属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-甜蜜点 独居之旅
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-中国的傅园慧:全球最快乐的奥运选手
1 | 一个人的神秘的财富庇护所则是另一个人的不毛的荒凉废墟。 | One man’s mystical haven for wealth is another’s unproductive barbarous relic | |
2 | 艺术家画笔本能的,艺术的运动象征着其对自然的神秘移情,他的一系列山水和花卉题材象征着其对自然形态和力量的精神和谐的信仰。 | The artist’s intuitive, calligraphic brush movements symbolizing his mystical empathy with nature and his cyclic landscape and flower subjects expressing his belief in the spiritual harmony of natural forms and forces. | |
3 | 因为儒教没有什么神秘或神学色彩,这样的一种看法的确是站得住脚的。 | As there is nothing mystical or theological about confucianism, such a view is, indeed, quite tenable | |
4 | 在《圣·摩尔》和《羽蛇》中,他从新墨西哥州和墨西哥的印第安人身上看见了他们那晦暗、神秘的知识较之欧洲人那有教养的头脑更接近生命的本源和实质。 | In St. Mawr and The Plumed Serpent he sees in the Indians of New Mexico and Mexico a dark, mystical knowledge that reaches closer to the source and essence of life than the educated minds of Europeans ever can. | |
5 | 这类论点的出发点是宗教和神秘经历的心理因素。 | Arguments of this type take their point of departure from the psychology of religious and mystical experience | |
6 | 真言密教之密契经验 | Mystical Experience: Communication between Buddha and Man | |
7 | ||1:华而不实?或许吧。||2:但在他所有嬉言之下却有着一颗虔诚的心。||3:他喜爱针叶林,并理解俄国人对针叶林近乎谜一样的依恋。||4:他会被偶尔带枪入境、开着驱动车嘟嘟按喇叭的商人吓坏,还会徒步走上几小时去见一些奇怪的独居者,他们的木屋分散在森林中。||5:其中一人给了他两只小狗,它们是Tesson钟爱的伴侣,是至贤的哲学家。||6:胜过叔本华。||7:Aika和Bek知道如何寻找“甜蜜点”—那个介于“渴望与遗憾”的特别存在,那正是Tesson的心之所向。 | ||1:Tongue in cheek? Perhaps.||2:Yet, for all his playfulness, Mr Tesson is in earnest.||3:He loves thetaiga and understands the Russians’ almost mystical attachment to it.||4:He shudders at the occasional invasions of gun-toting businessmen in blaring 4x4s, and he walks for hours to meet odd loners in their scattered cabins.||5:One of them gives him two puppies who become his much-loved companions and his wisest philosophers.||6:Move over Schopenhauer.||7:Aika and Bek know where the “sweet spot” is—the present moment, that special place “between longing and regret” that Mr Tesson is ultimately in search of. | |
8 | ||1:结果却是一团糟,瓦希德想做的超出了他的能力并置身于四面楚歌的境地,很快一切都失控了,国会罢免了他。||2:但他至少为印尼政府的责任感和开放性树立了一个标杆,这有助于民主的发展。||3:更难能可贵的是,他向世界展示了一种具有思想性和包容性的穆斯林形象。||4:他视自己为多种角色:一个西玛——爪哇皮影戏中半人半神的小丑,一个功夫电影中的醉仙,穿着便宜的蜡染衬衫,迈着潇洒的醉步,处处逼人就范。||5:但他也是伊斯兰神秘传统中那个笑着的苏菲,在不偏不袒的神的包容面前,疯狂——或睿智。 | ||1:The result was chaos.Mr Wahid, out of his depth and surrounded by enemies, soon lost control, and parliament removed him.||2:But he had at least set standards for government accountability and openness in Indonesia, which helped democracy to grow.||3:Even more valuably, he had shown the world a thoughtful, tolerant form of Islam.||4:He saw himself as many characters: as Semar, the wise demigod-turned-jester of Javanese shadow-theatre, and as the “drunken master” of kung-fu films, expertly waddling in, in his cheap batik shirts, to bang heads together.||5:But he was also the laughing Sufi of Islam’s mystical tradition, mad—or wise—before the undiscriminating inclusiveness of God. | |
9 | 傅园慧兴奋地说,“58秒95?我当时真快呀!”她对记者说,她游泳时用了“洪荒之力”。 | "58.95?" Fu said with excitement. "I was really fast!" She told the reporter that she used "mystical powers" in her swim. | |
10 | 纵观历史,人们都认为泉水是神秘的。 | Throughout history, people have viewed springs as mystical . | |
11 | Alex略带神秘地说,这些数字不能被其他数整除,感觉上“牢不可破而且比较值得信赖”。 | Alex, going a little mystical , says these numbers, being indivisible, feel "strong and kind of trustworthy. " | |
12 | 不同于其他信仰方式,新教没有神秘的宗教仪式用以赎罪。 | Unlike many other forms of faith, Protestantism has no mystical rite to absolve sin. | |
13 | 除过占卜和神秘的蛊惑,拥有如此力量,我们只能依靠做梦。 | Fortune telling and mystical mumbo-jumbo aside, it has been a power about which we can only dream. | |
14 | 达赖的出逃被喇嘛描述成充满神秘色彩的英雄壮举。 | This flight is portrayed by lamaists as a heroic, even mystical event. | |
15 | 定理2的应用可以在佚名的希伯莱神秘著作《SeferYetzirah》(创造集)中找到。 | Applications of Theorem 2 can be found in the anonymous Hebrew mystical work "Sefer Yetzirah" (the book of Creation). | |
16 | 对瓦茨而言,所有真正宗教的本质是神秘的体验,或者是有时称作“上帝的意识”或“宇宙意识”的东西。 | To Watts the essence of all true religion is the mystical experience, or what is sometimes called God consciousness or cosmic consciousness. | |
17 | 该剧讲的是一群坠机生还者受困于一座神秘岛屿之后的故事,融合了肥皂剧和科幻的元素。 | Set on a mystical island after a group of plane-crash survivors are stranded, the show mixes soap opera and sci-fi. | |
18 | 更加宽容和神秘的信仰,以及极端清教派(ultra-puritanism)的萨拉菲斯特运动(Salafistmovement)也来争夺市场份额。 | More tolerant and mystical versions of the faith, as well as the ultra-puritanism of the Salafist movement, also compete for market share. | |
19 | 古代密教的世纪追随者则确信不疑:巨石阵与夏至、冬至日有关。 | Twenty century followers of ancient mystical beliefs are sure that Stonehenge has a connection with summer and winter solstices. | |
20 | 回到时间隧道,亚洲宗教已经谈到称做“昆达里尼”的生命力。 | Stretching back into the corridors of time, Asian religions have spoken of a mystical force called the ’Kundalini’. | |
21 | 理解这种现象的主要方面既不是在磁性也不是在神秘力量而是摩檫力的物理性质。 | The key to understanding this phenomenon lies not in magnetism nor in any sort of mystical ability but instead in the physics of friction. | |
22 | 明亮的灯光、隧道和未知的神秘声音让临近死亡的经历蒙上了一层神秘色彩。 | Bright lights, tunnels to the unknown and mysterious voices give near-death experiences an mystical air. | |
23 | 然而,即便当这些产品没有让人感觉它几乎魔术般的“有用”,这才是真正起效了。 | But even when its products don’t "just work" in a way that feels practically mystical , they do work. | |
24 | 然而至少从1968年开始(有的人认为可以追溯到1789年),罢工和游行就一直在法国起着神秘的政治作用。 | Yet at least since 1968 (some would go back further, to 1789), strikers and demonstrators have had an almost mystical status in France. | |
25 | 如果你不介意我的神秘兮兮,我得说纯素生食让人感觉到自己的细胞在和大自然和谐地歌唱。 | If you don’t mind me being mystical for a moment, I have to say being raw feels like your cells are singing in harmony with nature. | |
26 | 如果你想寻求一种自内而外的神秘体验,访问瑜伽的发源地显然是个不错的选择。 | A trip to the birthplace of yoga is an obvious choice if you’re looking for a mystical experience inside and out. | |
27 | 上帝的爱与怒也不能像一些神秘的阴阳法则一样对立起来。 | Nor are His love and wrath in opposition to each other like some mystical yin-yang principle. | |
28 | 少年神秘的环舞 | Mystical circle of the adolescents Cercles mysterieux des | |
29 | 身为什叶派穆斯林的阿拉维认为复兴能够伊斯兰文明,其宗教的神秘传统(苏菲派)必不可少。 | Mr Allawi, himself a Shia Muslim, believes the mystical (or Sufi) tradition must be an integral part of the revival of Islamic civilisation. | |
30 | 神的计划为你的生活避免去发现一些情绪的感觉。 | God’s plan for your life is not discovered through some emotional sensation. His plan for your life is practical, not mystical . |