属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 6029-1996
1 | 雅各起行,到了东方人之地, | Then Jacob went on his journey till he came to the land of the children of the East. | |
2 | 雅各清早起来,把所枕的石头立作柱子,浇油在上面。 | and early in the morning Jacob took the stone which had been under his head, and put it up as a pillar and put oil on it. | |
3 | 雅各扔碗,这说明他发疯了,因为神志清醒的人是不会这么干的。 | jacob ’s flinging the bowl proved that he was mad, for a sane man would not have done so | |
4 | 雅各睡醒了,说,耶和华真在这里,我竟不知道。 | and Jacob , awaking from his sleep, said, Truly, the Lord is in this place and I was not conscious of it. | |
5 | 雅各说,你今日把长子的名分卖给我吧。 | and Jacob said, First of all give me your birthright. | |
6 | 雅各说,你今日对我起誓吧。以扫就对他起了誓,把长子的名分卖给雅各。 | and Jacob said, First of all give me your oath; and he gave him his oath, handing over his birthright to Jacob. | |
7 | 雅各说,日头还高,不是羊群聚集的时候,你们不如饮羊,再去放一放。 | Then Jacob said, The sun is still high and it is not time to get the cattle together: get water for the sheep and go and give them their food. | |
8 | 雅各抬起头来,看见光线渐暗,黄昏来临了。 | jacob lifted his head and he saw that the light had declined and the evening was upon him | |
9 | 雅各听见拉班的儿子们有话说,雅各把我们父亲所有的都夺了去,并借着我们父亲的,得了这一切的荣耀(荣耀或作财)。 | Now it came to the ears of Jacob that Laban’s sons were saying, Jacob has taken away all our father’s property, and in this way he has got all this wealth. | |
10 | 雅各向拉结生气,说,叫你不生育的是神,我岂能代替他作主呢? | But Jacob was angry with Rachel, and said, am I in the place of God, who has kept your body from having fruit? | |
11 | 雅各许愿说,神若与我同在,在我所行的路上保佑我,又给我食物吃,衣服穿, | Then Jacob took an oath, and said, If God will be with me, and keep me safe on my journey, and give me food and clothing to put on, | |
12 | 雅各也与拉结同房,并且爱拉结胜似爱利亚,于是又服事了拉班七年。 | Then Jacob took Rachel as his wife, and his love for her was greater than his love for Leah; and he went on working for Laban for another seven years. | |
13 | 雅各与拉结亲嘴,就放声而哭。 | and weeping for joy, Jacob gave Rachel a kiss. | |
14 | 亚格布a.理斯是纽约一位警方记者,他采用照相来补充文字报道,这种方法被称作记录法。 | Jacob a. Riis, a police reporter in N.Y. city turned to photography to supplement his written reports, this use of photography came to be called documentary, | |
15 | 耶和华对雅各说,你要回你祖,你父之地,到你亲族那里去,我必与你同在。 | Then the Lord said to Jacob , Go back to the land of your fathers, and to your relations, and I will be with you. | |
16 | 以撒爱以扫,因为常吃他的野味。利百加却爱雅各。 | Now Isaac’s love was for Esau, because Esau’s meat was greatly to his taste: but Rebekah had more love for Jacob . | |
17 | 以撒打发雅各走了,他就往巴旦亚兰去,到亚兰人彼土利的儿子拉班那里。拉班是雅各,以扫的母舅。 | So Isaac sent Jacob away: and he went to Paddan-aram, to Laban, son of Bethuel the aramaean, the brother of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau. | |
18 | 以撒叫了雅各来,给他祝福,并嘱咐他说,你不要娶迦南的女子为妻。 | Then Isaac sent for Jacob , and blessing him, said, Do not take a wife from among the women of Canaan; | |
19 | 以撒为雅各祝福已毕,雅各从他父亲那里才出来,他哥哥以扫正打猎回来, | and when Isaac had come to the end of blessing Jacob , and Jacob had not long gone away from Isaac his father, Esau came in from the field. | |
20 | 以扫对雅各说,我累昏了,求你把这红汤给我喝。因此以扫又叫以东(以东就是红的意思)。 | and Esau said to Jacob , Give me a full meal of that red soup, for I am overcome with need for food: for this reason he was named Edom. | |
21 | 以扫见以撒已经给雅各祝福,而且打发他往巴旦亚兰去,在那里娶妻,并见祝福的时候嘱咐他说,不要娶迦南的女子为妻, | So when Esau saw that Isaac had given Jacob his blessing, and sent him away to Paddan-aram to get a wife for himself there, blessing him and saying to him, Do not take a wife from among the women of Canaan; | |
22 | 以扫说,他名雅各,岂不是正对吗?因为他欺骗了我两次。他从前夺了我长子的名分,你看,他现在又夺了我的福分。以扫又说,你没有留下为我可祝的福吗? | and he said, Is it because he is named Jacob that he has twice taken my place? for he took away my birthright, and now he has taken away my blessing. and he said, Have you not kept a blessing for me? | |
23 | 以扫因他父亲给雅各祝的福,就怨恨雅各,心里说,为我父亲居丧的日子近了,到那时候,我要杀我的兄弟雅各。 | So Esau was full of hate for Jacob because of his father’s blessing; and he said in his heart, The days of weeping for my father are near; then I will put my brother Jacob to death. | |
24 | 以扫在《旧约》中是艾萨克和卢贝卡的长子,曾只为了一些浓汤把他的长子名份让给了他的孪生兄弟雅各 | In the Old Testament,the eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his twin brother,Jacob ,for a mess of pottage. | |
25 | 用Hantash-Jacob方法测定微量储存的渗漏禁闭床中禁闭蓄水层水压特性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method (Analytical Procedure)for Determining hydraulic Properties of a Confined Aquifer and a Leaky Confining Bed with Negligible Storage by the Hantush-Jacob Method | |
26 | 用割离井公式反求水文地质参数的直线图解法 | The Flow Jacob Linear Graphic Method of Converse Calculating the Hydrogeology Parameters with the isolated-well Formulas | |
27 | 犹大《圣经·旧约》中雅各和利亚的儿子,一支犹太部落的祖先 | In the Old Testament,a son of Jacob and Leah and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel. | |
28 | 有人把利百加大儿子以扫的话告诉利百加,她就打发人去,叫了她小儿子雅各来,对他说,你哥哥以扫想要杀你,报仇雪恨。 | Then Rebekah, hearing what Esau had said, sent for Jacob , her younger son, and said to him, It seems that your brother Esau is purposing to put you to death. | |
29 | 有一天,雅各熬汤,以扫从田野回来累昏了。 | and one day Jacob was cooking some soup when Esau came in from the fields in great need of food; | |
30 | 又见雅各听从父母的话往巴旦亚兰去了, | and that Jacob had done as his father and mother said and had gone to Paddan-aram; |