属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 行尸走肉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-委内瑞拉 政治宣传改头换面(1)
1 | 土地及水资源不当使用以及未能有效管理废水可使蚊子的孳生地大增,并引起人类疾病及难以忍受的困扰。 | By inadequately managing land and water resources, and failing to solve the problems of liquid waste management, larger, more productive habitats for mosquitoes continue to grow and to cause disease and intolerable annoyance. | |
2 | 我们赞成容忍,但很难容忍不容忍的人,也不可能容忍无法容忍的事情。 | We are in favour of tolerance,but it is a very difficult thing to tolerate the intolerant and impossible to tolerate the intolerable . | |
3 | 我难道不该象圣书教导的那样,把自己完全托付给安拉,把自己从这个不可忍受的负担下彻底解放出来,再也不去教一群废物他们永远也搞不懂的智慧了吗?” | Shall I not as the book ordains. cast myself on the bounty of Allah and free myself forever from the intolerable burden of instructing fools in a wisdom they can never understand?" | |
4 | 我有适度的空闲时间,读书欲望强烈稳定,我选择书籍的品位肯定高出常人;然而多年来,我对那些浩瀚的“人人必读”书目几乎没有什么印象。 | My leisure has been moderate, and yet in 20 years I seem scarcely to have made an impression upon the intolerable multitude of volumes which “everyone is supposed to have read.” | |
5 | 我这人不爱生气,但是这种行为使人忍无可忍! | I am not easily provoked,but this behaviour is intolerable ! | |
6 | 无法忍受的屈辱[热度] | An intolerable humiliation [heat] | |
7 | 无法忍受的热度(侮辱). | intolerable heat (insolence) | |
8 | 牙痛之苦令人无法忍受. | The pain from the toothache was intolerable . | |
9 | 一个伤心的字包含了我的无法忍受的责任――走开! | One drear word comprised my intolerable duty-Depart! | |
10 | 尤其觉得难堪的是知友的逐渐减少和疏远,缺乏交际上的温暖的慰藉。 | The most intolerable of all is the lack of friendly warmth and comfort due to the gradual passing away and estrangement of more and more old pals | |
11 | 由于她生性倔强而且才能出众,虽说人们让她佩戴了一个对女性的心灵来说比烙在该隐额上的印记还要难堪的标志,却无法彻底摒弃她。 | With her native energy of character, and rare capacity, it could not entirely cast her off, although it had set a mark upon her, more intolerable to a woman’s heart than that which branded the brow of Cain. | |
12 | 有某种精神方面的厌倦比饮酒过度所带来的任何光怪陆离的痛苦与恐怖都更加令人难以忍受。 | There was a certain irksomeness of spirit, which was more intolerable than any fantastic miseries and horrors that the abuse of wine could summon up. | |
13 | 在别人看来,这种处境是无法忍受的。可是她却以坚忍不拔的毅力熬过去了。 | To others the situation seemed intolerable ,but with persistence she worried through. | |
14 | 在饥饿折磨实在难忍时,想办法吃些相 | When hunger pangs become intolerable , try and assuage them with a relatively bulky food of low energy-density | |
15 | 在它最坏的状态,就是一个无法忍受的恶魔。 | in its worst state, an intolerable one." | |
16 | 早晨的情绪却很阴沉,令人不可忍受。 | The morning brought an intolerable depression | |
17 | 这个黄毛小儿瞌睡虫似地拖着脚步晃来晃去,还瘫软着身子靠在栏杆上,一点不象样子,便冲着他吼叫起来。 | That intolerable cub shuffled about so sleepily and lolled against the rails in such a slack, improper fashion that I came down on him sharply | |
18 | 这家杂志上的一些文章不堪入目。 | Some articles in the magazine were intolerable to the eye. | |
19 | 这实在是难以忍受的。她本是一个充满热情、容易冲动的人,此时她已使自己坚强起来,以面对用形形色色的侮辱来发泄的公愤的毒刺和利刃 | It was almost intolerable to be borne. Of an impulsive and passionate nature, she had fortified herself to encounter the stings and venomous stabs of public contumely, wreaking itself in every variety of insult; | |
20 | 这项法令给被告加上了无法忍受的负担,并在事实上将作证的责任推到了被告身上,要求被告为其自身的无罪提出不合理的证据。 | it places intolerable burdens on the defence and, in effect, transfers to the accused the onus of proving his innocence beyond a reasonable doubt | |
21 | 这些语言不堪入耳。 | These remarks are intolerable to the ear. | |
22 | 钻孔的噪音让人受不了。 | The noise of the drilling is intolerable . | |
23 | 最初有人认为从低周疲劳性能的角度来说双层或“项链”组织是绝对不行的。 | The initial requirements involved the belief that the presence of a duplex or "necklace" structure was intolerable from a low cycle fatigue aspect | |
24 | ||1:德米特里·杜德科神父开始认识到前苏联大的系统正是国家症结所在。||2:1977年,他向“纽约时报”讲道,说“罪恶的风暴”搅得这个国家天翻地覆。||3:“我们的国家腐败透顶,家庭支离破碎,我们的国家此时就像一个醉汉,卖国贼之间互相叛变。”他没说错。||4:不过,70年代后期国际紧张关系不再处在缓和状态,西方国家不再顾及名声。||5:在脆弱不堪的前苏联领导层面看来,甚至一个单独具有独立思想的神父也成了实实在在并且不能再坐视不管的威胁。||6:异见运动还没孵化就遭到有计划的打击——监禁、流放、强加精神病罪名亦或异见者家人承受着不堪重负的压力。 | ||1: He began to see the Soviet system as the source of his country’s ills. ||2: In 1977 he told the New York Times of the “diabolic storm” that had broken on his country. ||3: “Our nation has become corrupted, the family has fallen apart, the nation has got drunk, traitors have betrayed each other.” That was true. ||4: But by the late 1970s detente was ending. Fame in the West was no protection. ||5: Even a lone independent-minded priest was an existential—and intolerable —threat for the brittle Soviet leadership. ||6: The fledgling dissident movement was systematically crushed—by imprisonment, exile, coercive psychiatry or ferocious pressure on family members. | |
25 | ||1:德米特里杜德科神父开始认识到前苏联大的系统正是国家症结所在。||2:1977年,他向“纽约时报”讲道,说“罪恶的风暴”搅得这个国家天翻地覆。||3:“我们的国家腐败透顶,家庭支离破碎,我们的国家此时就像一个醉汉,卖国贼之间互相叛变。”他没说错。||4:不过,70年代后期国际紧张关系不再处在缓和状态,西方国家不再顾及名声。||5:在脆弱不堪的前苏联领导层面看来,甚至一个单独具有独立思想的神父也成了实实在在并且不能再坐视不管的威胁。||6:异见运动还没孵化就遭到有计划的打击——监禁、流放、强加精神病罪名亦或异见者家人承受着不堪重负的压力。 | ||1: He began to see the Soviet system as the source of his country’s ills. ||2: In 1977 he told the New York Times of the “diabolic storm” that had broken on his country. ||3: “Our nation has become corrupted, the family has fallen apart, the nation has got drunk, traitors have betrayed each other.” That was true. ||4: But by the late 1970s detente was ending. Fame in the West was no protection. ||5: Even a lone independent-minded priest was an existential—and intolerable —threat for the brittle Soviet leadership. ||6: The fledgling dissident movement was systematically crushed—by imprisonment, exile, coercive psychiatry or ferocious pressure on family members. | |
26 | ||1:这种两极分化是梅遗留下来的问题,也将困扰她的继任者。||2:大约三年前,公投结束后,许多脱欧派人士可能已经接受了一项协议,即英国退出单一市场,结束自由流动,唯一的纽带是暂时加入关税同盟。||3:现在大多数人认为这样的结果是一种无法容忍的背叛(更不用说他们中的一些人似乎仍然不确定关税同盟到底是什么)。 | ||1:This polarisation is Mrs May’s legacy—and it will bedevil her successor.||2:In the aftermath of the referendum, nearly three years ago, many Brexiteers might have accepted a deal in which Britain left the single market and ended free movement, with temporary membership of the customs union as the only tie.||3:Most now see such an outcome as an intolerable betrayal (never mind that some of them still seem unsure what a customs union actually is). | |
27 | 畸形的市场越发难以忍受 | A distorted market is becoming even more intolerable | |
28 | 由于政府的不作为,使得食物和药品短缺的情况变得非常严重,犯罪率可能居于世界首位,民主的火苗也熄灭了,这一系列的事情,导致委内瑞拉的抗议游行持续不断。 | The protests persist because the government has made life intolerable : shortages of food and medicine are acute, the murder rate is probably the world’s highest and democracy has been extinguished. | |
29 | “啊,我要看看我的备忘录,不然我不记得准确的日子,”克里克回答说,说话里同样带着叫人无法忍受的漠不关心。 | ’Well, I can’t mind the exact day without looking at my memorandum-book, ’ replied Crick, with the same intolerable unconcern. | |
30 | “我受不了了!”艾布呐喊着奔上甲板,又从甲板飞快回到特等客舱。 | "This is intolerable ! " Abner cried, storming onto the deck, from which he speedily returned to the stateroom. |