | |
4 | 福克兰群岛公司是在1851年由维多利亚女王颁发特许证成立的。比起东印度公司和英国南非公司这些帝国时代的庞然大物来,它可以说是小巫见大巫了,然而它却幸存至今。 | Chartered by Queen Victoria in 1851, the Falkland Islands Co. is a miniature, vestigial version of such imperial giants as the East India Co. and the British South Africa Co | |
5 | 富有帝皇气派的顶级空调器--“钻石”。 | "Diamond", a top-grade air conditioner with an imperial manner. | |
6 | 个人独裁的狂妄幻想 | rococo notions of an imperial presidency | |
7 | 工会权力特别大,经常爆发产业冲突,--这就是这种英国病的特有症状。它象征着英国煊赫的帝国盛世已经没落下来。 | The disease, characterized by unusual union power and frequent industrial strife, is symptomatic of Britain’s decline from its height of imperial glory | |
8 | 故宫过去叫紫禁城,是中国最后两个封建王朝----明清两代的皇宫 | The Imperial Palace was originally called Forbidden City. It was the royal palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the last two feudal dynasties in China | |
9 | 故宫建筑精美,气势雄伟,集中体现了中国古代艺术的优秀传统和独特风格 | The grand-looking Imperial Palace is built delicately and gracefully, well representing the excellent tradition and the unique style of China’s ancient architectural art. | |
10 | 故宫是中国古代皇帝的皇宫。 | The Palace Museum is the imperial palace of ancient Chinese emperors. | |
11 | 贵族或皇室的;帝王的 | Royal or imperial ;regal. | |
12 | 国王[王后]陛下。 | His [Her] Imperial Majesty. | |
13 | 红木家具,至尊典雅,帝皇气派。 | Padauk furniture, respectable and elegant, with an imperial air. | |
14 | 皇帝的诏节涉及各个方面的事物。 | Imperial edicts could deal with very varied matters | |
15 | 皇家警卫队向国王宣誓效忠。 | The Imperial Guards presented homage to the king. | |
16 | 吉拜尔中世纪拥护德国皇帝控制意大利的贵族政党成员,反对归尔甫派和教皇派 | A member of the aristocratic political faction who fought during the Middle Ages for German imperial control of Italy,in opposition to the Guelphs and the papacy. | |
17 | 吉米·卡特自己提衣箱,把“红杉号”总统专用游艇也给卖了,还停止演奏在总统出席公共场合时“向元首致敬”的乐曲,而当他发现自己在公众面前这种逐渐退色的形象反而使美国人非常怀念昔日那种总统威严时,已经为期过晚了。 | Jimmy Carter toted his own suit bag, sold the yacht Sequoia, retired "Hail to the Chief" from active duty --and discovered too late that his fadeaway public persona had made America rather miss the Imperial Presidency | |
18 | 家中有百万之富,现领着内帑钱粮,采办杂料. | For they were millionaires, in receipt of an income from the State Treasury as Purveyors for the Imperial Household. | |
19 | 教士效劳于神圣的事物:确立皇权,带来勤勉,带来人性的东西 | The priesthood ministers to things divine: the imperial authority is set over, and shows diligence in, things human | |
20 | 聚酯长丝和短纤维主要是由英国的帝国化学公司和美国的杜邦公司开发研制的。 | The development of polyester filament yarn and staple fiber was mainly undertaken by Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., in England and by E. I. duPont deNemours and Co. in the U.S.A. | |
21 | 军国主义军队或帝王的独裁政权;政治上的专制主义 | Military or imperial dictatorship;political authoritarianism. | |
22 | 开封城,由3道城墙、4条运河、33座桥梁、4条御道纵横交错构成,规模十分宏大,是当时世界上最繁华、最壮丽的都市之一。 | With a triplex city wall, four canals, 33 bridges and four intersecting roads for imperial carriages, Kaifeng, having grown to an enormous size, became one of the most magnificent and flourishing capital cities in the world | |
23 | 夸脱英国度量体系中的一体积或容量单位,用于测量液体和固体,相当于美制液量中的1。201夸脱或美制干量中的1。032夸脱 | A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System,used in liquid and dry measure,equal to1.201U.S.liquid quarts or1.032U.S.dry quarts(1.136liters. | |
24 | 来一桶、来一客、好劲道、巧面馆、小浣熊、小当家、好当家、满汉大餐等品牌的速食面;统一冰红茶、统一冰绿茶、统一乌龙茶、统一绿茶、统一奶茶、统一多果汁、统一喝果汁等品牌的饮料;牛奶e家、小浣熊酸奶等品牌的乳制品。 | Premium Bowl, One More Cup, Imperial Big Meal; for beverages are President Ice Tea, Ice Green Tea, Oolong Tea, Milk Tea, Juicy Fruit; and for diary are Little Raccoon, Milk e-Home and so on. | |
25 | 料丰味美的满汉大餐、日式风味的拉面道、优质的好劲道面条等,满足不同消费者的需求。食品部多年来辛勤耕耘,占台湾速食面市场的50%,为统一企业赢得“速食面王国”的美誉。 | Imperial Big Meals (retort pouch), and Wagamama (Japanese Ramen). With our unceasing efforts, our instant noodle sector holds a 50% market share in Taiwan’s instant noodle market and wins an undisputed title of instant noodle king of Taiwan. | |
26 | 令唐玄宗赞叹不已,认为和在此前不久另一位画家李思训用几个月功夫画成的嘉陵山水一样美妙。 | Emperor Xuanzong continually sighed in admiration at this work, since it was as beautiful as the painting by another imperial painter, Li Sixun, which took several months to finish. | |
27 | 论理该请贵妃赐题才是,然贵妃若不亲睹其景,大约亦必不肯妄拟 | By rights, we should ask the Imperial Consort to do us the h0nour of composing them, but she can hardly do this without having seen the place. | |
28 | 米里哀先生到任以后,人们就照将主教列在仅次于元帅地位的律令所规定的仪节,把他安顿在主教院里。 | On his arrival, M. Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general | |
29 | 摩尼教波斯预言家摩尼所宣扬的一种调和信仰的,二元论的宗教哲学,它综合了拜火教、基督教和诺斯替教的成份,反对罗马帝国政权、新柏拉图哲学家和传统基督教 | The syncretic,dualistic religious philosophy taught by the Persian prophet Manes,combining elements of Zoroastrian,Christian,and Gnostic thought and opposed by the imperial Roman government,Neo-Platonist philosophers,and orthodox Christians. | |
30 | 尼德兰当然是帝国总收入更大的耗费之地。 | The netherlands became, of course, an even greater drain upon general imperial revenues |