属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-戛纳电影节 The Cannes film festi
1 | 陕西荫眼蝶属一新种(鳞翅目:眼蝶科) | A New Species of the Genus Neope Moore (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)from Shaanxi Province | |
2 | 上双对角阵Moore-Penrose广义逆的并行计算 | Parallel Computation of the Moore -Penrose Inverse of a Bidiagonal Matrix | |
3 | 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。美国女诗人穆尔。 | Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.--Moore , American poetess | |
4 | 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。--穆尔 | Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.--M. Moore | |
5 | 诗歌唯一真正困难的事情是批评家对它的解释。--科尔比 | The only really difficult thing about a poem is the critic′s explanation of it.--f. Moore Colby | |
6 | 时间在飞逝中仍然带给她更多的真理,使她意识到青春丢失的东西。英国剧作家穆尔 | Time still, as he flies, brings increase to her truth, and gives to her mind what he steals from her youth.--Edward Moore , British dramatist | |
7 | 实对称矩阵在相合分解下的Moore-Penrose型广义逆的通式 | General Forms for Moore -Penrose Inverses of Real Symmetric Matrix under the Congruence Decomposition Condition | |
8 | 实四元数环上矩阵的Moore-Penrose逆的计算简化 | The Reduction for Calculating the Moore -Penrose Inverse of Quaternions Matrices | |
9 | 司各特,莫尔和许许多多其他人都对他文绉绉的谈吐举止颇有好评。 | Scott, moore , and a score of others testified to his personal charm | |
10 | 台湾蹄盖蕨科新纪录-密腺蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium puncticaule (Blume)T. Moore (Woodsiaceae), New to Taiwan | |
11 | 我还要对15年来给予我们支持和帮助的历任总干事-邓克尔先生、萨瑟兰先生、鲁杰罗先生、穆尔先生表示感谢。 | My gratitude also goes to the Director-Generals of GATT and the WTO, Mr. Dunkel, Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Ruggiero and Mr. Moore , who have given their support and assistance in the past 15 years. | |
12 | 我还要对15年来给予我们支持和帮助的历任总干事一一邓克尔先生、萨瑟兰先生、鲁杰罗先生、穆尔先生表示感谢。 | My gratitude also goes to Mr. Mike Moore , Director-General of the WTO, to the former Director-Generals of GATT and the WTO, Mr. Dunkel, Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Ruggiero who have given their support and assistance in the past 15 years. | |
13 | 我们有一本装帧精美的穆尔的《爱尔兰诗歌》;我还常听到阿克塞先生心醉神迷地吟诵爱尔兰诗歌。 | We had a profusely decorated volume of Moore ’s Irish Melodies: and often have I listened to the enraptured recitation of these by Akshay Babu. | |
14 | 我认为说服的三个首要协助因素是谦恭、集中和兴趣(玛丽安娜·穆尔) | Three foremost aids to persuasion which occur to me are humility,concentration,and gusto(Marianne Moore ) | |
15 | 行(或列)对称矩阵的Moore-Penrose逆 | Moore Penrose Inverse for Row or Column Symmetric Matrix | |
16 | 压缩机系统高阶Moore-Greitzer模型的动态行为分析 | Dynamics and Analysis of Higher Order Moore -Greitzer Model in Compression System | |
17 | 一种改进Boyer-Moore算法效率的预处理算法 | A pre-processing Algorithm for Improving Efficiency of the Boyer-Moore Algorithm | |
18 | 依据莫尔的报告,焙烘破坏了处理后面粉中剩余生育酚的47%。 | According to Moore , baking destroyed 47% of the remaining tocopherols in the treated flour | |
19 | 英特尔公司1968年创立时名为诺摩电子公司,由诺伊斯和摩尔共同创立,二人曾发明集成电路,后又生产大规模集成电路。 | Intel was founded in 1968 as NM Electronics by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore , inventors of the integrated circuit, to manufacture large-scale integrated (LSI)circuits. | |
20 | 用加权MP逆的定义方程推导[A, B](上标 + 下标 MN)的显式 | Using the Defining Equation of the Weighted Moore -Penrose Inverse A(superscript + subscript MN)to Deduce the Explicit Expression of [A, B](superscript + subscript MN) | |
21 | 有关连续的Moore-Penrose齐性广义逆的性质 | On the Property of a Continuous Moore -Penrose Homogeneous Generalized Inverse | |
22 | 这是汉斯·穆尔。 | This is Hans Moore . | |
23 | 这位歌唱家由穆尔先生钢琴伴奏。 | The singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr. Moore . | |
24 | 正交投影的积与差的Moore-Penrose逆 | Moore -Penrose Inverses of Products and Differences of Orthogonal Projections | |
25 | 中国野桑蚕人工饲料育研究初报 | Report on Chinese Bombyx mandarina Moore Fed on Artificial Diet | |
26 | 竹涓夜蛾之猖獗、形态、生物学暨虫生真菌对其幼虫之致病力 | Outbreak, Morphology and Bionomics of Rivula biatomea (Moore )(Noctuidae, Lepidoptera), with Pathogenicity of Entomogenus Fungi to its Larva | |
27 | 自同安钮夜蛾幼虫分离的一种核型多角体病毒 | A Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus from Larvae of Anua indiscriminata Moore (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) | |
28 | 作者用对莫尔的几首诗的冗长剖析来支持她的分析(沃伦·韦斯纳) | The author buttresses her analysis with lengthy dissections of several of Moore ’s poems(Warren Woessner) | |
29 | ||1:半个世纪以来,计算机产业发展的本质就是花钱更少,成事更多。||2:摩尔定律的著名论断是:能够放入某空间内的晶体管数量每18个月翻一番。||3:储存的数据也有着类似的增长速率,但是随着部件越来越小,它们的制造难度和成本也逐渐增加。||4: 5月10日,美国芯片巨头因特尔总裁兼CEOPaul Otellini宣布将花费上百亿美元建设新工厂。 | ||1: FOR half a century, the essence of progress in the computer industry has been to do more with less. ||2: Moore ’s law famously observes that the number of transistors which can be crammed into a given space doubles every 18 months. ||3: The amount of data that can be stored has grown at a similar rate. Yet as components get smaller, making them gets harder and more expensive. ||4: On May 10th Paul Otellini, the boss of Intel, a big American chipmaker, put the price of a new chip factory (known as a fab) at around $10 billion. | |
30 | ||1:戛纳会不会对此感到震惊?以前的评审团经常做一些与政治相关的选择。||2:当麦克·摩尔2004年凭借批判乔治·布什总统的纪录片《华氏911》获奖时,人们起身为他喝彩了20分钟。||3:而近年来,获奖的总是些围绕着恼人事件的电影,比如说克里斯蒂安·蒙吉的《四月三周两天》(有关堕胎)或者是肯·洛奇的《风吹稻浪》(爱尔兰独立)。 | ||1:Does Cannes need to shock.Past juries have delighted in making mischievous political choices.||2:When Michael Moore won the 2004 prize for “Fahrenheit 9/11”, his anti-George Bush documentary, he got a 20-minute standing ovation.||3:In recent years, the gong has often gone to films that grasp nettlesome subjects, such as Cristian Mungiu’s “4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days” (abortion) or Ken Loach’s “The Wind that Shakes the Barley” (Irish independence). |