属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-游击战的历史 以弱胜强之道
1 | 从比较学角度浅论中国伊斯兰教之特色 | An Elementary Introduction to the Characteristics of Chinese Islamism from the Comparative Angle | |
2 | 东南亚的伊斯兰教:现状与特点 | Islamism in Southeast Asia: Status Quo and Characteristics | |
3 | 回教; 伊斯兰教 | Islam ; Islamism ; Mohammedanism | |
4 | 试论朱元璋对伊斯兰教的态度及其政治影响 | On Zhu Yuanzhang’s Attitude towards Islamism and Its Political Influence | |
5 | 外国的佛教、伊斯兰教、基督教在不同的时期传入中国,中国是一个具有包容性的国家,这些宗教在中国没有被禁止,相反却和中国文化融合在一起。 | China is a tolerant country. Buddhism, Islamism and Christianity were spread to China at different times, which, instead of being banned, had been integrated with the Chinese culture. | |
6 | 1:Boot先生仔细观察了非正规部队对20世纪两次世界大战的影响;毛泽东那部给起义理论做出贡献的有开创性的著作《论游击战》,这是他从中国内战中收获的经验,不同于逐渐衰落的英法帝国处理叛乱事件;上世纪60年代激进派时髦的革命和极端伊斯兰分子的叛乱。 | 1:In the 20th century Mr Boot examines the impact of irregular forces in the two world wars; the contribution to insurgent theory of Mao Zedong’s seminal work On Guerrilla Warfare, gleaned from his experiences in the Chinese civil war; the very different French and British responses to rebellions against their fading empires;|| the radical chic revolutionaries of the 1960s and the rise of radical Islamism .|| | |
7 | “伊斯兰教”批评家(包括一些穆斯林)认为信徒应该以个体公民而非群体组织的方式行事。 | Critics of "Islamism " (including some Muslims) say believers should act as individual citizens, not as a group. | |
8 | 1992年,著名的新闻记者、伊斯兰主义批评者法拉杰•福达(FaragFoda)惨遭枪杀。 | In 1992, Farag Foda, a well-known journalist and critic of Islamism , was gunned down. | |
9 | 阿拉伯世界的凝聚力的核心是阿拉伯语和伊斯兰教。 | The core of the agglomeration of the Arabian world is the Arabic language and the Islamism . | |
10 | 奥巴马警告暴力的伊斯兰主义还是非常危险的一股力量。 | Mr Obama has been careful to warn that violent Islamism is still a dangerous force. | |
11 | 奥萨马﹒本﹒拉登之死对伊斯兰教激进派未来的方向和领导意味着什么? | What does the death of Osama bin Laden mean for the future direction and leadership of militant Islamism ? | |
12 | 暴力伊斯兰主义转变了美国对世界的看法,也转变了世界对美国的看法。 | Violent Islamism transformed America’s view of the world, and the world’s view of America. | |
13 | 但是土耳其的例子表明,伊斯兰主义可以融合进多元的世俗秩序。 | But the example of Turkey suggests Islamism can be synthesised into a pluralist and secular order. | |
14 | 当军队也称觉察到正发党在滑向伊斯兰主义,并威胁要干涉时,危机升级了。 | Tensions grew sharply after the army, claiming to detect a dangerous slide to Islamism , threatened to intervene. | |
15 | 卡梅隆将英国带入与激进伊斯兰主义竞争的价值较量。 | Mr Cameron has committed Britain to a national contest of values with radical Islamism . | |
16 | 抗议运动既增加了长期沉默的阿拉伯中产阶级的权利,也释放了伊斯兰主义的潜力。 | Just as the protests have empowered a long-quiescent Arab middle class, so they have released the potential of Islamism | |
17 | 美国与好战的伊斯兰教展开了较量,并发起了“反恐战争”,一直持续至今。 | The US launched into a struggle with militant Islamism and a "war on terror" that continue to this day. | |
18 | 孟加拉虽面对军人干政与伊斯兰主义的困扰,但发展前景明朗。 | Bangladesh has emerged in a promising way from the challenges of militarism and Islamism . | |
19 | 其内容涵盖了从伊斯兰主义的威胁到左派人士积极推动的相关事业,比如男女平等和性取向自由等问题。 | This spoke of a threat from Islamism to causes that leftists hold dear, such as equality between sexes and sexual orientations. | |
20 | 然而还是有持续上升的担心在大量的穆斯林聚集区内伊斯兰教强硬路线的传播。 | Yet there are growing worries about the spread of hard-line Islamism in the heavily Muslim banlieues. | |
21 | 然而有一个众所周知的事实是它加入了像反犹太,唯心论和反美主义。 | However, it is a well-known fact that it is laced with themes like Anti-Semitism, Islamism and anti-Americanism. | |
22 | 如今我们明白了伊斯兰教只是个幻象,它在这些起义中未扮演角色,完全被起义的光芒盖过。 | Now we see that it was an illusion. Islamism was completely eclipsed by these revolts in which it played no part. | |
23 | 他在叙利亚见到的愤怒的,不愿进行反思的伊斯兰主义仅仅是这个国家多元文化的一个侧面,而且决不是最显著的部分。 | The angry, unreflective Islamism he meets in Syria is only one aspect of the country’s multicultural life, and by no means the most obvious. | |
24 | 土耳其伊斯兰教另一个特点是和葛兰(Gulen)运动紧密联系的繁荣的商业数目。 | Another feature of Turkish Islamism is the number of thriving businesses with ties to the Gulen movement. | |
25 | 威权对伊斯兰教徒来说不是最好的答案。 | Authoritarianism is not the best answer to Islamism . | |
26 | 西夏时期伊斯兰教在西北传播及发展初探 | A Probe into the Islamism in the West Xia Dynasty and Its Dissemination and Development in the Northwest China | |
27 | 现在安德斯·布雷维克唤醒了马克思主义,多元文化和伊斯兰文化的核心,共同殖民欧洲。 | Now Anders Breivik has invoked the improbable axis of Marxism, multiculturalism and Islamism , together colonising Europe. | |
28 | 伊斯兰教是众多团体中的一员,它有权存在,但必须在尊重民主法规的情况下。 | Islamism is one movement among many others. It has the right to exist, but within the rules and laws of democratic respect. | |
29 | 伊斯兰主义同“普什图瓦里”竞争了数个世纪,并常常更为突出,例如在当前的战争时期。 | Islamism has rivalled Pushtunwali for centuries; it has often gained prominence, as currently, in time of war. | |
30 | 由于法国人致力于打压位于巴黎城外的夏尔·戴高乐(CharlesdeGaulle)国际机场的伊斯兰教,也引发了类似的情绪。 | Similar emotions have been triggered by French efforts to crack down on Islamism at Charles de Gaulle airport, outside Paris. |