属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国第41任总统乔治·H.W.布什逝世 享年94岁(2
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-纪念《杀死一只知更鸟》出版50周年
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-侮辱性广告 人身攻击
1 | 没有一个人鼓掌。突然一个小男孩从剧院的楼厅站起身来,大声喊道:“爸爸,你真棒!”随之观众中爆发出雷鸣般掌声。 | No one applauded. Suddenly, from the balcony,a little boy stood up and shouted, "Daddy , I think you are wonderful! " The crowd broke into thunderous applause. | |
2 | 蒙古裸腹溞的培养技术 | Cultivation Technology of Miona mongolica Daddy | |
3 | 囡囡乖,走开。爸爸正忙着呢。 | Be a good girl and run along. Daddy ’s busy. | |
4 | 您的目光中虽然有严厉,但更多的是温暖,是爱护。谢谢您,爸爸。 | Your eyes show sternness,but they keep more kindness and care. Thank you, dear Daddy . | |
5 | 然后她迅速转过身来,眼睛亮闪闪的,她泪水盈眶而又笑容灿烂地说道:“我就知道圣诞节爸爸会和我们在一起的!” | She stepped back and looked for a long while. With sparkling, tear-filled eyes and a wide smile, she quickly turned and said, "I knew Daddy would be with us on Christmas Day! " | |
6 | 沙太太肯定有个阔绰的老情夫在暗中资助她。 | Mrs. Sha must have had a sugar daddy on the side. | |
7 | 他爸爸说了他几句。 | Daddy gave him a talking-to | |
8 | 他成了我们众人畏惧的黑炭阿爹。 | He was our coal-black daddy of whom we were afraid | |
9 | 他发誓会保密后,我坚持让他先闭上眼睛,然后把肖像摆到画架上。“好了,爸爸。现在你可以看了!” | After swearing him to secrecy,I insisted he keep his eyes closed until I had the portraits set on easels."Okay, Daddy . Now you can look! " | |
10 | 他们真的喜欢我们的音乐,而且,爸爸,我喜欢为他们表演(路易斯·阿姆斯特朗) | They really dig our music and,daddy ,I dig swinging for them(Louis Armstrong) | |
11 | 他是一位肯在女人身上花钱的阔佬,是不是? | He’s a sugar daddy , isn’t he? | |
12 | 陶醉在音乐中的小弟禁不住随着节奏跳起舞来,父亲轻轻地哼着,母亲也吹起口哨来。 | Caught up in the rhythm of the music, my baby brother danced around while Daddy hummed and Mother whistled | |
13 | 听母亲说,爸爸为一家奎尔电力煤气公司转包了不少合同。 | According to mother, Daddy has been doing quite a lot of subcontracting for a company called Quayle Electrical and Gas | |
14 | 温度和体长对蒙古裸腹溞(Moina mongolica Daddy)摄食强度的影响 | The Effect of Temperature and Body Length on Feeding Intensity of Moina Mongolica Daddy | |
15 | 我从爸妈那儿得到了大多数的东西,而且彻底地被许许多多的朋友宠坏了。 | I got masses of things from mummy and daddy , and was thoroughly spoiled by various friends. | |
16 | 我看见你的父母在哭泣, | I saw your mama and your daddy crying | |
17 | 我看着礼品卡上爸爸的手迹。“妈妈--女儿提醒了我是多么有福气。我将永远凝视着你--爸爸。” | I glanced at the gift card scrawled in my father’s handwriting. "Mother--Our daughter reminded me why I am so blessed. I’ II be looking at you always--Daddy . | |
18 | 我明白了我和父亲的愿望已经得到实现。 | I knew Daddy ’s prayer, and mine, had been answered | |
19 | 我女儿马上问我,“爸爸,他们为什么是这种打扮呢?他们穿的是不是演出服呀?” | My daughter immediately asked me, "Daddy , why are they dressed up like that?Are they in costumes?" | |
20 | 盐度和体长对蒙古裸腹溞(Moina mongolica Daddy)摄食强度的影响 | The Effect of Salinity and Body Length on Feeding Intensity of Moina mongolica Daddy | |
21 | 一到7点过后我就跑去妈妈和爸爸那里,然后再到客厅去拆礼物。第一件映入眼帘的就是你,这或许是所有礼物里面最好的了,然后桌上还有一束玫瑰花,一棵植物和一些牡丹花,在那天之中还接连收到更多的东西。 | Soon after seven I went to mummy and daddy and then to the sitting room to undo my present. The first to greet me was you, possibly the nicest of all. Then on the table there were a bunch of roses, a plant, and some peonies and more arrived during the day | |
22 | 约翰,快跑去火车站看看你爹是不是在火车上。 | John,hightail down to the station and see if your daddy ’s on the train. | |
23 | 咱们到那儿去,爸爸? | Where shall we go, daddy ? | |
24 | 祝明年爸爸、妈妈别太忙,多跟我玩。 | I wish that next year, Daddy and Mommy would not be too busy, and would play with me more. | |
25 | ||1:人们仍然认为宠物一定在以某种方式为人类服务,或许是让人们更健康,或许是减轻了焦虑。||2:但这方面的证据并不充分。||3:相反,新的研究表明,狗狗进化出了那些令人难以抗拒的“小狗眼睛”,正是为了控制人类的情绪。这的确奏效了。||4:曾经奴役其他物种的人类现在要辛苦地支付照顾宠物的费用,这些宠物懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,等着被带到美容沙龙。||5:多愁善感的美国人常常称自己为猫的“妈妈”或“爸爸”,而不是猫的主人。||6:韩国人则更甚,他们自称为猫的“管家”,迎合猫的每一个奇想。||7:看着一个倒霉的遛狗人牵着“他的”狗,手里拿着塑料袋捡狗粪,你一定会心生疑问:现在谁是老大? | ||1:People still assume that pets must be working for humanity in some way, perhaps making people healthier or less anxious.||2:But the evidence for that is weak.||3:Rather, new research suggests that canines have evolved those irresistible “puppy-dog eyes” precisely to manipulate human emotions. It has worked.||4:The species that once enslaved others now toils to pay for the care of its pets, which lounge on the sofa waiting to be taken to the grooming salon.||5:Sentimental Americans often refer to themselves not as cat-owners but as the cat’s “mommy” or “daddy ”.||6:South Koreans go one further, describing themselves as cat “butlers”, pandering to every feline whim.||7:Watch a hapless dog-walker trailing “his” hound, plastic bag in hand to pick up its mess, and you have to wonder: who’s in charge now? | |
26 | ||1:人们通常也认为他在其他方面与众不同:生来优越,父母称之为“Poppy”,高中毕业于菲利普斯学院,还是耶鲁大学的优等毕业生,1992年竞选中被谣传(不实)从未通过超市的扫描仪买过一品脱牛奶。||2:他是美国北方贵族,本可追随父亲脚步进入华尔街,但却成为德克萨斯州的石油大亨(仅有的德州发言人吉姆·怀特吃着麻辣小龙虾,咆哮着表示),之后当选国会议员,代表着休斯顿最时髦的形象。||3:所有这一切,还有肯尼邦克港打网球的夏天,让他看起来和一般叫乔治的人不同,尽管大家知道他是一位最爱吃猪皮、禁止(之前母亲逼他吃的)西兰花进入白宫的总统。 | ||1:People often supposed him out of the loop in other ways, too: a boy born to privilege, called “Poppy” by his parents, product of Phillips Academy and Phi Beta Kappa at Yale, who was (falsely) rumoured in the 1992 campaign never to have passed a quart of milk through a supermarket scanner.||2:He was a Yankee aristocrat who could have followed his Daddy on to Wall Street but instead became a Texas oil man (the only Texan, growled Speaker Jim Wright, who ate lobster with his chilli), and went on to represent the toniest bit of Houston in Congress.||3:All this, as well as the tennis-playing summers in Kennebunkport, seemed to set him firmly apart from the average Joe, though he let it be known as president that his favourite food was pork rinds, and banned from the White House the broccoli his mother had made him eat. | |
27 | 12月30日即将年满40周岁的泰格.伍兹表示,他对八岁的山姆和六岁的查理解释:爸爸妈妈不住在同一个屋檐下,是因为“爸爸犯了错”。 | Woods, who turns 40 on December 30, says he has told eight-year-old Sam and six-year-old Charlie that his parents don’t live in the same house because "Daddy made some mistakes." | |
28 | 阿提克斯:“我记得我爸爸第一次给我那把枪时告诉我,不应该瞄向家里任何东西。只要我够本事,鹣鸟(bluejays)可以随便打。但是要记住杀死知更鸟则是一种罪过。” | ATTICUS FINCH: "I remember when my daddy first gave me that gun, he told me that I should never point at anything in the house, and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted, if I could hit them. But remember, it was a sin to kill a mockingbird." | |
29 | 在一段力促犹太人回到以色列去的广告片中,一个犹太男孩称自己父亲为"daddy"而不是"abba", | An ad campaign urging Jews to return to Israel showed a boy calling his father "daddy " instead of "abba". | |
30 | “爸,看。”老虎会说,“那人打了一个左撇转!” | "Look Daddy , " Tiger would say, "that man has a reverse pivot! " |