1 | 同时还需要一定的技术水平来缝合省道从而获得一个平顺的成衣。 | It also requires a degree of skill to taper the dart to achieve a smoothly contoured garment. | |
2 | 图14-19的目的是把领省转移到腋下位置。 | In figure 14-19 the objective is to pivot the neck dart to a site below the underarm point. | |
3 | 图14-22显示样板将如何找到已旋转到新的定位点肩省,也显示了它是如何分成两个区域的阴暗部分已移动,收拢了不需要的省道,白色区域保持不变。 | Figure 14-22 shows how the pattern will look after the shoulder dart has been pivoted into its new site, and also how it is divided into two areas. The shaded part has moved to close the unwanted dart, and the white area remains static. | |
4 | 图14-25的目的是把领省转移为腰省。图14-26显示肩省转移到了一个新的位置。 | In figure 14-25 the objective is to transfer the neck dart into the waist dart. Figure 14-26 shows the shoulder dart pivoted to its new site. | |
5 | 图14-3显示肩省转移到腋下。按照如下方法完成:把基型前身样板放在一张透明纸上并把它整个轮廓画下,标出省道和胸点。 | Figure 14-3 shows the shoulder dart transferred to the underarm; achieve this as follows. Place the basic block front onto a clean sheet of paper and mark around it. Mark the darts and the bust point. | |
6 | 完成前衣片上的所有省道。把衬布放在反面,用三角针法缝纫衬布的边,至省道的缝止线。前衣片反面粗缝。 | Complete any darts on the jacket front. Place the interfacing on the wrong side, and use a catch stitch tow sew the edges of the interfacing to the stitching line of dart . Tack to the wrong side of the jacket front. | |
7 | 为了校正省道,在胸点周围缝纫一个1.3cm的圆形,所有的省道应该收到靠近这个圆形。 | To correct the dart , swing a 1.3cm are around the bust point. All darts should be taken back to touch this are. | |
8 | 我喜欢莺歌燕舞的春天。 | I love the spring when orioles sing and swallows dart . | |
9 | 乌本苷一种有毒的白色糖苷,C29H44O12?H2O,从非洲树木旋花羊角拗和尖药木的种子提炼出,用作强心剂并被一些非洲人用来制作标枪的有毒涂抹物 | A white poisonous glycoside,C29H44O12?H2O,extracted from the seeds of the African trees Strophanthus gratus and Acokanthera ouabaio,that is used as a heart stimulant and by some African peoples as a dart poison. | |
10 | 系统工程的三维结构 | Dart configuration of systems engineering | |
11 | 下面的例子着重于省道旋转的基本原则。 | The following examples highlight the basic principles of dart pivoting. | |
12 | 旋转样板,收拢不需要的省道。 | Pivot the pattern so that the unwanted dart is closed up. | |
13 | 样板从D点旋转到A点,收拢不需要的省道。 | Close the unwanted neck dart by pivoting D around to A. | |
14 | 样板上的省道可以完全剪掉,因此在面料上可以用画粉画实线来表示。 | The dart can be completely cut away on the pattern so that a solid line can be drawn on the fabric in chalk. | |
15 | 腰围或许要放大,可以用放开省道或加宽侧缝的方法。 | The waist of a dress may be reduced by taking in the side seam, or by introducing a dart , or by enlarging one already there. It may be enlarged by letting out a dart or by adding to the side seam. | |
16 | 也就是前身的省点都是自胸点发出,后身、裙子和袖子样板都是由它们各自的省点发出。 | I.e. that darts on the front bodice all radiate from the bust point, and on the back bodice, skirt and sleeve blocks they all radiate from their respective dart points. | |
17 | 也许是乡间欢乐的地方--木柴燃烧在发出爆裂声,咧嘴笑着的、咕嘟咕嘟地喝着一品脱一品脱酒的农场工们正围在飞标靶旁边(约翰·莫蒂默)。 | Perhaps [ an English pub is ] a place of rural jollity with log fires crackling and grinning farm lads slurping pints and squaring up to the dart board(John Mortimer. | |
18 | 腋下省、肩省和领省从面料的外边缘开始缉缝到消失点为止。橄榄省还必须逐渐变细,两头都要打结。 | Stitch underarm, shoulder, and neckline darts from the outer edge of the fabric to the vanishing point. A double pointed dart must be tapered and knotted at both points. | |
19 | 一个成型省的两条边是同样的弧形和长度这是很重要的,这样它们才可能精确地缝合。为了更好地完成这道程序,请用旋转纸。 | It is essential that both sides of a shaped dart are identical in curve and length, so that they can be accurately sewn together. To achieve this use a PIVOT PAPER. | |
20 | 一只狐狸从灌木丛中窜了出来。 | A fox dart out of the midst of the thicket | |
21 | 移开样板。把C点和B点与胸点连接。 | Remove the block. Connect C and B to the bust point. True the dart as before. | |
22 | 因为成型省像一条缝一样,所以在样板制作的过程中要像前面描述的那样,要非常仔细地标明标记。 | Because a shaped dart resembles a seam that is necessary to balance mark extremely carefully at the pattern stage as previously described. | |
23 | 用刀眼剪标出每条缝份和省道的终端,这样它们就可以从小的衣片式样形式转移到每片裁片上。 | Pattern notches are used to mark the ends of each seam and dart , so that when the garment is cut out they can be transferred to each cut part in the form of small cuts in the garment sections. | |
24 | 用收拢领省的办法获得一个新的省道。旋转样板,使此C点与A点重合。从B点开始,顺时针旋转沿线标至C点。 | The new dart will be obtained by closing up the neck dart. Pivot the pattern therefore, so that point C meets point A. Mark in point B around to C. | |
25 | 用一个洞眼标省尖点。 | Mark the dart ends with a hole. | |
26 | 用预缝衬裁出衬布与撑条,修剪掉肩缝处缝份与省道部分,然后把衬布粘合或粗缝到衬里上。 | Cut the interfacings and stay from sew-in interfacing. Trim away the seam allowance at the shoulder and dart taking up area. Fuse of tack the interfacings to the underlinings. | |
27 | 用这种技法不必剪开纸样,根据剪开纸样所获得的知识,围绕省点转移省道即可。 | This technique is used to transfer darts around the dart point without slashing the pattern and is based on the knowledge gained from slashing the pattern | |
28 | 鱼在水中忽来忽去 | The fish dart through the water. | |
29 | 越过定位点大约2mm,缉缝省道,并逐渐地在定位点下面1cm处"留出"折边,最后缝一连串的线迹结束。 | Stitch the dart , clearing the drill hole by approximately 2mm and gradually running off the folded edge about 1cm below the drill hole, run a chain of stitching. | |
30 | 熨烫时,在省道下面放一张深褐色的纸,这样将会防止省道的印迹在面料正面显现出来。烫开缝之前,把所有两边的缝熨平。 | A piece of brown paper placed beneath a dart when pressing will prevent dart outlines from showing through to the right side of fabric. Press all seams flat on both sides before pressing open. |