属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-美国参议院通过贸易促进权法案
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-就业市场 毫无余地
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国改革 出租车战争
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-数字遗产处理有待立法
1 | 《孝经》中似有还无的女性-兼论唐以前孝女罕见的现象 | On the Dearth of Filial Daughters in Pre-Tang China | |
2 | 长期缺乏或不足 | A prolonged dearth or shortage. | |
3 | 但是,市场战略研究文献中鲜见对于多市场竞争的研究。 | However, there is a dearth of research in marketing literature addressing multimarket competition | |
4 | 很多士兵因为缺少粮食死去。 | Many soldiers died because of dearth of food. | |
5 | 粮食缺乏. | a dearth of food | |
6 | 目前缺少优秀的儿童剧。 | There is a dearth of good children’s plays. | |
7 | 目前似乎好的年轻选手太少了. | There seems to be a dearth of good young players at the moment. | |
8 | 那个国家有许多人因为缺少粮食而死。 | Many people in that country died because of dearth of food. | |
9 | 缺乏本土产品,老是靠进口,满足于文化码头的地位,这说明我们不缺钱,缺的是远见,缺的是对艺术规律的了解。 | A dearth of local talent, a reliance on imports and being contented as a venue for cultural activities are indications that what we lack is not money, but a vision and a good grasp of what is needed to promote the arts. | |
10 | 缺乏极度缺乏;贫瘠或不足 | Extreme dearth ;barrenness or insufficiency. | |
11 | 缺少能代表君主的王子。 | There is a dearth of princes who could deputize for the sovereign | |
12 | 我的一位研究生埋怨选修课太少,而他的一个同学就反驳说:“我们当然有选修课。 | One of my grad students complained about the dearth of electives, but a classmate countered, "Of course we have electives | |
13 | 我们顺着街道??,由于车辆稀少,市里显得陈旧而宁静。 | We strolled along streets that the dearth of motor traffic made the city appear both old-fashioned and serene | |
14 | 在缺少高射炮的时候,我们利用了各种各样的巧妙方法。 | In our dearth of ack-ack guns all sorts of contrivances were used | |
15 | 曾几何时,这里因为缺乏文化和艺术活动,被称为文化沙漠。 | It was once labelled a cultural desert because of its dearth of cultural and artistic activities. | |
16 | 只不过是由于缺乏玩伴,她同自己创造出来的幻想中的人群更加接近而己。 | Except as Pearl, in the dearth of human playmates, was thrown more upon the visionary throng which she created | |
17 | 中国商用生物技术的主要制约因素是风险资本的缺乏。 | The main brake on commercial biotech in China, though, has been its dearth of venture capital | |
18 | “他们对技术工人的缺乏抱怨良多,如果他们被诱导雇人后培训他们参加工作,可能一两年之后,这会比贸易调整援助计划效果更好。” | "They complain a lot about the dearth of skilled workers, and if they were incentivized to hire people just to train them in exchange for them agreeing to work, maybe for a year or two afterwards, that might work a lot better than trade adjustment assistance does." | |
19 | ||1:然而,超过四分之一的零时工合同工说他们不满意他们的工作条件。||2:有些不满是周期性的。||3:在经济衰退期间,永久职位的缺乏迫使人们即使在不情愿的情况下也要选择没有合同时间的工作(政府刚刚说拒绝接受零时工合同的失业者有可能再也得不到好处)。||4:这些工人中,失业情况尤其普遍,这些人中有35%想工作更长时间,而从事其他工作的人中只有12%想工作更久。||5:随着经济的复苏,许多人能够重新协商合同或找到固定工作。 | ||1:Yet that leaves more than a quarter of workers on zero-hours contracts who say they are unhappy with their conditions.||2:Some of this is cyclical.||3:During recessions, a dearth of permanent positions forces people into jobs with no contracted hours even if they do not want them (the government has just said that unemployed people who refuse to accept zero-hours contracts could be cut off from benefits).||4:Underemployment is particularly prevalent among these workers, 35% of whom would like more hours compared with 12% in other jobs.||5:As the economy recovers, many should be able to renegotiate their contracts or find permanent jobs. | |
20 | ||1:在五一假期周末期间,除了缺少中国旅游团之外,济州岛和疫情爆发前没什么变化。||2:海滩、咖啡馆和自行车道挤满了游客,还有一些游客把口罩落在了机场。||3:岛上的一个主要接待20多岁游客的旅店老板称入住率已经达到了正常水平的80%左右,他说:“一切都开始恢复正常了。”||4:不幸的是,感染的周期性激增以及随之而来的对规则的调整也将可能成为常态。 | ||1:During the May holiday weekend, Jeju felt little changed from before the pandemic, bar a dearth of Chinese tour groups.||2:Beaches, coffee shops and bike lanes were packed with visitors, many of whom appeared to have left their face masks at the airport.||3:A guesthouse-owner on the island, who caters mainly to tourists in their 20s, says that occupancy has reached around 80% of the typical level: "Everything is starting to get back to normal."||4:Unfortunately, periodic surges in infections and consequent adjustments to the rules are also likely to become normal. | |
21 | ||1:在这周持续罢工中,大量持有执照的出租车司机堵塞了交通,他们间歇性地堵住了通往机场和协和广场的环城公路或环城大道。||2: 他们对被称为voitures de tourisme avec chauffeur(司机驾驶汽车)这一新型私人出租车服务的出现满腹牢骚,这一服务可以帮助人们通过一个移动应用程序预定出租车。||3: 巴黎地区拥有17,600辆具备牌照的出租车,这个数目离拥有22,000辆黑色出租车的伦敦已经不远了。||4: 但法国首都严重缺乏“小巴”:数量只有几千,而在伦敦,其数量却多达50000辆。||5:直至最近,人们在巴黎都几乎不可能预订到价格合理,票价固定的车辆服务。 | ||1:In rolling strikes this week, scores of licensed taxi drivers jammed the traffic by blocking intermittently the ring-road or périphérique, access to airports and the Place de la Concorde.||2:Their gripe The emergence of new private cab services, known as voitures de tourisme avec chauffeur, which can be ordered via a mobile app.||3:With 17,600 licensed taxis, the Paris region is not far off London’s total of 22,000 black cabs.||4:But the French capital has a dearth of minicabs: just a few thousand, against 50,000 in London.||5:Until recently, it has been all but impossible in Paris to pre-book reasonably priced, fixed-fare trips. | |
22 | 杰伊·斯塔森:“如果你在Facebook主页上查找该公司协助处理像我们这种状况的的邮件地址、邮寄地址、电话号码、联系人,你会发现缺乏这类信息。” | JAY STASSEN: "If you search on the home page of Facebook for an email address, a mailing address, a phone number, a contact person to assist in a situation like we’ve been in, you will find a dearth of information. | |
23 | 部分原因在于学术研究的匮乏。 | Part of the reason is a dearth of academic research. | |
24 | 但人才匮乏的根本原因是体制问题:议会的计算职能不容满意。 | But the basic cause of the dearth is structural: it is an unhappy function of parliamentary arithmetic. | |
25 | 但是,由于缺乏新的开发空间,那些早期开发地的业主们还是可以获得可观的收益的。 | Still, that dearth of new space could mean tidy profits for the owners of developments that go ahead. | |
26 | 但是消费不足,服务业萎靡不振,也是政府政策导致的。 | but the dearth of spending and new service businesses is also caused by government policy. | |
27 | 但他表示,当季最大的问题还是客户活动清淡。 | But no factor loomed larger during the period than the dearth of client activity, he said. | |
28 | 但它相当清楚,国内缺乏相关专业知识,因此它不能像日本和韩国那样,将外国参与者拒之门外。 | But it is well aware that a dearth of local expertise means it cannot shut the foreigners out as Tokyo and Seoul have largely managed to do. | |
29 | 但在那种情况下,也需要催化剂去加快足够的反应速度,以解释乙炔的缺失。 | But in that case, too, a catalyst would be needed to boost reaction rates enough to account for the dearth of acetylene. | |
30 | 德国在抱怨工程师短缺;波音(Boeing)则抱怨供应链产能有限。 | Germans moan about a dearth of engineers; Boeing grumbles about capacity constraints in the supply chain. |