1 | 两个孩子渐渐长大,以扫善于打猎,常在田野。雅各为人安静,常住在帐棚里。 | and the boys came to full growth; and Esau became a man of the open country, an expert bowman; but Jacob was a quiet man, living in tents. | |
2 | 噢,那是我的孩子雅各布,他和你爹是把兄弟。 | Why, my boy jacob and your father were sworn brothers | |
3 | 神应允了利亚,她就怀孕,给雅各生了第五个儿子。 | and God gave ear to her and she became with child, and gave Jacob a fifth son. | |
4 | 圣约瑟《圣经·新约》中耶稣母亲玛利亚的丈夫 | In the Old Testament,the older son of Jacob and Rachel and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel. | |
5 | 随后又生了以扫的兄弟,手抓住以扫的脚跟,因此给他起名叫雅各(雅各就是抓住的意思)。利百加生下两个儿子的时候,以撒年正六十岁。 | and after him, his brother came out, gripping Esau’s foot; and he was named Jacob : Isaac was sixty years old when she gave birth to them. | |
6 | 他们相识了!在随后的两周里,母亲抱着雅各布,逗他、冲着他笑;两周来,母亲同父亲、同儿孙辈谈话,说的都是完整的句子。在这充满奇迹的两周里,母亲给我们带来了欢乐。 | They knew.For two more weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held Jacob . For two weeks she spoke to my father, her children and grandchildren in complete sentences. For two miracle weeks, she gave us joy. | |
7 | 我带着孩子雅各布回到家里时,母亲正坐在椅子上,梳妆完毕准备迎接孩子的到来。我把孩子放在母亲的怀里时,喜悦的泪水阻挡了我的视线。母亲逗着他,他们相互看着对方。 | By the time I brought Jacob home, Mom was sittingin her chair, dressed and ready to welcome him. Tears of joy blocked my vision as I laid my son in her armsand she clucked at him. They stared at each other. | |
8 | 我偶然在电影院遇到了雅各布。 | I met JacoB by accident in the cinema. | |
9 | 我手中原有能力害你,只是你父亲的神昨夜对我说,你要小心,不可与雅各说好说歹。 | It is in my power to do you damage: but the God of your father came to me this night, saying, Take care that you say nothing good or bad to Jacob . | |
10 | 现在化学符号则表示化学中物质的原子理论的系统性。道耳吞曾在炼金术士用图表示元素的基础上,进一步用符号表示单个的原子(不表示数量)。贝采利乌斯根据元素的拉丁文名称命名了许多元素。 | The present symbols express the system set out by the atomic theory of matter. John Dalton first used symbols to designate single atoms of elements, not indefinite amounts, and Jons Jacob Berzelius gave many of the current names. C | |
11 | 信仰真主的先知和使者:穆斯林信仰真主的先知和使者,源自亚当(Adam),包括诺亚(Noah)、亚伯拉罕(ABraham)、以实玛利(Ishmael)、以撒(Isaac)、雅各(JacoB)、摩西(Moses)及耶稣(Jesus)(主张和平)。 | Belief in the Prophets and Messengers of God: Muslims believe in the prophets and messengers of God, starting with Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob , Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them). | |
12 | 雅各爱拉结,就说,我愿为你小女儿拉结服事你七年。 | and Jacob was in love with Rachel; and he said, I will be your servant seven years for Rachel, your younger daughter. | |
13 | 雅各把他埋葬在俯瞰大河的悬崖上,坟墓面向西方。 | jacob buried him on a bluff overlooking the river and faced the grave to the west | |
14 | 雅各把羊羔分出来,使拉班的羊与这有纹和黑色的羊相对,把自己的羊另放一处,不叫他和拉班的羊混杂。 | These lambs Jacob kept separate; and he put his flock in a place by themselves and not with Laban’s flock. | |
15 | 雅各布将只得悲切忏悔地到他妻子那儿去,为他前几天的行为道歉。 | Jacob will have to go to his wife in sackcloth and ashes and apologize for his behaviour the other day. | |
16 | 雅各布已抛弃了安妮 | Jacob has given Annie a Brush. | |
17 | 雅各布早该回家了 | It is time Jacob went home. | |
18 | 雅各出了别是巴,向哈兰走去。 | So Jacob went out from Beer-sheba to go to Haran. | |
19 | 雅各对拉班说,日期已经满了,求你把我的妻子给我,我好与她同房。 | Then Jacob said to Laban, Give me my wife so that I may have her, for the days are ended. | |
20 | 雅各对牧人说,弟兄们,你们是哪里来的,他们说,我们是哈兰来的。 | Then Jacob said to the herdmen, My brothers, where do you come from? and they said, From Haran. | |
21 | 雅各对他父亲说,我是你的长子以扫。我已照你所吩咐我的行了。请起来坐着,吃我的野味,好给我祝福。 | and Jacob said, I am Esau, your oldest son; I have done as you said: come now, be seated and take of my meat, so that you may give me a blessing. | |
22 | 雅各对他母亲利百加说,我哥哥以扫浑身是有毛的,我身上是光滑的。 | and Jacob said to Rebekah, his mother, But Esau my brother is covered with hair, while I am smooth: | |
23 | 雅各对他说,我怎样服事你,你的牲畜在我手里怎样,是你知道的。 | Then Jacob said, You have seen what I have done for you, and how your cattle have done well under my care. | |
24 | 雅各告诉拉结,自己是她父亲的外甥,是利百加的儿子,拉结就跑去告诉她父亲。 | and Rachel, hearing from Jacob that he was her father’s relation and that he was the son of Rebekah, went running to give her father news of it. | |
25 | 雅各回答拉班说,恐怕你把你的女儿从我夺去,所以我逃跑。 | and Jacob , in answer, said to Laban, My fear was that you might take your daughters from me by force. | |
26 | 雅各见拉班的气色向他不如从前了。 | and Jacob saw that Laban’s feeling for him was no longer what it had been before. | |
27 | 雅各就挨近他父亲以撒。以撒摸着他,说,声音是雅各的声音,手却是以扫的手。 | and Jacob went near his father Isaac: and he put his hands on him; and he said, The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau. | |
28 | 雅各就如此行。满了利亚的七日,拉班便将女儿拉结给雅各为妻。 | and Jacob did so; and when the week was ended, Laban gave him his daughter Rachel for his wife. | |
29 | 雅各就为拉结服事了七年。他因为深爱拉结,就看这七年如同几天。 | and Jacob did seven years’ work for Rachel; and because of his love for her it seemed to him only a very little time. | |
30 | 雅各看见母舅拉班的女儿拉结和母舅拉班的羊群,就上前把石头转离井口,饮他母舅拉班的羊群。 | Then when Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of Laban, his mother’s brother, coming with Laban’s sheep, he came near, and rolling the stone away from the mouth of the hole, he got water for Laban’s flock. |