属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-雄文胜武 Mightier than the swor
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-北极气候变化 仓惶撤退
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太阳物理学 落山的太阳
1 | 戏剧型的男高音多明戈57岁,皮肤黝黑,精力旺盛,既是歌手又是指挥。 | Domingo, a darker , dramatic tenor, is 57, has amazing energy, and a career as a conductor as well as singer | |
2 | 心材,树干树木或木本植物中较老的不再生长的部分,通常比树龄短的边材更硬且颜色更深 | The older,inactive central wood of a tree or woody plant,usually darker and harder than the younger sapwood. | |
3 | 玄之又玄,众妙之门 | "Or rather the ""Darker than any Mystery"", The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences." | |
4 | 印刷品的光部密度比纸张或纸板的白度为高,暗部密度则不会超过油墨质地和印刷方法所能致的的色量。 | The printed highlight can be no brighter than the bade paper or board , while the shadow can be no darker than the quality of the ink and the volume of ink the printing process will permit. | |
5 | 愈近黎明,愈觉黑暗 | The nearer the dawn the darker the night. | |
6 | 越往前走,火山灰和岩石就越多而且越黑。 | Darker and more , the closer they went . | |
7 | 这就产生了太阳黑子----温度相对较低的大气形成的颜色较深的磁化区域。 | This produces sunspots, darker magnetized regions of relatively cooler gases | |
8 | 这批货的颜色比上批要暗许多 | The colour of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment. | |
9 | ||1:格雷的著作则更富阴郁而强硬的气息,其创作野心也更为远大。加顿·阿什乐于抨击西方存在的具体缺陷,但格雷却着手拆解整个体系的浅薄哲学根基,尤其是关于进步和完美性的现代神话。||2:在他的笔下,人类已达到“历史的终结”之理论,世俗自由主义的教义、金融赌场资本主义(的种种缺陷)以及能源密集型经济增长(的极限)被一一推翻。||3:由格雷对此类问题加以缜密研究,实非牛刀杀鸡之举,而其批判也颇为中肯;不过他却往往走得太远,一次一次(又一次)地,格雷对他所称的“新自由主义者”加以口诛笔伐,然而却几乎从不指明其具体的抨击对象(托尼·布莱尔是一个例外)。||4:这让读者们不禁感到,格雷所剖开的只是一个稻草人而已。 | ||1: Mr Gray’s book is darker , grittier and more ambitious. Mr Garton Ash is happy to lambast the West’s specific shortcomings but Mr Gray sets out to unpick the shallow philosophical foundations of the whole edifice, in particular the modern myths about progress and perfectibility. ||2: He demolishes the theory that we have reached the “end of history”, the dogmas of secular liberalism, the weaknesses of financial casino capitalism and the limits of energy-intensive economic growth. ||3: Such targets deserve his scrutiny and Mr Gray’s criticisms are cogent. But he tends to overdo it. Again and again (and again) he attacks the people he calls “neoliberals” without pinning down whom (apart from Tony Blair) he is attacking. ||4: The reader is left feeling a straw man has been dissected. | |
10 | ||1:他的晚年基本上就是个悲剧。||2:他的孩子和第二任夫人职业是电视节目主持人的西尔维娅﹒莱姆斯,都死得比他早,一位死于血友病的并发症,另一位死于吸毒成瘾。||3:当墨西哥落入与毒品有关的暴力行为时,他的后期作品也变得黑暗起来。||4: “La Voluntad y La Fortuna”(“命运与欲望”)以一只漂浮在大西洋上断头的沉思开篇。 ||5: 他不理睬Enrique Pe?a Nieto,制度革命党的候选人也是墨西哥总统竞选的领先人物,7月1日任期到期,他认为此人无足轻重,也没有能力解决这个国家存在的问题。 | ||1: His later years were marked by personal tragedy. ||2: Both his children with Silvia Lemus, his second wife who was a television presenter, died before him, one of complications from haemophilia and the other from drug addiction. ||3: As Mexico descended into drug-related violence, his later novels became darker . ||4: “La Voluntad y La Fortuna” (“Destiny and Desire”) begins with the musings of a severed head, floating in the Pacific. ||5: He dismissed Enrique Pe?a Nieto, the PRI candidate and front-runner in Mexico’s presidential election, due on July 1st, as a lightweight, unequal to the country’s problems. | |
11 | 然而一个相对深色的—也会吸收更多热量—北极,毫无疑问会加速全球变暖,并且可能促使连接在陆地上的格陵兰岛冰盖加快融化。 | A darker —and so more heat-absorbent—Arctic, though, will surely accelerate global warming and may thus encourage melting of the land-bound Greenland ice sheet. | |
12 | 这些都表明了人性中那些较黑暗面的进化起源。 | All this suggests an evolutionary origin for some of the darker aspects of human nature. | |
13 | 这些入侵活动导致了局部气温下降,使得太阳表面气体颜色更深。 | These create local drops in temperature, which make the surface gas darker . | |
14 | 2009年,研究人员提出一种假设,解释土卫八一个半球面的亮度为何明显低于另一个。 | Just last year, researchers offered a hypothesis to explain why one side of the moon is conspicuously darker than the other. | |
15 | Serpick所听到的新专辑歌曲与Coldplay过去专辑的音乐相比更具粗糙感,同时配合了更加黑暗的歌词意境。 | The tracks Serpick heard were considerably rougher than songs on Coldplay’s past albums, and tackled darker lyrical themes, as well. | |
16 | 暗绿色常与金钱、金融界、银行业和华尔街联系在一起。 | Dull, darker green is commonly associated with money, the financial world, banking, and Wall Street. | |
17 | 暗紫色使人联想起忧郁和悲伤。 | Darker purples can conjure gloominess and sadness. | |
18 | 冰的表面也比雪显黑。 | The surface of the ice is also darker than snow. | |
19 | 布尔津-吉木乃沙漠地区还分布着颜色更深的砂石地貌区,当地人称之为戈壁。 | The Burqin-Haba River-Jimunai Desert area also includes darker gravel-covered surfaces that form pavements known locally as gobi. | |
20 | 部分道路,包括29号洲际公路,仍浸在水下,在洲际公路东段,积水颜色较深。 | Several roads, including Interstate 29, dip below the water, and to the east of the Interstate, the standing water is darker in color. | |
21 | 长大后,我曾经努力的抹去我双重性格给我带来的阴暗面。 | As an adult, I’ve tried to erase the darker aspects of my double helix. | |
22 | 诚然,我们认为有别人的选择做参考是件幸运的事,但是这却也会导致一些深层次的不良后果。 | Of course, we consider ourselves fortunate to face the paralysis of choice, but there are darker consequences, too. | |
23 | 厨房中冷色的轻色调可以作为深色大体积家具的补充色。 | Lighter shades of cooler colors in a kitchen offset darker woods and large appliances. | |
24 | 从价值的角度看,杠杆也有其黑暗的一面:它有可能把一笔好的投资变成坏的投资! | Leverage has a darker side from a value perspective as well: it has the potential to turn a good investment into a bad one! | |
25 | 从下在的图表看出,颜色越黑,二氧化硫浓度越大。 | The darker the color, the more concentrated the sulfur dioxide. | |
26 | 但环绕在哺乳四周的不安的更加黑暗的场景变得渺小。 | But that darker flicker of unease around the breast-feeding grows smaller. | |
27 | 但是,四处可见的树枝却预示着新现实更黑暗的一面,铺在路上的数枝预示着有人在办葬礼。 | But every so often are reminders of a darker side of the new reality: branches, laid down on the road to indicate a funeral. | |
28 | 但是从外在来说,它又带有阴暗的色彩—把他们塑造成“我的孩子应该的样子”。 | But from the outside it carries hints of something darker -- of trying to mold them into "what a child of mine should be. " | |
29 | 但是这也有更不好的一面。 | But there is a darker side, too. | |
30 | 但这里比你记忆中的更为黑暗、糟糕——特别是第二次巴勒斯坦起义使得街头动荡不安。 | But it was a much darker , angrier place than he remembered -- especially as the second Palestinian Intifada roiled the streets. |