属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-拜登宣布新政府外交和安全人事任命
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-拜登维持驻德美军规模,停止支持沙特对也门战争
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
1 | 小猫的眼睛严重感染,它可能看不见它在哪儿,也看不见它所面临的危险。但是,杰克只是看看小猫,瞧瞧我,再看看小猫。 | The kitten had badly infected eyes,and it probably couldn’t see where it was or what was looming over it. But Jake just looked at the little creature, then looked up at me, and then back at the kitten. | |
2 | 一个月过去了,杰克依然活着,证明兽医的诊断有误。 | A month passed as Jake proved the doctor wrong. | |
3 | 一天,我们去庇护所,原想给我们家一只像马撒那样的粗毛母狗,却发现了短毛公狗杰克。它在吠叫的狗群中高傲、平静地蹲着。 | One day we went to the shelter searching for a shaggy-haired female (like Martha)to bring into our home. Instead, we found Jake , a short-haired male, sitting tall, proud and silent in the middle of all that barking. | |
4 | 以后的6年里,我有幸有杰克为伴。我感激与它相处的每一秒钟。 | For the next six years, I was blessed with Jake ’s company, and I’m grateful for every second. | |
5 | 与此同时,我的目光落在杰克身上。它平静地注视着发生在它身旁的事。 | At the same moment, my eyes fell on jake , calmly observing everything going on around him | |
6 | 与此同时,我的目光落在杰克身上。它平静地注视着发生在它身旁的事。没有流口水,也没有气喘吁吁,它好像显得并不烦乱,也不焦急。 | At the same moment, my eyes fell on Jake , calmly observing everything going on around him.There was no drooling, no panting, he didn’t seem upset or anxious. | |
7 | 在那次小猫事件一年后,我往外朝露天平台上看,只见杰克正竖着耳朵,歪着脑袋,凝视着地面。 | A year after the kitty experience, I looked outside onto the deck and saw jake with his ears up and his head cocked sideways, staring at the ground | |
8 | 在那次小猫事件一年后,我往外朝露天平台上看,只见杰克正竖着耳朵,歪着脑袋,凝视着地面。它脚旁一只小小的猫纹丝不动地蹲着。 | A year after the kitty experience, I looked outside onto the deck and saw Jake with his ears up and his head cocked sideways, staring at the ground. There at his feet was a tiny kitten, sitting very still. | |
9 | 这时,杰克对5只小猫仔披心相见并收养它们为自己的儿女。 | That’s when Jake opened his heart to the five little kittens and adopted them as his own. | |
10 | 正当我为毕业做准备时,jake向我介绍了一份在台中的教书工作,我在东方的事业就此开始。 | As I was preparing for graduation, jake recommended a teaching job in Taichung and my career in the East began | |
11 | 被提名的6人包括安东尼奥·布林肯担任新政府的国务卿,杰克·沙利文担任国家安全顾问。拜登还任命艾薇儿·海恩斯担任国家情报总监。她将成为首位担任该职位的女性。前国务卿约翰·克里是另一位被提名的前奥巴马政府官员。 | ||The six named included Antony Blinken to be secretary of state for the incoming administration and Jake Sullivan as National Security Adviser.|| Biden also named Avril Haines to serve as director of national intelligence. She would be the first woman to hold that position. Former Secretary of State John Kerry was another former Obama officials named. | |
12 | 美国国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文表示,美国停止对沙特进攻的支持不会影响到美国对总部在也门的阿拉伯半岛基地组织的任何打击行动。 | The ending of U.S. support for the offensive will not affect any U.S. operations against the Yemen-based group al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula group, said national security adviser Jake Sullivan. | |
13 | ||1:为了查明蛇类如何成功的飞行很远,维吉尼亚理工学院的Jake Socha和其同事用一些天堂树蛇做了一系列的飞行试验,这是一种毒性适中的蛇,它生长在亚洲部分地区。||2:研究人员使树蛇从15米高的塔顶端飞行,过程中使用了4个摄影机拍摄蛇滑行的轨迹,以拍摄成三维立体图像。||3:不久前在生物灵感和仿生学上发布的结果显示:飞蛇的飞行不仅令人叹为观止,并且飞行过程中使用了一些在空气动力方面的很复杂的技巧。 | ||1:To discover how snakes manage it Jake Socha of Virginia Tech and his colleagues conducted a series of test flights with paradise tree snakes, a mildly venomous variety found in parts of Asia.||2:They launched the snakes from the top of a 15-metre tower and used four video cameras to construct 3-D images of the animals’ trajectories.||3:The results, just published in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, show not only that flying snakes are surprisingly good aviators but also that they employ some complex aerodynamic tricks. | |
14 | 杜克大学企业教育管理思想家杰克·布里登担心在管理者害怕在征求他人意见之前做出决定的团队里过于依赖团队合作会创造一种后天性无助的文化。 | Jake Breeden, a management thinker at Duke Corporate Education, worries that too much reliance on teamwork can create a culture of learned helplessness in which managers are terrified to take decisions without yet another round of consultations. | |
15 | 在华经营的美国公司游说团体,美中贸易全国委员会的杰克·帕克指出, | Jake Parker of the US-China Business Council, a lobby group for American companies operating in China, | |
16 | “爱情与迷药”的导演奉上了安妮.海瑟薇与捷克.格伦希尔的床第之爱。 | The director of "Love and Other Drugs" dishes about climbing into bed with Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal. | |
17 | “好吧,詹克从来都爱到处打打闹闹的,你明白吧?”他说着,脸上的笑容消失了。 | "Yeah, well Jake always likes to mess around, ya know? " he said, his grin fading. | |
18 | “杰克毫不掩饰他对《月球》和山姆在其中的表现大为兴奋,”琼斯告诉Wired.com。 | "Jake was excited visually by Moon and by what Sam was doing in it, " Jones told Wired. com. | |
19 | “就像NFS和Novell公司那样。”Jake一边喃喃自语,一边缓缓地浏览着目录服务树。 | "Looks like NFS and some Novell, " Jake mumbled as he crawled through the directory services trees. | |
20 | “质量已经成为丰田与其他汽车制造商之间的主要差异”,《消费者报告》的资深工程师JakeFirsher说。 | "Quality has been the main difference between Toyota and the rest of the field, " says Jake Fisher, senior engineer at Consumer Reports. | |
21 | 2006年,杰克.吉伦希尔和奥斯卡颁奖礼编剧布鲁斯.维兰克 | Jake Gyllenhaal and Academy Awards writer Bruce Vilanch, 2006 | |
22 | Grace拉下生物传感器阵列并照在Jake的胸口。 | Grace lowers the bio-sensor array over Jake ’s chest. | |
23 | JakeThomson:我总是说,西奥唯一的改变是他的钱包更鼓了。 | Jake Thomson I always say the only thing that’s changed about Theo is that his wallet’s got bigger. | |
24 | Jake把每个和他妻子说话的男人看作潜在的威胁。 | Jake saw any man who spoke to his wife as a potential threat. | |
25 | Jake尽力跟着如同狐猴般跳跃的Neytiri,顺着树干中心的螺旋向上攀爬。 | Jake tries to keep up with Neytiri as she leaps up the core trunk like a lemur. | |
26 | Jake外出时他的房间通常都是反锁上的,以防止Sam搞破坏。 | Jake ’s room is locked from the outside when he’s out, to prevent Sam from trashing it. | |
27 | 包括大卫·米拉奇在内的一群树艺家正试图通过克隆来保育加州红杉这一类的古老树种。 | A group of arborists, including Jake Milarch, are hoping to preserve ancient trees such as this California redwood by cloning them. | |
28 | 不行,不行,不许你去。嘿!你真的要吃巧克力卷我派杰克替你去买。 | Jessica: No, no, no don’t you. . . hey! If you want more hoho’s I’ll send Jake for some. | |
29 | 从上面——杰克斑溪兽的小小影子投射在魅影巨大的背翼上。 | FROM ABOVE -- THE SMALL SHADOW of Jake ’s banshee falls across the back of the mighty Toruk. | |
30 | 当杰克的阿凡达分身出现,他不仅能走路,而且跑步和飞跃,而且它充沛的精神面貌也得到了传承。 | When Jake emerges in avatar form, he can not only walk but also run and leap, and his exuberance is infectious. |