属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 9327-2-1999
1 | 寻求多原子分子的准确电子波函数主要用mo法。 | The search for accurate electronic wave functions of polyatomic molecules uses mainly the mo method | |
2 | 压力用途的钢锻件和轧制或锻造的棒材.技术交货条件.第2部分:特定的提高温度特性的非合金和合金钢(钼,镉和镉 | Steel forgings and rolled or forged bars for pressure purposes-Technical delivery conditions-Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy (Mo , Cr and CrMo)steels with specified elevated temperature properties | |
3 | 迎面来了慌慌张张的莫干丞,一把拉住了屠维岳,口吃地说道 | He was met by an agitated Mo Kan-cheng, who buttonholed him and stammered excitedly | |
4 | 硬模铸造, 金属 型铸造 | permanment-mo (u)ld casting | |
5 | 用LCAO-MO理论处理异核双原子分子基本上与处理同核双原子分子是相同的。 | The treatment of heteronuclear diatomic molecules by LCAO-MO theory is not fundamentally different from the treatment of homonuclear diatomics | |
6 | 在MO流程中,若短信经ISMG2转发给与SP相连的ISMG1,ISMG1在给SP发送消息时可能存在四种情况: | In a MO flow, if a message is forwarded to ISMG 1 connected to SP via ISMG2, there can be four different situations when ISMG1 sends the message to SP: | |
7 | 在以上操作中,步骤3到步骤8均使用CMPP协议;在随后的操作中,目的ISMG在接收到SP的响应后将产生MO状态报告发给源ISMG。 | CMPP is used from Step 3 to Step 8 in the above operations; In the succeeding operations, the destination ISMG will generate a MO status report and send it to the source ISMG after it has received the response from SP. | |
8 | 只有当他看见自己人是怎样地糊涂不中用,例如前天莫干丞报告厂里情形不稳的时候,他这才会真正发怒--很有害于他的康健的忿怒。 | What made him really angry was when he found his own men muddling and bungling, as he had the day before yesterday with Mo Kan-cheng; and at times like that he became so angry that his health was threatened | |
9 | 诸位假如没机会见到外国原本书,那很容易,只要看徐志摩先生译的法国小说《戆第德》,就可略知梅毒的渊源。 | If you have not had the opportunity to read the original, you can very easily read Hs Chih-mo ’s translation of the French novel Candide to learn something about the origins of syphilis | |
10 | 自耗电极真空电弧炉; 冷模炉 | cold-mo (u)ld furnace |