属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 2HC 102-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 2HC 101-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 2HC 209-1989(镍基铬11.5、铝6.0、钼4.0、铌2.0)
1 | (起模用)挤水器 | mo (u)lder’s bulb | |
2 | (压铸机)上型; 定模 | mo (u)ld cover half | |
3 | (压铸机)上型; 定模 | mo (u)ld top half | |
4 | (圆盘犁的)犁壁刮土板 | mo (u)ld board type scraper | |
5 | “Lo”、“Eo”、“Mo”、···是基本费用指数或参照价格,以相应的支付货币表示,按照在基准日期时相关表中的费用因素的费用指数或参照价格确定。 | “Lo“, “Eo“, “Mo “, ... are the base cost indices or reference prices, expressed in the relevant currency of payment, each of which is applicable to the relevant tabulated cost element on the Base Date. | |
6 | “呀,呀,怎么有我呢? | "What, me?" protested mo Kan-cheng hastily | |
7 | 《专用发票》的规格分为两种,用汉字印制的为40开(290×205);用两种文字印制的为32开(290×230)。 | The Special Invoice consists of two specifications, those printed in Chinese character are 40-mo (190 x 105); those printed in two languages are 32-mo (190 x 130). | |
8 | 1904年在密苏里州圣路易城世界博览会上首创能携带的甜筒。商品冰淇淋是将所有的配料搅拌和加热而成的混合物,而后经杀菌及匀和等工序 | The ice-cream cone originated at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Mo ., U.S. Commercial ice cream is made by heating and blending its ingredients to form a mix, which is then pasteurized and homogenized. | |
9 | 1988年 首家沃尔玛购物广场在密苏里州的华盛顿开业 | 1988 First Supercenter opened in Washington, Mo . | |
10 | CMPP_FWD操作的目的是源ISMG可以根据一定的路由策略将SP提交的短信、MO状态报告、短信中心产生的状态报告、用户提交的短信转发到目的ISMG, | In a CMPP_FWD operation, the source ISMG can, according to a specific route strategy, forward to the destination ISMG messages submitted by SP, MO status reports, status reports generated by SMSC as well as messages submitted by users. | |
11 | ISMG1在处理这三种情况的时候,向ISMG2发送MO状态报告,状态报告中的stat字段取值为“REJECTD”。ISMG1在处理这种情况时,继续等待ISMG2返回状态报告。 | When ISMG1 handles these three situations, it sends to ISMG2 a MO status report, in which the value of stat field is “REJECTD”.In this case, ISMG1 continues to wait for a status report from ISMG2. | |
12 | 爱伦及其同事应用从头计算法来考查SCF MO计算对于预示分子平衡几何形的适宜性。 | Allen and co-worker did ab initio calculation to test the adequacy of SCF MO calculations for predicting molecular equilibrium geometries | |
13 | 北面两个是秦桧和他的妻子王氏,南面的两个是张俊和万俟卨(音“莫其屑”)。 | The two on the left are Qin Hui and his wife who master-minded the whole thing and the two on the right are Zhang Jun and Mo Qixie who were their lackeys | |
14 | 车板架, 马架, 铁马(刮板造型工具) | sweeping mo (u)lder’s horse | |
15 | 沉淀硬化铬-镍-铜-钼钢铸件(1250MPa)(铬14.0、镍4.5、铜2.5、钼1.5)规范 | Specification for precipitation hardening chromium-nickel-copper-molybdenum steel castings (1250 MPa)(Cr 14.0, Ni 4.5, Cu 2.5, Mo 1.5) | |
16 | 沉淀硬化铬-镍-铜-钼钢铸件(950MPa)(铬14.0、镍4.5、铜2.5、钼1.5)规范 | Specification for precipitation hardening chromium-nickel-copper-molybdenum steel castings (950 MPa)(Cr 14.0, Ni 4.5, Cu 2.5, Mo 1.5) | |
17 | 大帽山高地灌木林区特别地区〔位于城门郊野公园内〕 | Tai Mo Shan Montane Scrub Forest Special Area [within the Shing Mun Country Park] | |
18 | 但是我也有闪光的时候,我能读懂每一座我们所经过的建筑上的拉丁文。 | But there are mo ments when I shine. I can read the Latin on every public building we pass. | |
19 | 但是我也有闪光的时候。 | But there are mo ments when I shine | |
20 | 但在接通了线而且听得莫干丞的畏缩吞吐的语音时,吴荪甫蓦地又变了卦;他反而严厉地训令道 | But when he heard Mo Kan-cheng humming and hawing like an imbecile at the other end of the line, Wu Sun-fu suddenly changed his mind and rasped sternly at him instead | |
21 | 当转发消息为MO状态报告(MO状态报告的产生见附录1)时,信息内容字段(Msg_Content)格式定义如下: | When the forwarded message is a MO status report (see Appendix 1 for the generation of a MO status report), the format of the message content field is defined as follows: | |
22 | 等一下,我还没完全准备好 | Half a mo (ie Wait a little), I’m not quite ready | |
23 | 低碳、沉淀硬化镍-铬-铝-钼-铌合金铸件规范 | Specification for low carbon, precipitation hardening nickel-chromium-aluminium-molybdenum-niobium alloy castings (Nickel base Cr 11.5, Al 6.0, Mo 4.0, Nb 2.0) | |
24 | 短信中心将按照MO操作的流程将状态报告返回给SP(如果SP要求返回状态报告)。 | and SMSC will return the status report to SP (if SP requires it)according to the MO operation flow. | |
25 | 对不起,约翰。一会儿就回来。 | Excuse me John.Back in a sec / mo . | |
26 | 对不起。很快就回来。 | Excuse me.Won’t be a mo / sec. | |
27 | 对于MO短消息,例如SMSC1B向SP3X发送一条命令,短消息首先采用SMPP协议发送到SMG1,经过SMG1转发时序列号必须由SMG1重新生成(此时命令源节点为SMG1)。 | For a MO short message, such as SMSC1B sending a command to SP3X, the short message is first sent to SMG1 via SMPP protocol, and the sequence number at SMG1 forwarding must be regenerated by the SMG1 (at which time the command source node is SMG1). | |
28 | 对于MO方向的命令(即命令接收方为SP),其路由根据命令中的SP接入号码来选择。 | For a MO -direction command (i.e. the command receiver is a SP), the route is selected according to the SP access number in the command. | |
29 | 对于MO方向的命令(即命令接收方为SP),由SMG通过POST方式提交给SP进行处理,SP将处理结果以及MT方向信息在HTTP应答中返回给SMG; | For MO -direction commands (viz. SP being the command receiver), SMG submits them via the POST mode to SP for processing, and SP returns the processing results and the MT-direction message to SMG in the HTTP response. | |
30 | 二十四开:把原张纸分二十四份所得的尺寸.用来表示书本大小.以A度纸计,二十四开相等于2/3A4的大小,是常用的书本尺寸。 | Twenty-four-mo (24mo):A size paper obtained by sub-dividing a broadsheet into twenty-four parts. Used to describe book size. For A size paper, it equivalents to 2/3A4, which is a common book size. |