1 | 但官员们现在承认,这个富油地区正面临自1990年伊拉克入侵科威特以来的最大挑战。 | But officials now concede the oil-rich region faces its biggest challenge since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. | |
2 | 但是萨达姆·侯赛因入侵科威特和1990年夏天对沙特领土的威胁迅速填补了空白。 | But Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait , and threatening overtures toward Saudi Arabia in the summer of 1990, filled the void. | |
3 | 而在1990年至1991年伊拉克侵占科威特引发的海湾战争期间,中国还是石油净出口国。 | And China was a net oil exporter during the 1990-91 Gulf war following the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. | |
4 | 非碳氢化合物部分在2009年增长9%,科威特本国银行预计这部分在2010年增长15%。 | Non-hydrocarbon sectors grew 9% in 2009 and the National Bank of Kuwait predicts those sectors will grow 15% in 2010. | |
5 | 各方都在科威特正式宣布,这意味着候选人的竞争是相互独立的。 | Parties are officially outlawed in Kuwait , meaning that candidates run as independents. | |
6 | 雇主可以按自己意愿将她们遣送回国,阻止她们换工作,在沙特和科威特,雇主甚至可以阻止她们处境。 | Employers can repatriate them at will, prevent them from changing jobs and, in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait , stop them from leaving the country. | |
7 | 很少有主权财富基金具备科威特投资局或新加坡淡马锡(Temasek)的经验或者专业组织架构。 | Few have the experience or the specialised organisational structure of the Kuwait Investment Authority or of Temasek in Singapore. | |
8 | 花旗、巴黎银行和科威特国家银行(NationalBankofKuwait)负责向ZainIraq提供咨询。 | Zain Iraq is being advised by Citigroup, BNP Paribas and National Bank of Kuwait . | |
9 | 还是这幅画,还是在这个博物馆,早在1978年就被窃走过一次,但是十年后这幅画就现身科威特。 | The same painting was previously taken from the same museum in 1978, but recovered a decade later in Kuwait . | |
10 | 还有一些国家如摩洛哥和科威特拥有多党体系,但是君主仍然独揽大权。 | A handful of other countries, such as Morocco and Kuwait , have multiparty systems, but monarchs still rule the roost. | |
11 | 回顾历史,你会发现,我有叫萨达姆·侯赛因别侵略科威特,但我得服从多数派的决定。 | If you go back to the history, I asked Saddam Hussein not to invade Kuwait , but I had to support the decision of the majority. | |
12 | 激进者表示,科威特的劳工自杀事件屡见不鲜,而卡塔尔的尼泊尔流动劳工死亡事件也在上升。 | In Kuwait , activists say worker suicides are common. In Qatar, activists say deaths among the migrant Nepali workforce are rising. | |
13 | 即使是科威特的议员也抱怨他们对国家石油储备的真实水平不知情。 | Even members of Kuwait ’s parliament complain that they do not know the true level of the country’s reserves. | |
14 | 记者未能立即联系到陶氏化学,就科威特合资落空一事是否会影响上述收购交易置评。 | Dow Chemical was not immediately available for comment on whether this deal would be affected by the scrapping of the Kuwait joint venture. | |
15 | 她在2007年获得了第一本护照,访问了在科威特和德国服役的阿拉斯加州国民卫队成员。 | She received her first passport in 2007, to visit Alaska national guard members serving in Kuwait and Germany. | |
16 | 紧随其后的是三个石油输出国:科威特,尼日利亚,印度尼西亚。这三国的停车罚款合计三百万美金。 | It wasfollowed in order by three oil-producing countries: Kuwait , Nigeria andIndonesia, which owe a total of nearly $3 million. | |
17 | 经过数周的示威抗议,科威特总理及内阁因腐败指控而辞职。 | After several weeks of protests, Kuwait ’s prime minister and his cabinet resigned over allegations of corruption. | |
18 | 据估计,科威特主权基金的规模为2000亿美元,卡塔尔为600亿美元,而阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)则在5000亿美元至8500亿美元之间。 | Kuwait ’s sovereign fund is estimated at $200bn, Qatar’s $60bn, and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority at $500bn to $850bn. | |
19 | 据美联社报道,当地时间18日晚,最后一批美军作战部队已开始撤离伊拉克,跨越伊拉克与科威特的边境。 | The last US combat brigade pulled out of Iraq and crossed into Kuwait Wednesday night, AP reported. | |
20 | 卡塔尔和科威特,这两个石油生产量的国家,已经承认班加西的过渡委员会为代表利比亚的合法政府。 | Qatar and Kuwait , petroleum rich Gulf states, have recognised the transitional council in Benghazi as the legitimate government of Libya. | |
21 | 科索沃还有很多年才能加入联合国,成为基里巴斯和科威特之间的一员(或者是库尔德斯坦,如果它先加入的话)。 | It will be many years yet before Kosovo takes its seat at the UN between Kiribati and Kuwait (or Kurdistan, if it gets there first). | |
22 | 科威特,艾哈迈迪:在一场燃气泄漏引发的爆炸后,当局调查一间受损的伊斯兰什叶派礼拜堂 | Ahmadi, Kuwait : Authorities search a damaged Islamic Shia prayer hall after an explosion caused by a gas leak | |
23 | 科威特,科威特城:一名投资者在密切关注股票价格。 | Kuwait City, Kuwait: An investor keeps track of stock prices | |
24 | 科威特大学的科学家们,致力于寻找大蒜是否能减少自由基受损。 | Scientists at the University of Kuwait were interested in finding out whether garlic could reduce free radical damage. | |
25 | 科威特的SheikhaLuluAlSabah在2月举行了该国有史以来第一次当代艺术拍卖。 | Kuwait ’s Sheikha Lulu Al Sabah in February held her country’s first-ever contemporary art auction. | |
26 | 科威特的全球投资机构受到严重的打击,迪拜最大的投资银行-Shuaa资本遭遇艰难的时期。 | Global Investment House of Kuwait is badly hit too, and Shuaa Capital, Dubai’s biggest investment bank, has had a torrid time. | |
27 | 科威特国家新闻通讯社昨日报道,该国财长宣布,将扩大对日投资。 | The finance minister was quoted announcing the increased investment yesterday by the Kuwait state news agency. | |
28 | 科威特和其他一些中东国家也不甘寂寞,要求在实行IFRS的同时增加一些特例。 | Kuwait and other countries in the Middle East, too, are said to be adopting IFRS with certain peculiarities. | |
29 | 科威特既有公共行业的中产阶级又有私营业的中产阶级。但是他们是完全分开的。 | Kuwait has both a public-sector and a private-sector middle class, but they are totally separate. | |
30 | 科威特举行了大选,反对党实行联合抵制要求更多的民主。因此,大选的参选人数减少了40%。 | Kuwait held a general election, but a boycott by the opposition calling for more democracy saw turnout drop to 40%. |