1 | “但有抑郁病。"小主人翁爱德华插嘴说道,他正在找一只美丽的长尾小鹦鹉尾巴上的羽毛,想把它拿来插在他的帽子上作花翎,那只栖在镀金架子上的鸟被拔得吱吱咕咕地乱叫。 | "But melancholy ," interrupted Master Edward, snatching the feathers out of the tail of a splendid parroquet that was screaming on its gilded perch, in order to make a plume for his hat | |
2 | “海鳗号”在阴沉沉的细雨中离开了中途岛。 | The moray left Midway in a melancholy drizzle | |
3 | “好,如果必须这样,我必定这样做。”国王带着优郁的神态说,然后他交叉着双臂,对厨师蹙着眉,直到视野模糊了,才用深沉的声音说:“馅饼是用什么做的?” | `Well, if I must, I must,’ the King said, with a melancholy air, and, after folding his arms and frowning at the cook till his eyes were nearly out of sight, he said in a deep voice, `What are tarts made of?’ | |
4 | “我的朋友,”基督山同样忧郁的说,“听我说。 | "My friend," said Monte Cristo, with an expression of melancholy equal to his own, "listen to me | |
5 | “我要是刚才不提到黛娜就好了!”爱丽丝忧郁地对自己说, | `I wish I hadn’t mentioned Dinah!’ she said to herself in a melancholy tone | |
6 | 哀歌曲调忧郁悲哀的音乐作品 | A composition that is melancholy or pensive in tone. | |
7 | 爱丽丝看着陪审员席,发现由于自己的疏忽,竟将壁虎头朝下放上了,那个可怜的小东西无力动弹,只是滑稽地摇摆着尾巴。 | Alice looked at the jury-box, and saw that, in her haste, she had put the Lizard in head downwards, and the poor little thing was waving its tail about in a melancholy way, being quite unable to move | |
8 | 悲哀的消息使她变得忧郁。 | Sad news disposes her to melancholy | |
9 | 被疾病和悔恨折磨得衰弱不堪的克莱,象一个忧郁的幽灵,来到桑德邦这块风光明媚的海滨胜地,寻找他失去的新娘。他在一所时髦的寄宿舍里找到了苔丝,得悉令人痛苦的真情。 | To Sandbourne, a gay watering-place, a melancholy specter of a man,wasted by illness and regret, comes in search of his lost bride,and in a fashionable boarding-house Clare finds Tess and learns the agonzing truth | |
10 | 殡仪馆的人在昨夜执行完了他们的任务,把尸体裹在一块包尸布里,尽管有人说死亡面前人人平等,但包尸布却要最后证明他们生前所享受的奢侈。 | During the night the undertakers had executed their melancholy office, and wrapped the corpse in the winding-sheet, which, whatever may be said about the equality of death, is at least a last proof of the luxury so pleasing in life | |
11 | 不管是由于他那每况愈下的健康状况,抑或其它什么原因,他那双又大又黑的眼睛的深处,在烦恼和忧郁之中还有一个痛苦的天地。 | And whether it were his failing health, or whatever the cause might be, his large dark eyes had a world of pain in their troubled and melancholy depth. | |
12 | 不过如今已是盲苔丛生,招摇欲坠,其昏暗的房间中发生过并消逝了的那些悲欢离合,无论是记忆犹新还是全然忘却,都令人缀然伤感。 | Now moss-grown, crumbling to decay, and melancholy at heart with the many sorrowful or joyful occurrences, remembered or forgotten, that have happened, and passed away, within their dusky chambers. | |
13 | 池子边那种冶荡幽怨的空气立刻变为寂静的紧张了。那四个人都感觉到现在是那“风暴”的中心直向他们扫过来了,说不定要挨一顿没来由的斥骂。 | The romantic, melancholy atmosphere among the group by the pond suddenly became still and tense: every one of them could sense the approach of the "storm-centre," and they prepared themselves for an outburst of gratuitous invective | |
14 | 除此之外,我还发现他的声音轻柔而悦耳;他的眼睛深沉而忧郁;他的态度和谈吐都文雅,这个可怜的小伙子显然是遭遇了不幸。 | To it I added the facts that his voice was low and musical; his eyes deep and melancholy ; his carriage and address gentlemanly, evidently the poor chap was in trouble | |
15 | 打动他的绝不是什么虚伪的忏悔,而是真正的慈爱和一种黯然“永别”的滋味。 | Nothing so false as penitence moved him; but genuine paternal feeling, and that melancholy of "never again" | |
16 | 带来令人悲伤的消息的信 | A letter with some melancholy news. | |
17 | 当他走后,她陷入沉思。 | When he left, she sank into melancholy | |
18 | 等到看不见威廉的时候,范妮才心情沉重地回到早餐室,为物是人非而悲哀。 | After seeing William to the last moment Fanny walked back into the breakfast-room with a very saddened heart to grieve over the melancholy change | |
19 | 第二大国阿根廷则仍处于可悲的停滞不前和一片混乱之中。 | Argentina, the second largest nation, remained in melancholy stagnation and disarray | |
20 | 多么凄迷的夜色。 | What a melancholy night. | |
21 | 法国政府背弃忠实的盟国捷克斯洛伐克,使它任由命运摆布,这实在是一个令人伤心的错误,由此还产生了许多可怕的后果。 | For the French Government to leave her faithful ally, czechoslovakia, to her fate was a melancholy lapse from which flowed terrible consequences | |
22 | 风吹来外面“鼓乐手”的唢呐和笛子的声音,也显得异常悲凉,像是替中国的丝织业奏哀乐。 | The sound of the trumpets and flutes of the band outside drifted in on the wind, so melancholy that it might have been a dirge for the Chinese silk industry | |
23 | 风儿忧郁,草儿悲哀 | There is melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the grass | |
24 | 刚才的一丝凄凉之感立即消散,她恢复了毫无节制的疯狂举动。 | She resumed all the fantastic extravagance of deportment after some transient touch of melancholy had banished for an instant | |
25 | 歌声伴着夏日甜美的空气飘上来,动听得很,带着种幸福的忧郁。 | Her voice floated upward with the sweet summer air, very tuneful, charged with a sort of happy melancholy | |
26 | 毫无希望的;感伤的;忧郁的 | Without hope;very sad or melancholy | |
27 | 忽然间,他们又移开视线,惊愕地看到同一股力量怎样奇妙地施展在年轻、品德高尚的女儿的悲惨命运上。 | The same eyes were suddenly taken off from this sight to admire at the mysterious ways of the same power in the melancholy fate of the young and virtuous daughter | |
28 | 忽然林佩珊曼声唱着凄婉的时行小曲《雷梦娜》 | Suddenly Lin Pei-shan broke into a dreamy rendering of the melancholy popular song Romona | |
29 | 基督山伯爵带着一个抑郁而庄重的微笑向那五个青年鞠了一躬,和马西米兰、艾曼纽跨进他的马车走了。 | THE COUNT of Monte Cristo bowed to the five young men with a melancholy and dignified smile, and got into his carriage with Maximilian and Emmanuel | |
30 | 接着搬来了第二位房客,一个英俊而略带伤感的中年男子,四十岁出头,棕色而怪异的胡须,一双眼睛充满了奇怪的恳求和探究意味。 | Next comes lodger No. 2, a handsome, melancholy man in the early 40’s, with a brown, mysterious beard, and strangely pleading, haunting eyes |