属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理 太不公平啦!
1 | 后悔是惊人的浪费精力;在后悔上是造不了东西的;它只能使你陷在里面不能自拔。--曼斯菲尔德 | Regret is an appalling waste of energy, you can’t build on it; it’s only good of wallowing in.--Katherine Mansfield | |
2 | 凯瑟琳·麦考马克超越了占星并给其它形式的预言提供了快速的指导。 | Katherine McCormack goes beyond horoscopes and provides a quick guide to other forms of divination. | |
3 | 论曼斯菲尔德《幸福》的艺术特色 | On the Artistic Features of Katherine Mansfeild’s "Bliss" | |
4 | 曼斯菲尔德作品中的印象主义手法 | The Technique of Impressionism in Katherine Mansfield’s Work | |
5 | 我叫凯瑟琳,就叫我凯特好了。 | My name is Katherine , but please call me Kate. | |
6 | 像新近被阿伯丁资产管理公司以年薪超过100万英镑聘为首席投资官的凯瑟琳·加勒特-考克斯(33岁)这样的女性就是Sassy族的偶像。 | Icons for the Sassies are women such as Katherine Garrett Cox, 33, recently named the chief investment officer at Aberdeen Asset Management at 1 million plus a year | |
7 | 研究者之一,凯瑟琳·阿普尔顿博士说:"我们本来以为饮食对于情绪化进食者的影响会更大一些,可事实上大多人都会通过进食成为情绪化进食者的。 | "We were expecting eating to have a greater effect on mood in the emotional eaters, (which would explain)a means by which people become emotional eaters," Dr. Katherine Appleton said | |
8 | 永不停奏的生命序曲―论曼斯菲尔德的小说《序曲》 | The Never-ending Prelude of Life-On Katherine Mansfield’s Short Story "Prelude" | |
9 | 这一词语给整套节目以暂时的意义,否则毫无特色(凯瑟琳·安妮·波特) | This expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features otherwise nondescript(Katherine Anne Porter) | |
10 | 这张脸变成了一张魔鬼的脸,龇牙咧嘴,狰狞可怖(凯瑟琳·安妮·波特) | the face changing to a demon’s face with a fixed glassy grin(Katherine Anne Porter) | |
11 | ||1:当凯瑟琳·戈布尔浏览工程师给她的飞行测试计算表时,她(当时的她)发现计算表有问题。||2:工程师犯了一个平方根的错误。||3:要告诉他这一点是很棘手的。||4:此前,她和另一个女孩从兰利航空实验室的计算员工中被挑选出来,这是她第一天参与这个任务,协助这个全部由男性构成的飞行研究单位的工作。该实验室后来成为NASA的一部分。 | ||1:As she ran her eyes over the flight-test calculation sheets the engineer had given her, katherine Goble (as she then was) could see there was something wrong with them.||2:The engineer had made an error with a square root.||3:And it was going to be tricky to tell him so.||4:It was her first day on this assignment, when she and another girl had been picked out of the computing pool at the langley aeronautical laboratory, later part of NASA, to help the all-male flight research unit. | |
12 | ||1:然而让人惊讶的是,心理学上对于不公平感的成因尚未能做出很好的解释,尤其是为何人们不惜付出代价也要惩罚侵犯者。||2:但是,英国伦敦大学学院的尼古拉·雷汉尼(Nichola Raihani)和哈佛大学的凯瑟琳·麦考利夫(Katherine McAuliffe)最近进行的一项实验尝试对这个问题抽丝剥缕,这一实验的结果发表在了最近的《生物学快报》上。 | ||1:Surprisingly, however, the psychological underpinnings of a sense of injustice-in particular, what triggers willingness to punish an offender, even at a cost to the punisher-have not been well established.||2:But a recent experiment by Nichola Raihani of University College, London, and Katherine McAuliffe of Harvard, just published in Biology Letters, attempts to disentangle the matter. | |
13 | 但是,英国伦敦大学学院的尼古拉·雷汉尼和哈佛大学的凯瑟琳·麦考利夫最近进行的一项实验尝试对这个问题抽丝剥缕,这一实验的结果发表在了最近的《生物学快报》上。 | But a recent experiment by Nichola Raihani of University College, London, and Katherine McAuliffe of Harvard, just published in Biology Letters, attempts to disentangle the matter. | |
14 | 美国流行病专家凯瑟琳发现,过度肥胖可能会降低人们死亡的概率。 | A study from US epidemiologist Katherine Flegal finds being overweight might actually protect your body against death. | |
15 | 美国宇航局数学家凯瑟琳·戈布尔·约翰逊于2月24日逝世,享年101岁。 | Katherine Goble Johnson, NASA mathematician, died on february 24th, aged 101 | |
16 | KatherineHarmon在报告中提到超过四分之一的成年美国人健康知识较少,被称为健康文盲。 | Katherine Harmon reports More than a quarter of American adults have what’s called poor health literacy. | |
17 | 按时上课,做作业,要不然给你不及格。 | Katherine : Come to class, do the work, or I’ll fail you. | |
18 | 编辑导言:《在学科的边缘》,伊丽莎白·默兹、凯瑟琳·波伊 | Editors’ Introduction: At Disciplinary Edges Elizabeth Mertz and Katherine Bowie | |
19 | 传统与现代的交融--试论凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德小说中的意象象征 | BLENDING OF TRADITION AND MODERNITY --Images and Symbols in Katherine Mansfield’s Short Stories | |
20 | 但她说她叫凯瑟琳 | But she said her name was Katherine . | |
21 | 当Katherine出现的那一刻,我们应该想到,这是她精心策划的一场争执,并且得到了她所希望的结果。 | When Katherine appeared on the scene, it was pretty much a given that she orchestrated the fight and got the outcome she was hoping for. | |
22 | 而直到今天,他仍然在照顾着凯瑟琳,就像他们小时候那样。 | To this day, he still watched over Katherine as though they were just kids. | |
23 | 供选择的肠胃清洁治疗益处有限,却可能引发显著的伤害。KatherineHarmon报导。 | The alternative therapy of colon cleansing typically does little good, and may cause significant harm. Katherine Harmon reports | |
24 | 见到你非常高兴。崔西。很抱歉我有些糊涂了。我印象中是凯瑟琳晚上一个人过来的。 | Very nice to meet you, Trish. My apologies if I seemed confused. I was under the impression Katherine was here alone this evening. | |
25 | 今晚,科学家凯瑟琳·所罗门开着她的白色沃尔沃汽车,驶向博物馆的安检大门。这一路走来,她都觉得不安。 | Tonight, scientist Katherine Solomon was feeling unsettled as she drove her white Volvo up to the building’s main security gate. | |
26 | 紧随凯蒂之后的是《格雷医生》的主演凯瑟琳•海格尔,她以“自然与经典之美”受到青睐。 | Katie was closely followed in second place by Grey’s Anatomy star Katherine Heigl thanks to her "natural and timeless beauty. " | |
27 | 尽管已历经无数失败,凯瑟琳仍然相信她能把儿子培养成为世界冠军。 | Although she has gone through numerous failures, Katherine still believes that she could make a world champion of her son. | |
28 | 凯瑟琳,回到你的房间去,不要出来吃饭了。在这个家里谁也不许随便地提起上帝的名字。 | You can go to your room without dinner, Katherine . We do not take the Lord’s name in vain. | |
29 | 凯瑟琳.安妮.波特.《苍白的马、苍白的骑士》 | Porter, Katherine Anne. Pale Horse, Pale Rider. | |
30 | 凯瑟琳.所罗门相信兰登,他从不开这样的玩笑,可是,听他讲话的声音就像失去理智一样。 | Katherine Solomon was sure that Langdon would never joke about something like this, and yet he sounded like he had lost his mind. |