属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊朗革命 等待真主
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国左派的胜利 图林根州的十一月革命
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本的巨额养老金 追逐风险
1 | 耶和华说,你既行了这事,不留下你的儿子,就是你独生的儿子,我便指着自己起誓说, | Saying, I have taken an oath by my name, says the Lord, because you have done this and have not kept back from me your dearly loved only son, | |
2 | 一个付出很高的代价而赢得的胜利. | a dearly purchase d victory | |
3 | 以很大的代价赢得的胜利 | A dearly purchased victory | |
4 | 以极高代价所换得的胜利。 | a victory dearly bought | |
5 | 以巨大的代价换来的胜利(许多人为此牺牲了生命). | A dearly purchased victory,ie one for which many lives were lost | |
6 | 以自由为代价去复仇,实在大大失策。 | Revenge is too dearly purchased at the price of liberty | |
7 | 有时,你不得不为自己的错误付出很大的代价。 | Sometimes you have to pay dearly for mistakes | |
8 | 有时侯你得为自己所犯的错误付出沉重的代价。 | Sometimes you have to pay dearly for mistakes. | |
9 | 这个琥珀项链十分昂贵。 | The amber necklace costs dearly . | |
10 | 这孩子谁都疼爱他。 | The child is dearly loved by all. | |
11 | 主队因防守错误而(大)吃苦头(例如比赛输了). | The home team paid(dearly )for their defensive errors,eg by losing the match. | |
12 | ||1: “Cyrus,有我们在,你们安心睡吧!”,1971年伊朗最后一位国王Muhammad-Reza Pahlavi在其先王墓前信心十足。 ||2:从千年前紧握王权的阿契美尼德王朝直到巴列维王朝,一直深受爱戴,简直是一个谜。||3: 尽管近10年来饱受疾苦的人民把其王朝政权交与一位不甚知名的牧师Ruhollah Khomeini之手,去年11月出版的James Buchan的《真主之日》简洁而又着重解释了这一形成原因。 ||4: 前外交官兼埃克塞特大学伊朗研究中心负责人Michael Axworthy在书中探讨了这一地区,同时解释了伊朗政权幸存下来的原因。 | ||1: “SLEEP easily, Cyrus, for we are awake,” assured Iran’s last shah, Muhammad-Reza Pahlavi, speaking at the tomb of his imperial ancestor in 1971. ||2: This staged event helped forge the myth that the Pahlavis were an adored monarchy stretching back millennia to the Achaemenid empire, a claim to which the shah clung dearly . ||3: Yet in less than a decade his embittered people had delivered his throne into the hands of an obscure Shia cleric, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. James Buchan’s elegant “Days of God”, which came out last November, focused on how all this came to pass. ||4: Now Michael Axworthy, a former diplomat and director of the Centre for Persian and Iranian Studies at Exeter University, goes over much of the same ground and explains how the Islamic republic has survived. | |
13 | ||1:对于那些支持中左派“红红绿”联盟的人来说,以默克尔为首的政府下台真是一件在联邦层次大快人心的事情。||2:图林根州(德国其他州也一样)由基民盟和社民党联合执政。||3:社民党在图林根州付出了高昂的代价,却仅仅在9月的选举中获得了微薄的12%的选票。||4:所以该州的社民党转而联合左党和绿党。||5:图林根州中4300社民党人想在11月4号对这个想法表示支持。||6:如果这样,左党可能在12月份首次执政联邦州。 | ||1:To many on Germany’s centre-left such a “red-red-green” alliance is the holy grail at the federal level to replace governments led by Mrs Merkel.||2:In Thuringia (as in the rest of Germany) the CDU rules in coalition with the SPD.||3:The SPD has paid dearly there, winning a meagre 12% of the vote in September.||4:So the state’s Social Democrats want to try joining with The Left and the Greens instead.||5:Thuringia’s 4,300 SPD members are expected to say yes to the idea on November 4th.||6:The Left could lead its first-ever state government by December. | |
14 | 积极分子们通常有右翼倾向,他们中的大部分非常愿意挑选强硬脱欧分子作为候选人。 | Activists tend to be to the right of the parliamentary party, and most would dearly love to choose hard-Brexit candidates. | |
15 | 日本政府可是迫不及待地想满足索罗斯的一番要求。 | The government would dearly love to oblige Mr Soros. | |
16 | 生物学家们迫不及待地想知道当时到底发生了什么。 | Biologists would dearly love to know what happened. | |
17 | 14年前,他是我最要好的朋友之一。我们互帮互助,我真得很爱他。 | For fourteen years he had been one of my closest friends; we were always there for each other, and I loved him dearly . | |
18 | 抱歉我们的会面有些紧张。我很想念你的父亲,他就像我的兄弟。实际上,他就是我兄弟。 | I’m sorry our meeting was a little tense. I miss your father dearly . He was like a brother to me. In fact, he was a brother to me. | |
19 | 飙升的铁矿石价格使中国损失惨重。 | The skyrocketing ore price has cost China dearly . | |
20 | 不过,只有少数人能在量子物理中得到与去世的亲人在天堂中重逢这一想法同样的慰藉。 | But only a minority will find as much consolation in quantum physics as in the prospect of reuniting with their dearly departed in heaven. | |
21 | 不过问题是,这样的行销手法究竟会对我深爱的国家形象造成何种影响呢? | The question that remains, however, is what such sales pitches do to the image of a country I dearly love. | |
22 | 创业中的意大利将为他的寻欢作乐付出沉重代价。 | Entrepreneurial Italy will pay dearly for his pleasures. | |
23 | 达尔文可能为贝格尔号的传奇航行付出了高昂的代价,牺牲了自己的健康。 | Charles Darwin may have paid dearly for his legendary voyage on the HMS Beagle. He sacrificed his health. | |
24 | 但你会象我一样亲亲热热地爱她,还要给我出出主意怎么对付她。 | But thou wilt love her dearly , as I do, and wilt advise me how to deal with her. | |
25 | 但与我书中的论点一致,我认为,英国人为他们不宽容的态度付出了巨大的代价。 | But consistent with the thesis of my book, I think the British paid dearly for their intolerance in India. | |
26 | 多数欧洲政客非常希望对几个成员国的“挤兑”将结束,同时希望其援救能够恢复信心。 | Most European politicians dearly want the "run" on several of its "club" members to end and its rescue to restore confidence. | |
27 | 更重要的是,她的母亲非常爱她,并且一直都在关注着她。 | Most importantly, her mother loves her dearly and watches over her now. | |
28 | 好!可怜的孩子,真可以说您有过一位着实爱您的父亲! | Well! poor child, you may say that you had a father who loved you dearly ! | |
29 | 即便未来的政治打手的确发现了试图改变当选赔率的好处,那也会让他们付出昂贵的代价。 | Even if future hacks do see some advantage in trying to skew the odds of future elections, it may cost them dearly to try. | |
30 | 她为自己的错误付出极大代价。 | She paid dearly FOR her mistake, ie It caused her many problems. |