1 | 1990年,随着ATP巡回赛的产生,年终总决赛地点由纽约麦迪逊花园广场移至德国,赛事被称为ATP年终锦标赛。 | In 1990, following the creation of the ATP Tour, the season-ending event was moved for Madison Square Garden, New York to Germany, and became known as the ATP Tour World Championship. | |
2 | 华盛顿的《告别词》、麦迪逊的《联邦主义者文集》第十号和杰斐逊《首任总统就职演讲词》使人洞悉美国早期政府行政的精神。 | Washington’s Farewell Address, Madison ’s Federalist Paper No. 10 and jefferson’s First Inaugural Address provide insight into the early spirit of American public administration | |
3 | 霍利菲尔德和刘易斯于星期一宣布他们将于1999年3月13日在纽约麦迪逊花园广场举行一场重量级拳击赛。 | Holy6eld and Lewis announced 0n Monday that they will fight for the heavyweight title 0n March 13th,1999 at Madison Square Garden in New York. | |
4 | 就这样她走过一个街区又一个街区。每走到一个十字路口,她就在街灯路牌上看看街名:麦迪生大街,门罗大街,拉沙勒大街,克拉克大街,地邦大街,斯台特大街 | Block after block passed by. Upon streetlamps at the various corners she read names such as Madison , Monroe, La Salle, Clark, Dearborn, State | |
5 | 廊桥遗梦(美国影片) | The Bridges of Madison County(1995) | |
6 | 麦迪生还认为,美国疆域辽阔--即便当时美国仅由13个殖民地组成--大多数人很难出其不意地压倒少数人的权利。 | madison also believed that the sheer size and geographic scope of the United States--even when the country consisted of just the 13 colonies--would make it difficult for sudden majorities to overwhelm the rights of a minority | |
7 | 麦迪生在联邦党文件中指出,共和政体在两个方面不同于民主政体:首先,在共和政体中,治理权授予由广大公民选举的少数公民 | In The Federalist Papers, Madison pointed to two ways in which a republic is distinguishable from a democracy: first, in a republic, government is delegated to a small number of citizens elected by the rest | |
8 | 麦迪逊广场似乎比斯普卢斯街离大学更近一些。 | So it seems that Madison is closer to the university than Spruce. | |
9 | 美国威斯康星-麦迪逊大学的科学家给从植物中提取的葡萄糖溶液加压并将其加热到200摄氏度,再用一种无机催化剂处理。 | Scientists of University of Wisconsin-Madison in America add pressure to the glucose solution extracted from plants and heat it to 200 degrees Celsius, and then process it with an inorganic catalyzer | |
10 | 美国研究型大学战略规划工作探析-以威斯康星-麦迪逊大学为例 | On Strategic Planning in American Research Universities-University of Wisconsin-Madison as an Example | |
11 | 您可以到麦迪逊街换1`5路公共汽车。 | You can change at Madison avenue for the No. 15 bus. | |
12 | 纽约麦迪逊广场. | Madison Square in New York | |
13 | 其次,麦迪生认为,共和政体可以推广至更多的公民和更广阔的地区。 | and second, a republic may be extended--madison believed--over a greater number of citizens and a broader expanse of land | |
14 | 诗意的内蕴与理性的光彩―《小城之春》与《廊桥遗梦》比较分析 | Poetic Intention and Rational Splendor: A Comparative Study between The Spring of the Small City and The Bridges of Madison County | |
15 | 是Madison工业公司吗 | Is this Madison Industry? | |
16 | 他们耸人听闻的,假纯朴的表现并不总是有说服力的(麦迪逊·贝尔) | Their gee-whiz,faux-naif comportment is not always convincing(Madison Bell) | |
17 | 他在麦迪逊附近经营一家牛奶场。 | He ran a dairy near Madison . | |
18 | 威斯康星-麦迪逊大学的科学家说,他们的这项新技术离实用还有较远的距离。 | Scientists from University of Wisconsin-Madison say that their new technology is still rather far from practicability | |
19 | 我的那块石头要是在麦迪逊的太阳穴上再刺进一英寸,就会完成一粒子弹的工作----死亡。 | My rock and inch farther down in madison ’s temple would have done the work of a bullet-death | |
20 | 我们沿着麦迪生大道逛商店。 | We window-shopped along Madison Avenue | |
21 | 我转过身来,只见溪边的地上围着一群孩子,中间是麦迪逊,他倒在地上,一动也不动,双眼紧闭,鲜血从他的汗淋林的头发中汩汩流出,发源地是我在他皮肤上造成的一个十足的圆圈 | I turned and by the creek on the ground in a huddle of boys was Madison , flat, still eyes shut, blood streaming from the part in his sweaty hair, from a perfect circle in the skin which I had made | |
22 | 星期三,霍利菲尔德和刘易斯在麦迪逊花园广场称了体重,刘易斯重246磅,霍利菲尔德体重215磅。 | Holyfield and Lewis stepped on the scale at Madison square Garden 0n Wednesday. Lewis weighed in at 246 pounds compared with Holyfield who tipped the scales at 215 pounds. | |
23 | 也许是因为技术的限制显得太大了,麦迪生觉得没有必要对此做出反应。 | Perhaps the limits of technology seemed so obvious that madison felt no need to acknowledge them.. | |
24 | 也有些时候地壳的一个断裂发生了,引起如同在麦迪生峡谷发生的大滑坡。这种大地震往往不是一次,而是很多次的移动,使地球去修补裂缝和调整(岩层的)姿态 | Sometimes a break in the earth’s crust comes about, which starts such a landslide as the which occurred in Madison Canyon.It then takes not one, but many shakes for the earth to heal the fault and settle. | |
25 | 在麦迪生河上游的一条支流处,一整座山开始移动,之后,它崩塌下来填满深深的山谷,上百万吨岩石和大树如坝般阻挡住大河。 | In one part of the upper reaches of the Madison River,a whole mountain began shifting,then came crashing down to fill the deep valley and dam the great river with millions of tons rock and trees. | |
26 | 在七八街与七九街之间的麦迪逊大街。 | It’s on Madison avenue between 78th and 79th. | |
27 | 在研究的第一阶段,60对异性夫妇在位于麦迪逊市的威斯康辛大学接受了测试。他们回答了有关个性、对夫妻关系的满意度以及夫妻间控制力平衡的问题。 | In the first part of the study, 60 heterosexual couples at the University of Wisconsin in Madison answered questions about their personality, their satisfaction with their relationship and the balance of power within it. | |
28 | 这本书包括十九个简短的故事,除了剩下的感情和情节描写外其它一切都省掉了(麦迪逊·贝尔) | The book consists of nineteen rather anorexic stories,stripped of all but vestigial traces of emotion and often of plot(Madison Bell) | |
29 | 这部公车是开往麦迪逊广场花园的吗? | Is this the right bus to Madison Square Garden? | |
30 | 这是本质,是对真谛的顿悟,是真理的时刻。那倔强的一面已成为人类生命与死亡痛苦的形象(麦迪逊·贝尔) | Here is the inscape,the epiphany,the moment of truth.That stubborn spot has become an image of the agony of human life and death(Madison Bell) |