1 | 乳制品生产中应用到膜分离技术,水和其他的小分子量的分子被从乳蛋白中分离出来。 | Membrane separations find application in dairy products, where water and other smaller molecular-weight molecules are separated from the milk proteins. | |
2 | 商业上出售的奶通常已经透过高压被均质化,奶油分布均匀。奶可以被浓缩或脱水以便保存和运输。其它的奶制品还包括奶油、乳酪和酸奶。 | Milk is usually homogenized, forced under high pressure through small openings to distribute the fat evenly. It may also be condensed, evaporated, or dehydrated for preservation and ease of transport. Other dairy products include butter, cheese, and yogurt. | |
3 | 首先,它们可以产生明显的特殊气味,这对于确定某种乳制品的风味及气味很重要,尤其是对奶酪制品。 | First, they have pronounced, characteristic odours which are important in determining the flavour and odour of certain dairy products, especially cheeses. | |
4 | 虽然古代很早以前就有饲养家牛、山羊和绵羊来生产乳制品,但现代的乳品业是从过去好几百年的科技发展而来 | Though cattle, goats, and sheep have been kept for the production of dairy products since the earliest historical times, modern dairy farming resulted from the technological advances of the past hundred years: | |
5 | 所有不产奶的牛应从奶牛中清除出来。 | All passengers should be eliminated from dairy herds. | |
6 | 所有的发酵乳制品都源自相似的生产加工技术,也就是通过微生物的活动产生的酸来引起蛋白质变性。 | All fermented dairy products result from similar manufacturing techniques, in which acid produced through microbial activity causes protein denaturation. | |
7 | 他穿皱巴巴的普通西装,亲自开车,常喝"樱桃可乐",多数情况下是光顾"戴瑞王后"这样的小饭馆,而不是四星级的豪华酒店。 | He wears rumpled, nondescript suits, drives his own car, drinks Cherry Coke, and is more likely to be found in a Dairy Queen than a fourstar restaurant | |
8 | 他决定当着这牛乳场姑娘的面,装出恶劣透顶的态度。 | He resolved upon a terrible demeanour in the presence of the dairy girl | |
9 | 他觉得和一个牛奶厂里的工人平起平坐,是一种有失尊严的举动。 | Sitting down as a level member of the dairy man’s household seemed at the outset an undignified proceeding | |
10 | 他又说:"美国人摄取的加工食品越来越多,例如碳酸饮料、烘烤食品、罐装水果、果酱和乳制品,而这些食品都含有果糖。" | "Americans are eating more and more processed foods such as carbonated drinks, baked goods, canned fruits, jams and dairy products that contain fructose," Werman said | |
11 | 他在麦迪逊附近经营一家牛奶场。 | He ran a dairy near Madison. | |
12 | 提高乳制品的物价补贴 | Raise price supports for dairy products | |
13 | 统一企业由面粉制造出发,逐步拓展到饲料、油脂、食品、饮料、乳品等民生相关综合食品事业 | Chairman From its beginnings in flour manufacturing, Uni-President Enterprises Corp. has gradually expanded into a comprehensive consumer food business that comprises of animal feeds, edible oil, instant noodle, beverages, and dairy products. | |
14 | 统一企业在中国大陆发展至今共有27个公司,其中有方便面厂11厂,饮料厂11厂(,食粮厂5厂,面粉厂,糕饼厂,油脂厂,啤酒厂,酱油厂,乳品厂,蛋类厂。 | So far, Uni-President has formed 27 companies, including 11 instant noodles factories, 11 beverage factories, 5 provisions factories, 1 flour factory, 2 bakery factories, an edible oil factory, a beer factory, a soy sauce factory, a dairy factory and an egg factory. | |
15 | 为了廉价食物我们付出的低价已经太高:牛肉中的疯牛病,鸡肉和鸡蛋中的沙门氏菌,奶制品中的利斯特杆菌。 | The price we pay for cheap food may be already too high: Mad Cow Disease(BSE)in cattle, salmonella in chicken and egg, and listeria in dairy products. | |
16 | 为了使泰国的中间商销售其乳制品,Foremost公司运用租赁和有条件销售合同以一美元的价格向那些零售小商店和饭店提供冰柜,条件是要满足合同条款。 | In order to get Thai middlemen to carry Foremost’s dairy products, the company used leasing and conditional sales contracts to provide small retail outlets and restaurants with freezers for $1 if contract terms were met. | |
17 | 我们不向壳牌加适达产品添加生物杀伤剂,这是因为在某些食品加工领域,如乳制品加工过程中,细菌培养是生产过程中的一个重要步骤,因此,生物杀伤剂是不合适的。 | We do not add biocides to Shell Cassida products, because in some food manufacturing areas, such as dairy products, bacteria are an essential step in the production process, and biocides are not desirable. | |
18 | 我们可向面粉中添加一些乳制品,如脱脂乳提去奶油的酸乳、乳清和酪蛋白并结合添加一些我们上提到的原料或添加剂。 | Dairy products such as skim milk, buttermilk, whey and casein are added to flour in combination with the ingredients or additives mentioned so far. | |
19 | 我们在乳品店买牛奶。 | We buy milk at the dairy . | |
20 | 西尔维亚去超市购物,一趟,两趟,三趟。身上坠着购物袋,眯缝着眼看着购物单,她从鲜肉部挤到奶制品部又到百货部。 | Sylvia went to the supermarket. Once twice, thrice. Festooned with shopping bags, peering at lists, she fought her way from Fresh Meat to Dairy to Household Goods | |
21 | 显而易见,如何充分应用这一技术来开发利用中国的牛资源,发展奶、肉生产是一个非常重要的问题。 | Clearly, the question of how to best use these~ techniques to exploit bovine resources and develop China’s dairy and beef industries is an important one. | |
22 | 烟酸,尼克酸一种白色结晶酸,C5H4NCOOH,是在肉、麦胚、奶制品和酵母中发现的合成维他命B的一种成分 | A white crystalline acid,C5H4NCOOH,that is a component of the vitamin B complex found in meat,wheat germ,dairy products,and yeast and is used to treat and prevent pellagra. | |
23 | 养牛是最重要的一种畜牧业。家牛的品种很多--奶牛用来挤奶,肉牛用来吃肉。 | Raising cattle is the most important kind of livestock farming. Many breeds are kept-dairy cows for their milk and beef cattle for their meat. | |
24 | 因此为了使组织运作更能符合整体环境的快速变迁,自2003年6月起,低温群乳品部正式改制归隶于冷藏事业群 | In order to reflect to the changes in market environment, in June 2003, the dairy division reorganized its structure and officially renamed itself the Chilled Business Group. | |
25 | 因而对于在乳品厂贮存的乳,有许多国家以法律或实践准则的形式对贮奶的最高温度规定了严格的标准。除此之外,如果温度太高,乳还是会腐败。 | Many countries now lay down strict standards either in legislation or codes of practice for the maximum desirable temperature for acceptance of milk at the dairy . Despite this, milk spoilage will occur if the temperature becomes too high. | |
26 | 优良的乳牛品种包括好斯敦牛、根西牛、泽西牛、亚尔夏牛和瑞士褐牛。 | Outstanding dairy breeds include the Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey, Ayrshire, and Brown Swiss. | |
27 | 有了新进口的设备,乳品厂可以使新生产的牛奶达到要求。 | With the newly-imported equipment,the dairy can upgrade their milk to the required standard. | |
28 | 运槽车再把合格乳送到乳品厂,在接收处,牛乳被取样并进行嗅觉、味觉鉴定和细菌及成分质量检验。 | The collection tanker will then deliver the milk to the dairy where the contents are sampled on receipt, inspected by smell and taste and tested for bacteriological and compositional quality. | |
29 | 杂货店的乳品部 | The dairy section at the grocery store. | |
30 | 在攻读硕士学位期间,我在一家奶制品公司任销售代理. | While working towards my Master’s degree, I was employed as a sales representative with a small dairy foods firm. |