1 | “我认为一个爱尔兰人一定会这么想的。 | An Irishman must think like that, I daresay | |
2 | “我是非常了解你的,”这位爱尔兰人微笑着说道,带着一种悦耳的土腔。 | "I know of you well enough," smiled the Irishman , with a soft brogue | |
3 | 爱尔兰人等急了,又来封信,们如果价钱嫌贵,可以从长商议,本人素爱中国,办教育的人尤其不愿牟利。 | The Irishman meanwhile grew impatient and sent off another letter stating that if Fang found the price too high, the price could be negotiated.He himself had always loved China, and as an educator, he was particularly averse to profit-seeking | |
4 | 方鸿渐盘算一下,想爱尔兰人无疑在捣鬼,自己买张假文凭回去哄人,岂非也成了骗子? | Fang mulled it over for a while, suspecting that the irishman was undoubtedly up to tricks.If he bought a bogus diploma and went back to dupe other people with it, wouldn’t he himself be a fraud? | |
5 | 亨特先生去年被降级了 | Mr. Hunt was given an Irishman ’s promotion last year. | |
6 | 还有查理·梅,他是个爱尔兰人,他写些关于星辰的科学著作。还有一位也是作家,他叫韩蒙。他们都和克利福年纪相仿,都是当时的青年知识分子。 | There was Charles May, an Irishman , who wrote scientifically about stars. There was Hammond, another writer. All were about the same age as Clifford; the young intellectuals of the day. | |
7 | 她想,也许,那得要一个外国人:不是英国人,更不是爱尔兰人,得要一个真正的外国人 | She had an idea that he would have to be a foreigner: not an Englishman, still less an Irishman . A real foreigner. | |
8 | 美国海军武官乔伊斯是个老于世故的,乐呵呵的爱尔兰人,他请帕米拉跳舞。 | Captain Joyce, the American naval attache, a jolly Irishman with a knowing eye, asked Pamela to dance | |
9 | 那个带着移民局证章的大个子爱尔兰人瞧着他。 | The big irishman with the Immigration badge looked at him | |
10 | 那年冬天,蔑克里斯来这儿住了几天,他是个年轻的爱尔兰人,他写的剧本在美国上演,赚过一笔大钱。曾经有一个时候,他受过伦敦时髦社会很热烈的欢迎;因为他所写的都是时髦社会的剧本。 | That winter Michaelis came for a few days. He was a young Irishman who had already made a large fortune by his plays in America. He had been taken up quite enthusiastically for a time by smart society in London, for he wrote smart society plays. | |
11 | 那位爱尔兰人,我听说他是那里人,看到这块肥肉,简直疯了,总之,他向我求婚,送我许多礼物。 | The irishman , for such I understood him to be, was stark mad at this bait, in short, he courted me, made me presents | |
12 | 你们一听爱尔兰人或者约克郡人的土音,就能辨别出他是哪里的人。 | You can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue | |
13 | 他是个短小精干的爱尔兰人,非常自负,丑得象只猴子。 | He was a dapper little Irishman , very vain, homely as a monkey | |
14 | 他知道自己身为一个爱尔兰人,尽管为人精明,既没有门第又没有财产,毫无可取之处,居然赢得沿海地区一户最富有、最体面的世家的千金青睐,这无异是个奇迹。 | Shrewd man that he was, he knew that it was no less than a miracle that he, an Irishman with nothing of family and wealth to recommend him, should win the daughter of one of the wealthiest and proudest families on the coast. | |
15 | 他住的那间公寓房间现在租给一个爱尔兰人,具有爱尔兰人的不负责、爱尔兰人的急智、还有爱尔兰人的穷。 | The apartment he had lived in was now rented to an irishman , with all the Irish irresponsibility, quick wit, and poverty | |
16 | 我没有人可以商量,没有人与我一起逃跑。我孤身一人形单影只,周围没有其他奴隶,也没有英格兰人、爱尔兰人或苏格兰人。 | Nothing presented to make the supposition of it rational; for I had no body to communicate it to, that would embark with me; no fellow-slave, no Englishman, Irishman , or Scotsman there but my self | |
17 | 我以为全是那爱尔兰人捣的鬼。” | I thought it was all the work of that irishman ." | |
18 | 相传爱尔人的不动产(IrIshfortune)是奶和屁股;这位是个萧伯纳式既高且瘦的男人,那两项财产的分量又得打折扣。 | It is said that an Irishman ’s fortune consists of his two breasts and two buttocks, but this one, being a tall, thin Bernard Shaw-type of man, did not have much breast or buttocks | |
19 | 想来我更像那些爱尔兰人,一看见有人群聚集,便打发小女出去打听是否在吵架,“若真是这样,爸爸倒要去凑凑热闹。” | I think I more resemble the Irishman , who, seeing a crowd collecting, sent his little girl out to ask if there was going to be a row-‘ Cos, if so, father would like to be in it. " | |
20 | 英格兰人只有在受苦时才幸福,苏格兰人只有在他乡时才舒适,爱尔兰人只有 在打架时才安宁。 | An Englishman is never happy but when he is miserable, a Scotchman never at home but when he is abroad, and an Irishman never at peace but when he is fighting. | |
21 | 有一个叫杰克的爱尔兰人,因为他对钱特别吝啬,就不允许他进入天堂, | One story about Jack, an irishman , who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money | |
22 | 自从唐小姐把文凭的事向他质问以后,他不肯再想起自己跟爱尔兰人那一番交涉,他牢记着要忘掉这事。 | Ever since the time Miss T’ang had interrogated him about buying diploma, he had refused to think about his negotiations with the Irishman .He kept it firmly in mind that he was going to forget the whole matter | |
23 | 爱尔兰人名义上讨厌英国人,但是我没见哪个爱尔兰人真正讨厌英国人。 | They nominally dislike the English, but I have yet to meet an Irishman who really loathes the English. | |
24 | 多伦多警方日前以涉嫌重婚罪,逮捕了一名至少拥有14个妻子的爱尔兰裔男子(见图)。 | Toronto Police have arrested a 71-year-old Irishman (see photo) - who has had at least 14 wives - on suspicion of bigamy. | |
25 | 弗格森总是不吝惜对他的赞扬,并将他排在菲尔·琼斯之前,这显示了教练对爱尔兰人的充分信任。 | Ferguson loves to talk him up and his selection, ahead of Phil Jones, suggests a manager who has full trust in the Irishman . | |
26 | 工业巨头联合利华总裁爱尔兰人尼尔·菲茨杰拉德预言英国会因为留在欧盟之外而经济闭塞。 | Irishman Niall Fitzgerald, chairman of the industrial giant Unilever, forecast British economic obliteration outside the euro. | |
27 | 即使是博学的爱尔兰人,也弄不明白欧盟这个机制是怎么运转的。 | The workings of the EU remain mysterious even to an informed Irishman . | |
28 | 她也知道,凭他的爱尔兰人对悲剧和敏感性,他已感觉出一些这种空虚。 | And with his Irishman ’s sense of the tragic, she also knew he felt something about such emptiness. | |
29 | 你听没听过那个关于英格兰人、爱尔兰人和苏格兰人的笑话? | Have you heard the one about the Englishman, the Irishman and the Scotsman? | |
30 | 他是个利物浦的爱尔兰人,有些人说,他们说起话来像苏格兰人,但在我听来,他的口音更像是布鲁克林的居民。 | He’s a Liverpool Irishman ; they talk like Scots, some say, but they sound like Brooklyn to me. |