1 | 自那以后的10年中,他又加进了日语来录制唱片。在即将发行的大碟唱片中,他将用中国汉语普通话、朝鲜语与马来语来演唱。这套唱片将于1997年底录制。 | In the decade since then he has added Japanese, and he will sing songs in Mandarin, Korean and malay on a forthcoming album of Greatest hits, which he will record at the end of 1997 | |
2 | 组屋楼下,华族和马来族两个孩童因争玩具而你推我攘大声吵闹。 | At the void deck of a block of flats, two Chinese and Malay children were causing a ruckus, as they fought over a toy and pushed and jostled each other. | |
3 | ||1:马达加斯加岛因岛上的稀有动物而闻名,尤其是世界其他地方已绝迹的灵长类动物——狐猴。||2:人类在该岛定居的历史,也同样不寻常。||3:该岛是最后几个人类选择的定居地之一,于公元后头一个千年的中叶迎来了最早一批到此定居的移民。||4:此外,尽管马达加斯加岛毗邻非洲大陆(最近距离400公里,合250英里),长久以来外界猜测岛上的居民是从马来群岛,即现在的印度尼西亚,这个6000多公里外的地方迁移来的。 | ||1:MADAGASCAR is renowned for its unusual animals, particularly its lemurs, a group of primates extinct elsewhere on the planet.||2:Its human population, though, is equally unusual.||3:The island was one of the last places on Earth to be settled, receiving its earliest migrants in the middle of the first millennium AD.||4:Moreover, despite Madagascar’s proximity to Africa (400km, or 250 miles, at the closest point) those settlers have long been suspected of having arrived from the Malay Archipelago-modern Indonesia-more than 6,000km away. | |
4 | ||1:由此又产生了第二个疑问:在马达加斯加进行的殖民活动是蓄意而为还是偶然而为?前者是有可能的。||2:那一时期,马来群岛中的大多数岛屿都被一个名为Srivijayan的帝国所掌控。该帝国只要愿意,就完全有可能派出远征队穿越印度洋。||3:但还没有史学依据证明他们派出了远征队。||4:不管怎样,如果他们真的这么做了,那么第一批人殖民成功,就会有其他人紧随其后,正如欧洲人发现了美洲大陆后的情况一样。 | ||1:That answer bears on a second question: was the colonisation of Madagascar a deliberate act or an accident? The first is possible.||2:At the time, much of the Malay Archipelago was in the hands of the Srivijayan empire, an entity that could certainly have sent expeditions across the Indian Ocean, had it so willed.||3:But there is no historical evidence that it did.||4:In any case if it had, it is likely that a successful colonisation by one group would have been followed by others, as happened when Europeans discovered the Americas. | |
5 | ||1:由于已确定马达加斯加人和印尼人的DNA是在约1200年前分开的——这与考古学家们统计得出的马达加斯加成为殖民地的时间相近,接着Cox博士带领的小组就开始对随机抽取的那一时期的数据进行女性人数的解析,看需要达到多少人才可以解释线粒体DNA在马达加斯加岛产生的变异情况。||2:最后得出的女性人数为30人。 | ||1:Having confirmed that Malagasy and Indonesian DNA separated about 1,200 years ago, which is statistically close to the date archaeologists suggest Madagascar was colonised, the team then asked their data how many women, drawn at random from the Malay Archipelago of that period, would have been needed to explain the variation in mitochondrial DNA in Madagascar.||2:The answer was about 30. | |
6 | ||1:作此猜测原因有三。||2:首先,存在了几个世纪的一种看法认为,该岛使用的马尔加什语,虽然独特,但很多的词汇是来自爪哇语、马来语和一部分口语来自婆罗洲及苏拉威西岛当地方言。||3:其次,该岛居民的文化——包括从装有舷外浮木的小船到木琴等一系列手工制品,还有一些农作物,如香蕉和大米——都是(也可以说或多或少是、那时候是)具有亚洲特点的,而不是非洲。||4:再次,基因学证据已证明现代的马达加斯加人与东印尼人以及相距更遥远的美拉尼西亚人和生活在大洋洲的人都是有联系的。 | ||1:There are three reasons for this suspicion.||2:First, it has been recognised for centuries that the Malagasy language, though distinct, borrows a lot of words from Javanese, Malay and the tongues of Borneo and Sulawesi.||3:Second, the islanders’ culture includes artefacts ranging from boats with outriggers to xylophones, and crops such as bananas and rice, that are (or, rather, were then) characteristically Asian, not African.||4:And third, genetic evidence has linked the modern Malagasy with people living in eastern Indonesia as well as farther off in Melanesia and Oceania. | |
7 | 唯恐其他党派会掠走他们的特权,很多贫困的马来人一而再地给巫统投票,巫统在20世纪七十年代执行平权法案,并自那以后一直主宰政府。 | Many poorer Malays vote reflexively for UMNO, the Malay party that introduced affirmative action in the 1970s and has dominated government since then, for fear that another party might take away their privileges. | |
8 | 1928年,寻求从荷兰人的统治下独立出来的民族主义者选择了马来文的一种形式——印度尼西亚文作为城市统一的语言。 | In 1928, nationalists seeking independence from Dutch rule chose Indonesian, a form of Malay , as the language of civic unity. | |
9 | Najib先生依然想要将马来公司的份额从目前公布的19%提升到30%,达到新经济政策的目标。 | Mr Najib still wants to lift Malay corporate ownership to the NEP target of 30%, from a claimed 19% now. | |
10 | Silat(一种马来武术)和足球是这个国家最受欢迎的运动。 | Silat (a Malay martial art) and football are popular sports in the country. Brunei is one of the weakest nations in sport terms. | |
11 | 参与者:生活在新加坡的马来族人,年龄在40~80岁。 | PARTICIPANTS: Persons of Malay ethnicity, between 40 and 80 years of age, living in Singapore. | |
12 | 此外,纳吉先生必须要对付那些声称要捍卫巫统马来人的权利的黄色的群体(Perkasa)。 | Further, Mr Najib has to contend with a ginger group, Perkasa, that claims to defend Malay rights within UMNO. | |
13 | 答案可能会是日餐、印度或马来菜肴,但意大利通心粉、比萨、炸玉米饼或墨西哥卷往往不在其中。 | There might be Japanese dishes, Indian or Malay . But spaghetti, pizza, tacos or burritos are not usually there. | |
14 | 大多数穆斯林(14.9%)是马来人,但是各类种族中都有信奉者。 | Most Muslims (14. 9%) are Malay but there are adherents among all races. | |
15 | 到了20世纪80年代早期,绝大多数的学生都在马来语授课的学校学习。 | By the early 1980s, most students were learning in the national language of Malay . | |
16 | 动物园中还有两只来自马来半岛的合趾长臂猿。 | The zoo also has two siamangs from the Malay peninsula. | |
17 | 官方语言是英语,华话,马来语和泰米尔语。 | The official languages are English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. | |
18 | 国语为新加坡语,英语,华语,马来语,泰米尔语为官方语言,英语为行政用语。 | Mandarin is Singapore, E nglish, Chinese, Malay and Tamil are the official language, E nglish is the administrative language. | |
19 | 华人政治文化和关于马来世界的华人学术著作 | Chinese Political Culture and Scholarship on the Malay World | |
20 | 计划将把这个小说翻译成巽他语、日语和马来语。 | There are plans to have it translated into Sundanese, Javanese and Malay . | |
21 | 接下来是苏门答腊岛与马来西亚之间的马六甲海峡,由美军第七舰队巡逻,也是中国石油航运的阻截要塞。 | Then there’s the strait of Malacca, between Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, patrolled by the US 7th Fleet | |
22 | 路标不是英文,而是用拉丁字母书写的马来西亚官方语言马来文,至少这让地名还能辨认。 | Road signs are not in English. The official language, Malay , is written in a Latin script, at least rendering place names recognisable. | |
23 | 论国际马来语教学与研究的发展趋势 | Trend of International Malay ’s Teaching and Research | |
24 | 马来西亚当局通常对色情采取强硬路线,生怕得罪该国占绝大多数的穆斯林马来人。 | AUTHORITIES in Malaysia normally take a tough line against pornography, fearing to offend the country’s Muslim-Malay majority. | |
25 | 马来西亚华人与马来人族际关系演变新探 | On Changes in Relationships between Chinese and Malay in Malaysia | |
26 | 马来西亚最独特的一道菜就是“鱼网面饼”,通常在特别场合才上这道菜。 | One of the most unique Malay dishes is the "roti gala" , which is often served during special occasions. | |
27 | 马来语中的“mantri”一词是用来指称明朝时期中国人口头讲的“南京话”这种语言吗? | Was "mantri" in Malay used to name the language, Nanjinghua, spoken by the Chinese during the Ming Dynasty? | |
28 | 目前,金融服务业等行业的外国投资者被要求要有马来人股东。 | Foreign investors are required at present to have ethnic Malay shareholders in such industries as financial services. | |
29 | 他的野外研究项目是追踪马来西亚麝猫(印度尼西亚的一种小型雨林麝猫)的种群动态。 | His wildlife research tracks the population dynamics of the Malay civet, a small rainforest carnivore in Indonesia. | |
30 | 它实际上是一道中国菜的马来西亚版本。 | It is actually the Malay version of a chinese dish. |