属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 斥资太空
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星探测 黎明号初试锋芒
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星探测 黎明号初试锋芒
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文 往太空扔钱
1 | 在神祇大会上,朱庇特陈述了地球上不堪容忍的情况,并宣布了他要毁灭地上现在居民的意向,表示要另置新人。这种新人不同于现有的人,他们将更有生存的价值,对神祗也更加敬重。 | Jupiter set forth to the assembly the frightful condition of the earth, and announced his intention of destroying its inhabitants, and providing a new race, unlike the present, which should be worthier of life and more reverent toward the gods | |
2 | 这个美女正是伊俄。朱庇特觉察到自己的夫人正接近这个地方,便把她变成了牛的模样。 | It was io, whom Jupiter , when he became aware of the approach of his wife, had changed into that form | |
3 | 这颗行星的名字是恰当的,因为朱庇特(JUPITER)是至高的罗马神,所有的其它神的王。 | The planet’s name is appropriate, since Jupiter was the supreme Roman god-the king of all the other gods. | |
4 | 这时候朱庇特出面替她求情,答应和她从此一刀两断。朱诺这才同意恢复伊俄的原来面目。 | Then Jupiter interceded for her; and upon his engaging not to pay her any further attention, Juno consented to restore her to her form | |
5 | 朱庇特见到情人受苦,很是伤心,打发墨丘利去除掉阿尔戈斯。 | Jupiter , grieved by the sufferings of his mistress, sent Mercury to dispatch argus | |
6 | 朱庇特威风凛凛地坐在当中。 | Jupiter , with august gravity, sitting in the midst. | |
7 | 朱庇特下凡人间。 | Jupiter descended to mankind | |
8 | 朱庇特现身于塞墨勒面前以至他向她求爱时,都是打扮朴素,举止谨敛的。 | To Semele Jupiter had appeared, and had paid court in unostentatious manner and simple guise | |
9 | 朱庇特以天鹅的形状出现. | Jupiter appeared in the likeness of a swan. | |
10 | 最亮的四颗行星之一,与木星的距离排在其卫星的第七位,最早为伽俐略观测到. | One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the seventh in distance from the planet. It was originally sighted by Galileo. | |
11 | ||1:哈勃望远镜是于1990年由美国航空航天局(NASA)发射的一个轨道运行天文台。它已成为美国航空局自20世纪6、70年代阿波罗号发射后最重大的成就之一。||2:它也产生了一系列科学成果:证实了大多数星系中间都有一个黑洞;为1994年彗星和木星碰撞的观测提供最清晰的视角;有助于发现宇宙趋于加速膨胀的奇特现象。||3:在科学领域之外,它也同样是一个公众讨论的热点。||4:哈勃望远镜所提供的美妙图片已经将一代又一代人引入天文学奇观中去。 | ||1: THE Hubble space telescope, an orbiting observatory launched in 1990 by NASA, America’s space agency, has been one of that agency’s most successful missions since the Apollo moon shots in the 1960s and 1970s. ||2: It has produced a string of scientific achievements: confirming that most galaxies have a black hole in the middle; providing a front-row seat for the collision, in 1994, of a comet with the planet Jupiter ; and helping to uncover the strange fact that the expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating. ||3: But beyond the science, it has also been a public-relations hit. ||4: Its beautiful images have introduced a generation to the wonders of astronomy. | |
12 | 大部分的小行星都位于火星和木星的轨道之间。但近地小行星(即NEAS)也不少,它们距离地球很近,值得勘探。当然,费用要划得来才行。 | Most asteroids dwell between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter . But enough of them, known as near-Earth asteroids, or NEAs, come within interplanetary spitting distance of humanity for it to be worth investigating them as sources of minerals—if, of course, that can be done economically. | |
13 | 但还是有些物质块被遗留下来。它们大部分集中于火星和木星轨道之间的小行星带内, | Some lumps, however, were left over. And a lot of them are concentrated in the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter , | |
14 | 木星和土星的组合引力似乎将它们集聚起来并与太阳系的其它部分分离。 | where the combined gravities of Jupiter and Saturn seem to have gathered them from other parts of the solar system. | |
15 | 为人们提供了1994年苏梅克—列维9号彗星撞击木星的最佳观测位置; | providing a front-row seat for the collision, in 1994, of a comet with the planet Jupiter ; | |
16 | “有充分的理由可以认定,同样的进程也会在其他行星,如木星和土星上发生”,德怀尔说。 | "There’s every reason to think the same processes are happening on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, " Dwyer said. | |
17 | 1609年夏天,伽利略曾第一次用它观察了月球,之后他还观察到了木星的卫星和太阳黑子。 | Using it, he first observed the moon in the fall of 1609, then the moons of Jupiter , and sunspots. | |
18 | 1610年1月7日,伽利略·伽利莱对望远镜的改进帮助人类首次看到木星四颗最大的卫星。 | On Jan. 7, 1610, Galileo Galilei’s improvements to the telescope enabled humanity to see Jupiter ’s four largest moons for the first time. | |
19 | 2007年4月,NASA的哈勃空间望远镜捕捉到木星的月亮——Ganymede——的踪迹,看起来像是正在玩躲猫猫的游戏。 | NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope caught Jupiter ’s moon, Ganymede, seemingly playing a game of peek-a-boo in this image from April 2007. | |
20 | 2009年,天文爱好者们在木星表面观测到一块暗斑,意味着暗斑所在处曾有一颗太空陨石坠入了木星大气。 | In 2009 backyard astronomers saw a dark blemish on Jupiter that marked the spot where a space rock had slammed into the Jovian atmosphere. | |
21 | 49JupiterCommunications的研究表明,email回复率在5%-15%之间。 | 49 Research by Jupiter Communications report email response rates to average between 5 percent and 15 percent. | |
22 | Hartley2是所谓的木族彗星,因为它的运行轨道使它距离和木星的运行轨道和其它的气体巨星非常近。 | Hartley 2 is a so-called Jupiter family comet, because its orbit takes the comet close to the orbits of Jupiter and the other gas giants. | |
23 | WASP-12b是一颗气态行星,大约是木星质量的1.5倍,体积的2倍。 | WASP-12b is a gaseous planet, about 1. 5 times the mass of Jupiter , and almost twice the size. | |
24 | 澳大利亚人安东尼·韦斯利(AnthonyWesley)发现一颗彗星或小行星曾撞击过木星,并通过电子邮件告知美国国家航空航天局。 | Australian Anthony Wesley discovered that a comet or asteroid had crashed into Jupiter , and emailed Nasa to let them know. | |
25 | 不过它的运行轨道与其恒星之间的距离要比木星与其恒星之间的距离近100倍。 | But its zippy orbit is a hundred times closer to its star than Jupiter ’s is. | |
26 | 不过一个名为JUPITER实验的大规模研究可能会改变这种观点。 | But a massive study known as the JUPITER trial may sway opinion. | |
27 | 从2009年下半年开始,木星就跑到了太阳的另一侧,它在我们的视野中黯淡至今已有数月。 | Jupiter has been hanging out on the other side of the sun since late 2009, obscured from our view for the last few months. | |
28 | 从超级地球到巨型矮木星,我们的银河系如同是一个不同类型行星聚集的大观园。 | From super-Earths to giants dwarfing Jupiter , our galaxy is a zoo of different kinds of planets. | |
29 | 从底部向上依次是水星、金星、火星和木星,它们在黄道盘上延伸开来。 | In order from bottom to top, wandering Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are stretched along the ecliptic plane. | |
30 | 但是今年却因巨大的行星—木星刚好从双鱼座和水瓶座之间经过而充满生气。 | But this year it is enlivened by a visit from the giant planet Jupiter , right on the border between Pisces and Aquarius. |