属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-泥炭沼泽及气候变化 湿!湿!湿!
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-好必来 信不信由你
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艾滋病的历史 英雄与狗熊
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英雄与狗熊 人性的善与恶
1 | “季风”是一古老而有争议的名词,许多权威都曾努力探索过。 | The word "monsoon" has an ancient and debatable etymology which many authorities have already tried to trace | |
2 | 改革是否改善了现状,这问题仍有争议. | It’s debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions. | |
3 | 今年夏天,我是否去北京是有争议的。 | It’ s debatable whether I will go to Beijing this Summer | |
4 | 那一点是可以辩论的,并非每个人都会同意你的看法。 | That’s a debatable point, not everyone would agree with your opinion. | |
5 | 起火的原因争论不一 | The cause of the fire was a debatable matter. | |
6 | 他们辩解道,他们的行为与这次骚乱没有关系,但我认为这话未必正确。 | They argued their actions had nothing to do with the riot, but I think that’s debatable . | |
7 | 它的成本效益如何,尚无定论。 | It is debatable whether it is cost-effective | |
8 | 有争议的边界地带 | A debatable border area | |
9 | 有争议的边界地区. | a debatable border area | |
10 | 这儿出现的论题是古典的而又有争论余地的。 | The issues which here arisen are the classical debatable issues | |
11 | 这种说法的真实性存在争论。 | The truth of this statement is debatable | |
12 | 争执不决的边境 | a debatable ground [land] | |
13 | 至于他的决定是对是错,至少是可以争论的。 | And whether his decision was a mistake is at least debatable | |
14 | ||1:虽然泥炭湿地大火是否是由气候变化所引发的仍有争议,但当火灾发生时,它们会释放出大量致使气候变化的二氧化碳却显而易见。||2:即使在没有火灾发生的情况下,排水后的泥炭地(比如让地于农业)就会释放出大量二氧化碳。||3:在俄罗斯,这类排水后的泥炭地估计每年释放出1600万吨的气体,而在印度尼西亚,该数字是5080万吨。||4:全球排放总量约为13亿吨,即使在没有火灾发生的情况下依然占人类二氧化碳排放总量的6%,远高于航空业所作的"贡献"。 | ||1: Whether peat-bog fires are being encouraged by climate change is debatable . But it is clear that they release prodigious quantities of climate-changing carbon dioxide when they happen. ||2: And even in the absence of fire, draining peatlands—for example, for agriculture—liberates a lot of carbon dioxide. ||3: In Russia such drainage is reckoned to free 160m tonnes of the gas every year. In Indonesia the figure is 508m tonnes. ||4: All told, the global total is about 1.3 billion tonnes—6% of man-made carbon-dioxide emissions even without the effect of fire. That is far more than the contribution made by aviation, for example. | |
15 | ||1:问题不是这些具有高度争议性的信仰是否有效,而是宗教异议可能会胜过联邦法律这种情况。||2:宪法保护宗教“自由活动”的权利。||3:1993年的一部法律宗教自由恢复法案进一步要求政府“实质上不应该干扰某个人的宗教活动”,除非这是促进强力政府利益约束最少的方法。||4:法院以五对四的票数进行了裁决,认为强制有信仰宗教所有者的寡头控股公司为他们的员工支付避孕用品违反了该原则。 | ||1:The issue was not whether these highly debatable beliefs are valid, but the circumstances under which a religious objection may trump a federal law.||2:The constitution protects the right to the “free exercise” of religion.||3:A 1993 law, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, further requires that the government “shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion” unless doing so is the least restrictive way to advance a compelling government interest.||4:By five votes to four, the court ruled that obliging closely held firms with religious owners to pay for their employees’ contraceptives violates that principle. | |
16 | 以上研究发现的实际意义还是有争议的。 | What these results mean in practice is debatable . | |
17 | 在艾滋病的刚刚开始盛行时,这可能性是富有争议的。 | At the beginning of the epidemic, that might have been debatable . | |
18 | 在艾滋病流行初期,这一点可能一直存在争议。 | At the beginning of the epidemic, that might have been debatable . | |
19 | “它所包含的一些内容和动议,在一年前甚至不可能被作为讨论一体,可见进步是巨大的。” | "It contains elements and initiatives that weren’t even debatable even a year ago, so the progress is huge. " | |
20 | 鲍勃说:“如果说天气的话,你这话值得商榷的,老前辈。” | Bob says, "Judging by the weather, that is debatable , old timer. " | |
21 | 不过,这一假设至少是值得商榷的。 | Yet, at the very least, this hypothesis is debatable . | |
22 | 不幸的是,这个有争议的概念如今在政界受到太广泛的认可,这样批判它已经不可行了。 | Unfortunately this debatable concept is now too generally accepted in the political world for such repudiation to be feasible. | |
23 | 但把增长归结于人民币的升值那就太站不住脚了。 | But the proportion of that increase ascribable to renminbi appreciation is very much debatable . | |
24 | 但该工具的有效性值得商榷。 | But its effectiveness is debatable . | |
25 | 但各方似乎仍愿意投入大量资源,对易干旱地区实施人工增雨,即使结果很有争议。 | But, it seems, people are still willing to devote a lot of resources to rainmaking in drought-prone areas, even when results are debatable . | |
26 | 但请记住,标准应该是可量化和可争议的。 | But remember that the criteria needs to be measurable and debatable . | |
27 | 但是,关于什么是自然的原始状态确实是尚待争论的。 | It is true, though, that the question of what is pristine or natural can be debatable . | |
28 | 但是,金砖四国除了规模和经济潜力之外,是否还有其它共同点,存在争议。 | But it is debatable whether the Brics have anything more in common than their size and economic potential. | |
29 | 但是BMP在新发生的骨折中的作用存在争论。 | However the role of BMP in fresh fractures is debatable . | |
30 | 第三次世界大战并未爆发,但联合匿究竟在这方面起到了多少作用,从最乐观的角度来看也是一个有争议问题。 | There has been no third world war, but how much credit the UN can take for this is, at best, debatable . |