属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-尼日利亚被绑架的279名女孩获释
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-塔利班证实该组织领导人奥马尔死亡
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-脸书禁止枪支买卖 WTO宣布寨卡病毒为全球紧急公共卫生
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-朝鲜与马来西亚 人质僵局(1)
1 | “我们要绑架这只狗,”我说道。芬恩盯着我:“究竟为了什么?” | "We’ll kidnap the dog"I said.Finn stared at me"What in the world for" | |
2 | UFO和声称的绑架事件调查(二)-真相与误导 | Investigation on UFO and Alleged Kidnap Affairs (2)-Facts and Misleading | |
3 | UFO和声称的绑架事件调查(三)-被外星人劫持者和访问外星球的人 | Investigation on UFO and Alleged Kidnap Affairs (3)-The Person Kidnapped by ET and Visit Other Galaxy | |
4 | UFO和声称的绑架事件调查(四)-被外星人绑架 | Investigation on UFO and Alleged Kidnap Affairs (4)-Kidnapped by Aliens | |
5 | 绑架技术人员:给你的一艘船下次出发的任务:去绑架一个有特别技术才能的人。 | Kidnap Craftsman: Command your ship to kidnap a particular skilled worker on its next mission. | |
6 | 并刮起一阵旋风,趁机劫走了唐僧。风停后,唐僧没有了,悟空知道是妖怪捣的鬼。 | To kidnap Sanzang, Red Boy hurled a whirl of wind at him. Sanzang disappeared. Monkey knew this was done by the demon | |
7 | 第三十一条 借收养名义拐卖儿童的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 30 Whoever abducts and traffics in a child under the cloak of adoption shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Regarding the Severe Punishment of Criminals Who Abduct and Traffic in or Kidnap Women or Children. | |
8 | 对累犯以及因杀人、爆炸、抢劫、强奸、绑架等暴力性犯罪被判处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑的犯罪分子,不得假释。 | Criminal elements who are recidivists or who are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than 10 years or to life imprisonment for murder, bombing, robbery, rape, kidnap , or other violent crimes shall not be granted parole. | |
9 | 对正在进行行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪,采取防卫行为,造成不法侵害人伤亡的,不属于防卫过当,不负刑事责任。 | Criminal responsibility is not to be borne for a defensive act undertaken against ongoing physical assault, murder, robbery, rape, kidnap , and other violent crimes that seriously endanger personal safety that causes injury or death to the unlawful infringer since such an act is not an excessive defense. | |
10 | 敦促被绑架者家人报案 | urge family members to report kidnap cases | |
11 | 呼吁被绑者家属报案 | urge family members to report kidnap cases | |
12 | 她发誓说她并不是想把埃伦保姆丢在那里让她去死。她同时又说她只是假装把孩子们绑架走。 | She swears she didn’t mean to leave Nurse Ellen down there to die.In the same way she says she only pretended to kidnap the children. | |
13 | 警方调查发现一绑架大使的阴谋。 | The police investigation uncovered a conspiracy to kidnap the ambassador. | |
14 | 六名涉嫌绑架撕票一名十三岁男童的疑犯落网。 | Six people have been arrested in connection with the kidnap and murder of a 13-year-old boy. | |
15 | 论劫持人质事件处置理念 | On Measures of Handling the Kidnap Hostage Event | |
16 | 妻子以为她丈夫被绑架了,惊慌失措。 | When the wife think her husband is kidnap she hit the panic button. | |
17 | 十五名男子和五名女子怀疑和该宗绑架案有关,已被警方拘捕。 | Fifteen men and five women have been arrested in connection with the kidnap . | |
18 | 释放囚犯、人质、被持者等 | Release a prisoner,hostage, kidnap victim,etc(from captivity) | |
19 | 为了要钱把某人绑票弄走. | kidnap sb away in order to demand money | |
20 | 我记得孙中山先生和英国有过密切的联系,以致当时的中国公使馆企图绑架他并把他送回中国,可是在英国外交部的帮助下,这个阴谋被粉碎了。 | I recall Sun Yat-sen’s very close contacts with Britain, leading up to the famous attempt by the then Chinese legation to kidnap him and return him to China, a plot which was foiled with the help of the British Foreign Office | |
21 | 我们只听说共产党要掳女人去共。” | We have heard that the Communists kidnap women and communize them." | |
22 | 我说:“他们将绑架这个男孩子。”芬恩眼盯着我问道:“这样干究竟是为了什么呢? | "They’ll kidnap the boy"I said.Finn stared at me"What in the world for" | |
23 | 诱拐,绑架用武力夺走;绑架 | To carry off by force;kidnap . | |
24 | 诱拐绑架(一个人)到船上做强制性服务,尤指将其灌醉之后 | To kidnap (a man)for compulsory service aboard a ship,especially after drugging him. | |
25 | 官员们表示匪徒是绑架的幕后黑手。这些官员说的是在扎姆法拉州活动的武装组织。这些人员绑架人质是为了索取赎金或是要求释放被监禁的组织成员。 | Officials said "bandits" were behind the abduction. The officials were describing the groups of armed men who operate in Zamfara state. The men kidnap people for money or to demand the release of jailed group members. | |
26 | ||1:诚然,极少有国歌能成为不朽的文学作品,而且其他的苏联诗人出于自身利益也曾用他们的笔杆为政权服务,即便是了不起的安娜·阿赫玛托娃也曾这样做过一次。||2: 但是米哈尔科夫先生的忠诚罕有其匹。||3:他的作品中一个颇好的例子是“我想回家”,这是1948年的一部关于战后德国孤儿院的宣传剧,在那部剧中阴险的英国官员试图对苏联儿童进行洗脑和绑架,以便在帝国主义大业中把他们当作间谍和奴隶来使用。||4:该阴谋被英勇善良的苏联军官挫败了。||5:事实恰恰相反:正是苏联秘密警察残酷地强制流散到苏联境外的人返回苏联,常常导致一家人骨肉分离。 | ||1:Admittedly, national anthems rarely make great literature, and other Soviet poets, including on one occasion even the great Anna Akhmatova, found it expedient to put their pens at the service of the regime.||2:But Mr Mikhalkov’s loyalty was exceptional.||3:A good example of his work is “I want to go home”, a 1948 propaganda play about post-war orphanages in Germany, in which sinister British officials try to brainwash and kidnap Soviet children to use them as spies and slaves in the imperialist cause.||4:The plot is foiled by heroic and kindly Soviet officers.||5:The truth was exactly the other way round: it was the Soviet secret police who organised ruthless repatriations, often dividing families. | |
27 | 博科圣地武装分子通常袭击村庄并绑架人质,迫使他们成为穆斯林。 | Boko Haram militants often raid villages and kidnap people, forcing them to become Muslim. | |
28 | 危地马拉(Guatemala)开庭审理两名前军官,他们被指控在危地马拉长达36年的内战中允许手下士兵绑架强奸11名马雅女性。这是该国首例认罪的战时性奴役案。 | Guatemala put on trial two former military officers charged with letting their soldiers kidnap and rape 11 Mayan women during the country’s 36-year civil war. This is the first time that anyone has been tried for wartime sex-slavery charges in the country where the crimes were allegedly committed. | |
29 | 质控金正恩是杀手,他就会绑架你的公民。 | Call Kim Jong Un a killer, and he’ll kidnap your people. | |
30 | “绑架”:如果你知道你的爱人某一天没有事,为什么不“绑架”她一下,用特殊的出游给她一个惊喜呢? | Kidnap Them: If you know your partner has nothing to do on a certain day, why not kidnap them and surprise them with a special getaway? |