1 | “我不愿意再扰乱公堂,”冉阿让接着说,“你们既然不逮捕我,我就走了。 | "I do not wish to disturb the court further," resumed Jean Valjean,"I shall withdraw, since you do not arrest me | |
2 | “我的朋友,”安德烈说,“我在圣·波耳斯用了晚餐,希望搭一辆午夜经过的便车,结果象一个傻瓜似地迷了路,在森林里走了四个钟头。 | "My friend," said Andrea, "I have been dining at Saint-Jean -au-Bois, and expected to catch the coach which passes by at midnight, but like a fool I have lost my way, and have been walking for the last four hours in the forest | |
3 | 《约翰·克利斯朵夫》原著是一部十卷二千页的小说,它是一个音乐天才的艺术发展过程的精雕细琢的记录。 | Jean -Christophe is a two-thousand-page novel originally published in ten volumes. the painstaking record of the artistic development of a musical genius. | |
4 | 1915年罗兰获得诺贝尔文学奖,主要是由于《约翰·克利斯朵夫》这部巨著。 | In 1915 Rolland was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, in great part for Jean -Christophe. | |
5 | I布努艾尔和S.达利导演的(一条安达鲁狗)(1929)及J.谷克多导演的<一个诗人的血)(1931)是60年代先锋派电影运动的先驱。 | "Such films as ""The andalusian Dog"" (1929), by Luis Bunuel and Slvador Dali, and""The Blood of a Poet""(1931), by Jean Cocteau, were forerunners of the underground film movement of the 1960’ s." | |
6 | 阿马蒂亚.森和让.德勒兹(1989:189)清楚地证明,能够成功地实现最公平的财富分配的25个国家和地区,其成功秘诀就在于它们一直致力于提高最基本的生活质量。 | As the World Development Report 1987 by Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze (1989: 189)clearly suggests, the success of the twenty-five countries with the most equal distribution of wealth is due to their commitment to improving the basic quality of life. | |
7 | 布莱卫,好好地望着这被告,回想您从前的事情,再凭您的灵魂和良心告诉我们,您是否确实认为这个人就是您从前监狱里的朋友冉阿让。” | brevet, take a good look at the accused, recall your souvenirs, and tell us on your soul and conscience, if you persist in recognizing this man as your former companion in the galleys, Jean Valjean?" | |
8 | 崇拜者对他的评价米歇尔身上最突出的特质就是好莱坞那种所谓的“胆大妄为”的性格,在这种性格中,包含着某种实现个人抱负所必须的力量,虏伯特·莫多克、比尔·盖茨,还有现在的让·米歇尔都是具有这样性格的人。 | What admirers say Messier’s greatest asset is what’s known in Hollywood as chutzpah... there is something undeniably powerful about the personal ambition of a Rupert Murdoch, or a Bill Gates--and now a Jean Marie Messier | |
9 | 但是VivendiUniversal公司董事长法国人让·米歇尔却不然,他今年只有44岁,却已经在世界媒体咨讯业中崭露头角,成为该行业最年富力强的总裁。 | Not Jean -Marie Messierhe 44 year-old French chairman of Vivendi Universal has emerged as the world’s most dynamic media and communications executive | |
10 | 但是他多少有些昏昏沉沉、无足轻重的味儿,至少表面如此。 | On the whole, however, there was something decidedly sluggish and insignificant about Jean Valjean in appearance, at least | |
11 | 但是他跑了一程过后,喘不过气了,只得停下来,冉阿让在紊乱的心情中听到了他的哭声。 | Nevertheless, lack of breath forced him to halt after a certain distance, and Jean Valjean heard him sobbing, in the midst of his own revery | |
12 | 当然,我们曾经说过,艰苦的生活能教育人,能启发人,但是在冉阿让那种水平上,他是否能分析我们在此地指出的这一切,那却是一个疑问, | Misfortune certainly, as we have said, does form the education of the intelligence,nevertheless, it is doubtful whether Jean Valjean was in a condition to disentangle all that we have here indicated | |
13 | 当冉阿让出狱时,他听见有人在他耳边说了这样一句奇特的话“你自由了”,那一片刻竟好象是不真实的,闻所未闻的 | When the hour came for him to take his departure from the galleys, when Jean Valjean heard in his ear the strange words, Thou art free,the moment seemed improbable and unprecedented | |
14 | 当时冉阿让正在那里,他居然用肩头撑住了那根柱子等着其余的工人来修理。 | Jean Valjean, who was present, supported the caryatid with his shoulder, and gave the workmen time to arrive | |
15 | 等到心智清醒以后,看见了那种兽类的行为,冉阿让才感到痛心,向后退却,并且惊骇到大叫起来。 | When intelligence re-awakened and beheld that action of the brute, Jean Valjean recoiled with anguish and uttered a cry of terror | |
16 | 服劳役时,扭铁索,推绞盘,冉阿让抵得上四个人。 | At work, at paying out a cable or winding up a capstan, Jean Valjean was worth four men | |
17 | 该收藏集证实,住在英国东苏塞克斯郡克罗布拉夫镇的科南·道尔,在他患病的前妻路易丝·霍金斯去世之前,就开始和后来成为他第二任妻子的吉恩·勒奇发展关系了。 | The collection contained an acknowledgement that Conan Doyle, who lived in Crowborough, East Sussex, began a relationship with second wife Jean Leckie before the death of his ailing first wife Louise Hawkins | |
18 | 孩子停留在那丛荆棘旁边,没有看见冉阿让,把他的一把钱抛起来,他相当灵巧,每次都个个接在手背上。 | The child halted beside the bush, without perceiving Jean Valjean, and tossed up his handful of sous, which, up to that time, he had caught with a good deal of adroitness on the back of his hand | |
19 | 吉恩的衣服在房间里到处乱放。 | Jean ’s clothes were lying around the room. | |
20 | 吉约姆对妇女尊崇,吉恩则加以嘲笑,而乔叟在他的诗里则兼而有之。 | Cuillaume had treated woman with adoration, and Jean with mockery, and Chaucer remembered both ways in his own verses | |
21 | 加拿大总理克瑞强在提前举行的国会大选中大获全胜。周二计票结果显示,各党在不同地区的得票率有明显区别,自由党掌有大部分的东部得票率,而保守党则是西部。 | Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien has swept to victory in a federal election called ahead of time, but results still coming in on Tuesday showed a clean split between the Liberal east of the country and the conservative stronghold in the west. | |
22 | 假使磨盘底下的黍粒有思维的能力,它所想的也许就是冉阿让所想的了。 | If the grain of millet beneath the millstone had thoughts, it would, doubtless, think that same thing which Jean Valjean thought | |
23 | 她叫什么名字?她的名字叫珍。 | What is her name? Her name is Jean . | |
24 | 可是检察官非有一个冉阿让不行,逮不住商马第,便得逮马德兰。 | Nevertheless, the district-attorney was bent on having a Jean Valjean,and as he had no longer Champmathieu, he took madeleine | |
25 | 可是这一次他那个值四十苏的钱落了空,向那丛荆棘了去,滚到了冉阿让的脚边。 | This time the forty-sou piece escaped him, and went rolling towards the brushwood until it reached Jean Valjean | |
26 | 克雷蒂安和其他加拿大部长一直对布什以强硬立场对待伊拉克胡申政权,表示感到不安,也一直坚持没有证据显示胡申和卡伊达组织有联系。 | Jean Chretien and many Canadian Ministers are disturbed by Bush’s hard-line stance against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq government. Canada also maintains that there is no evidence to link Al-quadea to Saddem Hussein | |
27 | 克林顿则在法国作曲家让·帕斯卡尔·贝恩图新创作的音乐伴奏下,以狼的口吻重新讲述了这个故事。 | And a new composition by Jean -Pascal Beintus, re-telling the story from the wolf’s perspective, is narrated by Mr Clinton | |
28 | 劳拉同吉恩一样漂亮。 | Laura is just as pretty as Jean | |
29 | 曼希沃后来淹死了,他的死倒给克拉夫脱家庭的经济带来了好处。但是约翰·米希尔之死却是另一回事了。 | When Melchior finally drowned himself, his death was a financial benefit to the Kraffts. But when Jean Michel died, it was a different matter. | |
30 | 曼希沃是一位演奏家,他的父亲约翰·米希尔是著名的乐队指挥。 | Melchior Krafft was a virtuoso, his father Jean Michel a famous conductor |