1 | “它们可能会为了不让她的祖国用到她而绑架她啊,”尼古拉说,“这把我们又带回亚美尼亚邻国这些选项来了。” | "They might kidnap her to prevent her own nation from using her, " said Nikolai. "Which brings us back to Armenia’s neighbors. " | |
2 | ASI国际的网站有“应对劫持与勒索”的广告语,并且宣称公司为大型保险公司服务。 | ASI Global’s Web site advertises "kidnap and ransom response" and says the company has worked for major insurance companies. | |
3 | 绑架发生在“伊拉克财务管理信息系统”接近完成,并即将上线之时。 | The "Iraq Financial Management Information System" was nearly complete and about to go online at the time of the kidnap . | |
4 | 绑架分子通过发送写有一百或者更多的高值电话卡的短信来索要赎金。 | Kidnap gangs ask for ransom to be paid by text messages listing a hundred or more numbers of high-value phone cards. | |
5 | 报告称,Gozar将军“说如果Jamil不是总统的兄弟,他早就要绑架、折磨并杀死他。” | General Gozar "said that if Jamil were not the president’s Brother he would kidnap , torture, and kill him, " the report said. | |
6 | 别格举目四望,看见一张桌子上面放着一堆白骨;骨头旁边放着那封绑票信,用只墨水瓶压着。 | Bigger looked about and saw the pile of white bones lying atop a table; beside them lay the kidnap note, held in place by a bottle of ink. | |
7 | 当前树立先进的处置理念并让其转化为警方的自觉行动是十分必要的。 | Establish handling dealing of kidnap hostage event and let it turn into police’s action is very necessary at present. | |
8 | 而且,官方法律组织频繁的绑架无辜平民,许多人永远也见不到了。 | In addition, law enforcement agents frequently do kidnap innocent civilians. Many are never seen again. | |
9 | 很多妇女一直等到夜晚才方便,这增加了被强奸,绑架,遭蛇咬的风险。 | Many wait until night, raising the risk of rape, kidnap and snake bites. | |
10 | 激进工人绑架老板及大工会领导计划五一当天举行的抗议示威,可能占据了新闻的头版头条。 | Militant workers who kidnap their bosses and big union-led protests of the sort planned for May 1st may hog the headlines. | |
11 | 警方指控当地一个走私团伙用爬行动物来折磨人质,这些动物都是里约热内卢原生动物。 | Police accused a local trafficker of torturing kidnap victims with the reptiles, which are native to parts of Rio de Janeiro. | |
12 | 联合国毒品和犯罪部门在墨西哥的办公室负责人安东尼·玛兹泰利认为:其他卡特尔的绑架是为了暴力征兵——聚集步兵。 | Other cartels kidnap as a sort of violent conscription: to round up foot soldiers, argued Antonio Mazzitelli, head of the U. | |
13 | 美丽、壮观又迷人得不得了的太鲁阁将掳获你的心,而且包君满意。 | Beautiful, glorious and painstakingly attractive, Taroko Gorge will kidnap your heart and promise you satisfaction. | |
14 | 你懂的,这是为了防止什么时候一帮欧洲恐怖分子冲进他的房子并试图绑架他的家人。 | You know, in case a gang of European terrorists storm into his house and try to kidnap his family? | |
15 | 哦,如果你要去那里,要记得小心哥伦比亚反政府组织,他们喜欢绑架外国游客索要赎金。 | Oh, and if you’re going, watch out for Colombian rebel groups, who have been known to kidnap would-be adventurers and hold them for ransom. | |
16 | 陪审团就绑架一案分歧不断 | deadlock a disagreement that cannot be settled jury deadlock in kidnap trial | |
17 | 清代打击拐卖妇女犯罪之考察 | A Review on Beating Kidnap Women Crime in the Qing Dynasty | |
18 | 然而,人口贩子也绑架女孩,卖到男女比例失调的地区作新娘。 | However, human traffickers also kidnap girls in order to sell them as brides in areas where there is a high ratio of men to women. | |
19 | 他的那些被认为是绑架阴谋的内在行为可能只是简单的解释为他自己个人生活的问题。 | His behaviour could just as easily have been explained by problems in his personal life as being an insider on the kidnap plot. | |
20 | 他们绑架记者,更糟糕的是,就在采访之前,他们宣布要向美国和北约军队发动一次新的进攻。 | They kidnap reporters and worse, and just before our interview they had announced a new offensive against U. S. and NATO troops. | |
21 | 往自己家、邻居家、商店或其它公共场所跑,并大声喊叫有人要绑架你。 | Run to their home, a neighbor’s home, into a store or other public place yelling that someone is trying to kidnap them. | |
22 | 维克斯称,对于那些工作地点在相对偏僻地区的企业而言,人员遭绑架的风险更高,譬如资源企业。 | Vickers said the kidnap risks were higher for companies in remoter areas away from urban centers, such as resources firms. | |
23 | 问题是有些人贩是掠夺者,他们抛弃,绑架或者杀害他们的委托者。 | The problem is that other smugglers are predators, who abandon, kidnap or kill their charges. | |
24 | 我确信,对我的邀请并非一次绑架伎俩,因为邀请者的级别很高。 | I was confident that my invitation wasn’t a kidnap ruse because it came from such a high level. | |
25 | 心血来潮就租上一个折蓬汽车,“绑架”你的爱侣驱车前往海滩吃一顿浪漫大餐。 | Be spontaneous and rent a convertible and kidnap your partner for a drive up the coast for lunch or dinner. | |
26 | 许多团伙绑架案是为了经济利益,他们索要赎金,敲诈勒索。 | Many of the gangs kidnap for financial reasons: ransom and extortion. | |
27 | 一个金发美女由于经济问题走投无路,于是她决定绑架一个孩子以勒索一笔赎金。 | A blonde woman was having financial troubles so she decided to kidnap a child and demand a ransom. | |
28 | 一名外交部发言人说:“有个小组正在就这次绑架事件,在政府间做工作。” | A Foreign Office spokesman said: ’’There is a team working across government on this kidnap issue. ’’ | |
29 | 移动电话使绑架案件受害人和证人能够迅速通知警方。 | Mobiles enable kidnap victims and witnesses to inform the police swiftly. | |
30 | 在意大利一法庭,法官宣判23名中央情报局特工和两名意大利间谍犯有绑架罪。他们于2003年在米兰,绑架了一名名叫阿布·奥马尔的穆斯林传教士。 | A judge in Italy convicted 23 CIA agents and two Italian secret agents of the kidnap of a Muslim cleric, Abu Omar, in Milan in 2003. |