1 | “耶稣,”马格洛大娘又说,“不是为了我,也不是为了姑娘,我们是没有关系的。 | "alas!Jesus!" returned Madame Magloire,"It is not for my sake, nor for Mademoiselle ’s,it makes no difference to us | |
2 | “这还差不多,”霍恩伯格从椅子上站起来。“西科尔斯卡小姐,我想去看看另外的班。” | That’s more like it, Hornberg rose from his chair. Now Mademoiselle Sikorska, I wish to visit one of the other classes. | |
3 | 按我的意见,腾格拉尔小姐婚约的二次破裂,腾格拉尔先生失踪在这双重不幸发生以后,离开巴黎是很有必需的。 | In my opinion, a withdrawal from Paris is absolutely necessary after the double catastrophe of Mademoiselle Danglars’ broken contract and M. Danglars’ disappearance | |
4 | 巴狄斯丁姑娘,完全宁静自如,坐在他的左边。 | Mademoiselle Baptistine, perfectly peaceable and natural, took her seat at his left | |
5 | 巴狄斯丁姑娘也还有一张很大的木靠椅,从前是漆过金的,并有锦缎的椅套。 | Mademoiselle Baptistine had also in her own room a very large easy-chair of wood, which had formerly bee gilded, and which was covered with flowered pekin | |
6 | 巴狄斯丁姑娘曾把当天晚上发生在主教院里的那些事对人传述过无数次,以致几个现在还活着的人都还记得极其详尽。 | Mademoiselle Baptistine has so often narrated what passed at the episcopal residence that evening, that there are many people now living who still recall the most minute details | |
7 | 除了他的妹子巴狄斯丁姑娘以外,他还有两个亲兄弟,一个当过将军,一个当过省长。 | Besides his sister, Mademoiselle Baptistine, he had two brothers, one a general, the other a prefect | |
8 | 的确,你只要向腾格拉尔小姐看一眼,就可以发现马尔塞夫所说的她身上所有的那种特征。 | And, indeed, it required but one glance at Mademoiselle Danglars to comprehend the justness of Morcerf’s remark--she was beautiful, but her beauty was of too marked and decided a character to please a fastidious taste | |
9 | 菲菲小姐. | Mademoiselle (Mlle.)Fifi | |
10 | 后来,布朗歇小姐企图敲诈你,你就把她干掉,你嗜杀成性,对吧 | Later, Mademoiselle Blanche tried to blackmail you, and you killed her. It comes natural to you, does it not, to kill? | |
11 | 记得那是个美好的天气,小姐手里拿着花,这个孩子正在一个花园里追逐一只美丽的孔雀,而您,夫人,则坐在一个什么藤子搭成的凉亭底下。 | mademoiselle was holding flowers in her hand, the interesting boy was chasing a beautiful peacock in a garden, and you, madame, were under the trellis of some arbor | |
12 | 假如伊皮奈先生是一个光明磊落的男人,他想得到维尔福小姐的心只能比以前更坚决--除非他被欲望所左右,但那是不可能的。” | M. d’Epinay, if he is an honorable man, will consider himself more than ever pledged to Mademoiselle de Villefort, unless he were actuated by a decided feeling of avarice, but that is impossible." | |
13 | 她正和“姑娘”谈着一个她所熟悉而主教也听惯了的问题 | She was haranguing Mademoiselle Baptistine on a subject which was familiar to her and to which the Bishop was also accustomed | |
14 | 近卫军老喝马尔斯小姐的倒彩。 | The body-guard hissed Mademoiselle Mars | |
15 | 就是借马车给我的后母,差一顶点儿就把她和我的小弟弟一起摔死的那个银行家。 | While the rest of the company were discussing the approaching marriage of Mademoiselle Danglars, I was reding the paper to my grandfather | |
16 | 据说有一位鼎鼎大名的作曲家对在此提到的这位青年女子抱有一种几乎近于慈父般的关切,他鼓励她要勤勉地学习,希望她可以凭她的嗓子致富。 | But this counsel effectually decided Mademoiselle Danglars never to commit herself by being seen in public with one destined for a theatrical life | |
17 | 米里哀先生到迪涅时有个老姑娘伴着他,这老姑娘便是比他小十岁的妹子巴狄斯丁姑娘。 | Myriel had arrived at D----accompanied by an elderly spinster, Mademoiselle Baptistine, who was his sister, and ten years his junior | |
18 | 男爵崇拜安德烈·卡瓦尔康蒂子爵,欧热妮·腾格拉尔小姐却并不这样。 | The baron adored Count Andrea Cavalcanti: not so Mademoiselle Eugnie Danglars | |
19 | 你们在花园里散步的时候,我把你们两个人都观察了一番,凭良心说,虽然我丝毫不想故意贬低腾格拉尔小姐的美,但我没法理解有什么男子能真的爱她。” | I was observing you both when you were walking in the garden, and, on my honor, without at all wishing to depreciate the beauty of Mademoiselle Danglars, I cannot understand how any man can really love her." | |
20 | 您说诺瓦蒂埃先生不立维尔福小姐做他的继承人,就是因为她要嫁给弗兰兹·伊皮奈男爵吗?” | Do you say that M. Noirtier disinherits Mademoiselle de Villefort because she is going to marry M. le Baron Franz d’Epinay?" | |
21 | 陪同他的是学校的校长,西科尔斯卡小姐。 | With him was Mademoiselle Sikorska, the head of the school. | |
22 | 他猛烈地拉铃,在瓦朗蒂娜小姐房间里的女婢和那个代替巴罗斯的男仆同时奔进来。 | the housemaid who had been in Mademoiselle Valentine’s room, and the servant who had replaced Barrois, ran in at the same moment | |
23 | 他一面说,一面把布袋和棍子放在屋角里,随后又把护照插进衣袋,然后坐下去,巴狄斯丁姑娘和蔼地瞧着他。 | As he spoke, he deposited his knapsack and his cudgel in a corner, replaced his passport in his pocket, and seated himself,Mademoiselle Baptistine gazed mildly at him | |
24 | 晚餐过后,他和巴狄斯丁姑娘与马格洛大娘闲谈半小时,再回到自己的房间从事写作,有时写在单页纸上,有时写在对开本书本的空白边上。 | After supper he conversed for half an hour with Mademoiselle Baptistine and Madame Magloire,then he retired to his own room and set to writing, sometimes on loose sheets, and again on the margin of some folio | |
25 | 五分钟以后,钢琴声在亚密莱小姐的手指下又响起来,接着腾格拉尔小姐的歌声也传了出来。 | Five minutes afterwards the piano resounded to the touch of Mademoiselle d’Armilly’s fingers, and Mademoiselle Danglars was singing Brabantio’s malediction on Desdemona | |
26 | 现在我们暂且不谈腾格拉尔小姐和她的朋友如何驱车奔赴布鲁塞尔,回过头来叙述那在飞黄腾达途中意想不到地遭受了严重打击的可怜的安德烈·卡瓦尔康蒂。 | AND NOW let us leave Mademoiselle Danglars and her friend pursuing their way to brussels, and return to poor Andrea Cavalcanti, so inopportunely interrupted in his rise to fortune | |
27 | 小姐,你好! | How are you, mademoiselle ? | |
28 | 小姐在花园的树荫底下散步,令郎去追赶那只鸟,后来就跑得不见了。” | Mademoiselle was walking in the shade of the garden, and your son disappeared in pursuit of the peacock." | |
29 | 依我看,和腾格拉尔小姐结合最合适不过了,她可以让您富有,而您可以让她高贵。” | As for me, I consider the union with Mademoiselle Danglars a most suitable one; she will enrich you, and you will ennoble her." | |
30 | 由于罗茜·亚密莱小姐将来或许会上舞台,所以腾格拉尔小姐虽然仍把她收留在家里,却不便和她一同在公共场所露面。 | and acting upon this principle, the banker’s daughter, though perfectly willing to allow Mademoiselle Louise d’Armilly (that was the name of the young virtuosa)to practice with her through the day, took especial care not to be seen in her company |