属类:社会文化-人物-LITTLE WOMEN
1 | "旅行者1号"于1977年发射,1980年到达土星。 | Voyager 1 flew by Jupiter in 1979 and reached Saturn in 1980. | |
2 | "旅行者2号"速度较低,飞越木星、土星、天王星,1989年与海王星相遇。 | Voyager 2 traveled more slowly, flying by Jupiter , Saturn, and Uranus to reach Neptune in 1989. | |
3 | [古] 哎哟! 天哪! 好家伙! | by Jupiter ! | |
4 | “闭上眼睛把胳臂伸出来”,她命令道,劳里遵命照办,再睁开眼睛时,他看见了--两个婴儿!“天哪,双胞胎!”他喊了起来;“快,谁来抱一抱他们!我要大笑了,我会把他们摔坏的!” | “Shut your eyes and hold out your arms,” she ordered, and Laurie, obeying, opened his eyes again, to see---two babies! “Twins, by Jupiter !” he cried; “take ’em, quick, somebody! I’m going to laugh, and I shall drop ’em!” | |
5 | “好,那么让我告诉您吧,那种绿色的甜食正是青春女神赫柏请大神朱庇特赴宴时筵席上的神浆王。” | Well, then, that green preserve is nothing less than the ambrosia which Hebe served at the table of Jupiter . | |
6 | “天哪,双胞胎!” | twins, by Jupiter ! | |
7 | 1973年和1974年,先驱者十号和十一号第一次拍摄到了木星的近距离照片。 | In 1973 and 1974, Pioneers 10 and 11 took the first close-up pictures of the planet Jupiter | |
8 | 1995年到达木星时,放出探测器,下降至木星大气中,结果发现了大雷暴。 | On its arrival in 1995, its atmospheric probe descended by parachute into Jupiter ’s upper cloud layers, detecting large thunderstorms. | |
9 | JUPITER(木星)是离太阳第五远也是所有行星中最大的一颗星。 | The fifth planet from the sun is also the largest of all the planets, Jupiter . | |
10 | 传说(虽然相当荒唐)朱庇特造了第一个女人并把她送给了普罗米修斯兄弟二人,以惩罚他们偷盗天火的狂妄行为,也惩罚人类,因为他们接受了天火。 | The story (absurd enough!)is that Jupiter made the first woman and sent her to prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting the gift | |
11 | 但当她刚朝他迈步时,他马上警觉起来,举起猎矛,就要投射。这时朱庇特发现了并及时制止了这种忤逆行为,把母子二人从地上带走,放置在天上,成为大熊星和小熊星。 | As she was about to approach, he, alarmed, raised his hunting spear, and was on the point of transfixing her, when Jupiter , beholding, arrested the crime, and snatching away both of them, placed them in the heavens as the Great and Little Bear | |
12 | 而那一个用一双强有力的手使劲地把欧罗巴往她那边拽,而欧罗巴竟也有些不能自持,那女人还说欧罗巴命里注定是她的战利品,这是身穿胸铠的朱庇特的意旨。 | But that other with mighty hands, and forcefully, kept haling the maiden, nothing loth; declaring that, by the will of aegis-bearing Jupiter , Europa was destined to be her prize | |
13 | 而现在,云层后面的变幻虽尚无法控制,但国王却已都自视为常人了。 | Formerly they believed themselves sprung from Jupiter , and shielded by their birth; but nowadays they are not inviolable | |
14 | 伽利略号:美国国家航空暨太空总署派遣的宇宙飞船,探索木星及伽利略卫星,含一个轨道宇宙飞船和一个大气层探测器,1989年10月18日发射。 | Galileo: NASA mission to study Jupiter and its Galilean satellites with an orbiting spacecraft and an atmospheric probe, launched in 1989. | |
15 | 还有其它一些飞越木星和土星之类的天体去从事远距离探测。 | and still others fly past such distant celestial bodies as Jupiter and Saturn for close-up measurements | |
16 | 假使朱庇特每当有人犯罪就大发雷霆的话,他手上的雷霆便会即将告磬。 | If jupiter hurled his thunderbolt as often as men sin, he will soon be out of thunderbolt. | |
17 | 卡利斯托卫星木星最亮的四颗卫星之一,是距木星第六远的卫星。最初为伽利略所发现,它是最大的行星卫星 | One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the sixth in distance from the planet. Originally sighted by Galileo, it is the largest planetary satellite. | |
18 | 可是,朱庇特却是不大乐意允准人们用火的。 | But it was only rather grudgingly that Jupiter granted mortals the use of fire | |
19 | 库尔勒涅来的这孩子振振有词地为自己辩解,但同时又挤眨着眼睛,朱庇特见了不由得放声大笑。 | The wink with which the lad of Cyllene accompanied this asseveration threw Jupiter into uncontrollable roars of laughter | |
20 | 利用双对数坐标图研究木星卫星的一些力学特征 | Research on Some Mechanical Properties of Jupiter ’s Satellites by Using Loglog Coordinate | |
21 | 另外一个美丽的女神朱诺(JUNO)是丘比特的妻子,她给了我们JUNE(六月)的名字。 | Another beautiful goddess, Juno, the wife of Jupiter , give us the names of the month of June. | |
22 | 另一种说法是潘多拉是朱庇特诚心实意地派遣到人间来为人类造福的。她接过了一个盒子,里面装着她的嫁妆。 | Another story is the pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter , to bless man; that she was furnished with a box, containing her marriage blessing | |
23 | 马尔斯(阿瑞斯)是朱庇特和朱诺的儿子。 | Mars (ares)was the son of Jupiter and Juno | |
24 | 莫扎特创作了(G小调交响曲)和<丘比特交响曲)。莫氏歌剧也写得极佳,同时他还为后世留下了魅力永世不减的作品,如<魔笛>、<费加罗的婚礼)及<唐乔瓦尼)。 | " Mozart wrote ""Symphony in G Minor"" and the ""Jupiter "" symphony. He also excelled in opera and he was the composer of such permanent favourites as "" The magic Flute"", The Marriage of Figaro"", and ""Don Giovanni""." | |
25 | 木星比其他行星蕴含着更大成功的希望。 | jupiter promises more success than any other planet | |
26 | 木星的特点在于它是太阳系中最大的行星。 | Jupiter has the distinction of being the largest planet. | |
27 | 木星每12年围绕太阳旋转一周,然而它的一天却出奇的短。它的自转,或它的一天只有大约10个小时。这是任何行星中速度最快的自转,最短的一天。 | Jupiter revolves around the sun once every 12 years, yet its day is amazingly short. Its rotation, or its day, is only about 10 hours long. This is the fastest rotation-the shortest day-of any of the planets. | |
28 | 木星是太阳的一个行星。 | Jupiter is one of the sun’s planets. | |
29 | 木星拥有十四个卫星,是所有行星中卫星最多的一个。 | Jupiter has fourteen moons, the largest number of any planet. | |
30 | 木星有多少卫星? | How many moons does jupiter have ? |