属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-空气污染来袭 如何保护我们的肺(上)
1 | 为此,他白天上班,晚间自修英语,走过了一段极其艰难的自学之路。 | As a result,he worked in the daytime and studied English at night.This form of self-study was extremely hard work and developed his mental toughness. | |
2 | 为提供最佳可视性,LS430 还包括配有雨量感应雨刷器以及带有自适应照明系统(AFS)的高亮度(HID)前大灯。 | For optimal visibility, the LS 430 includes as standard daytime running lights, rain-sensing windshield wiper operation and High-Intensity Discharge (HID)headlights with auto-levelers. | |
3 | 为提供最佳可视性,LS430 还包括配有雨量感应雨刷器以及带有自适应照明系统(AFS)的高强度(HID)前大灯。 | For optimal visibility, the LS 430 includes as standard daytime running lights, rain-sensing windshield wiper operation and High-Intensity Discharge (HID)headlights with auto-levelers. | |
4 | 我白天睡不着. | I cannot sleep in the daytime . | |
5 | 我上班,但我也关注自己的事业,我通过买卖小公司的股票和房地产,使我的资产变得非常活跃。 | I kept my daytime job, but I still minded my own business. I was active in my asset column. I traded real estate and small stocks. | |
6 | 西北部温度一天之中变化都很大 | But the temperatures in the interior areas of northwest China change greatly during the daytime . | |
7 | 验收考核均在白班内进行。 | The performance test shall be carried out in daytime . | |
8 | 燕尾服:一种男子在白天穿的礼服,其下摆从前腰围呈斜线剪裁并在背后形成尾状. | cutaway:a man’s formal daytime coat, with front edges sloping diagonally from the waist and forming tails at the back. | |
9 | 燕尾服一种男子在白天穿的礼服,其下摆从前腰围呈斜线剪裁并在背后形成尾状 | A man’s formal daytime coat,with front edges sloping diagonally from the waist and forming tails at the back. | |
10 | 一串串红绿两色的电灯泡纵横交错,比比皆是,大白天也全都亮着。 | There were red and green electric lights strung and crisscrossed everywhere, and all turned on in the daytime . | |
11 | 一种基于偏振信息的恒星白天观测方法 | Star Observation Based on Polarization Information in Daytime | |
12 | 用肉眼或影像增强装置,无论是白天或夜间,其都清晰可见。 | They are highly visible during daytime and nighttime environments both with the naked eye and with image intensification devices. | |
13 | 有些动物白天不活动. | Some animals are inactive during the daytime . | |
14 | 宰予昼寝。子曰:"朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可朽也。于予与何诛" | Tsai Yu slept during the daytime . Confucius said, "Rotten wood cannot be carved; dirty earth cannot be used for cement: why bother scolding him? | |
15 | 在白天(夜里). | in the daytime (nighttime) | |
16 | 在白天,你看不见他们。 | You can’ t see them in the daytime | |
17 | 在白天,我极容易就可对什么都不动感情,但是一到夜里,那是另一码事了。 | It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime , but at night it is another thing | |
18 | 在白天. | in the daytime | |
19 | 在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事。 | It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime ,but at night it is?? another thing. | |
20 | 在那个国家,白天的温度有时可高达摄氏40度。 | In that country the daytime temperatures can be sometimes up to 40 degrees centigrade. | |
21 | 这个老人一生的空闲时间既那么少,那一点空闲时间在白天又已被园艺占去,在晚上也已用在沉思冥想,他还有什么希求呢? | What more was needed by this old man, who divided the leisure of his life, where there was so little leisure, between gardening in the daytime and contemplation at night? | |
22 | 这位老太太的武器似乎已经在抵挡白昼入侵者的战斗中挫钝了。 | It seemed, the old woman’s weapons had been blunted in parrying the daytime intruders. | |
23 | 这种白昼黑化是针对敌人和阳光的有价值的自我保护,很多年以后,它被认为是蟹对于太阳光的一种简单反应,就像我们人类白天皮肤被太阳晒黑,晚上又会白回来。 | This daytime darkening is valuable for protection against enemies and sunlight,and for many years it was thought to be a simple response by the crab to the sun-just as if we were to get a tan during the day and lose it at night. | |
24 | 昼间短时间亚高温对西红柿光合作用及干物质积累和分配的影响 | Effect of Short-time Sub-high Temperature at Daytime on Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution of Tomato | |
25 | 昼间室内外温度和湿度特征比较 | Comparison of Characteristics of Temperature and Relative Humidity between Indoor and Outdoor at the Daytime | |
26 | 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症候群是嗜睡或打鼾病人的唯一诊断吗? | Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome the Only Diagnosis in Patients with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Snoring? | |
27 | ||1:对于白天进行庆祝活动,有很多可圈可点的地方。||2:首先,需要照顾老人和小孩的人更方便参加,因此他们很难在外面呆到很晚。||3:其次,人们可能会在午餐时间比在晚上饮酒更节制。||4:第三,在工作时间庆祝感觉像是真正地从工作中解脱出来;下班后参加似乎更像是一种义务。 | ||1:There is a lot to be said for daytime celebrations.||2:First, it makes attendance easier for anyone caring for small children, or elderly relatives, and who thus finds it difficult to stay out late.||3:Second, people are likely to be a bit more restrained in their alcohol consumption at lunchtime than in the evenings.||4:And third, celebrating during working hours feels like a genuine break from duties; attending after work seems more like an obligation. | |
28 | 从某种原因来说,白天并不是人类睡觉的最佳时间。 | Daytime shuteye, for one reason or another, simply is not as restful for humans. | |
29 | 根据这一年的数据记录,伦敦白天的二氧化氮浓度平均要超出世界卫生组织限值的41%. | In London, during daytime , the concentration of NO2 exceeded the WHO’s limit by 41%, on average, over the 12 months examined. | |
30 | 为了避免这些危险,德豪国际会计师事务所的首席运营官建议两名陪同人员和急救人员一起参加季节性庆祝活动。其他会计师事务所建议举行日间活动,而不是下班后进行酒会。 | To avoid these dangers, the chief operating officer of BDO, an accountancy firm, has suggested that two chaperones attend seasonal celebrations, along with first-aiders. Other accounting firms have suggested holding daytime events rather than after-hours drinks parties. |