属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:和服装相关的词汇 2
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:更多有关服装的英文表达
1 | 双车位滚道存放机械式停车设备及其运行控制 | Mechanical Parking Equipment with double-decked Elevator and Double Berth Roller Deposit Tabled and Its Control | |
2 | 所有的街道都用彩旗装饰起来庆祝胜利。 | All the streets were decked with flags to celebrate the victory. | |
3 | 所有的人都盛装参加舞会 | All decked out for the dance. | |
4 | 他第一拳就把他打倒在地. | He decked him with his first punch. | |
5 | 它们可以附庸于世故的俗人,附庸于玩世不恭的浪子。唉,当他们用度它伪装起来的时,就更增加了他们外表上的冷静、快活和魅力。 | They may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked , out in them. | |
6 | 太阳只穿一件朴素的光衣,白云却披了灿烂的裙裾。 | The sun has his simple rode of light. The clouds are decked with gorgeousness | |
7 | 我穿着春天的漂亮服饰。 | I am decked out in my spring finery. | |
8 | 我们用冬青枝装饰厅堂。 | We decked our halls with boughs of holly. | |
9 | 屋里摆设着花。 | The room was decked with flowers | |
10 | 屋里装饰着许多花。 | The room was decked with flowers. | |
11 | 吴王和西施经常扬起锦帆,到香山摘花,去太湖采莲。 | According to legend, the king and Xi Shi often took a beautifully decked -out boat and sailed down the canal to enjoy the beautiful flowers on Fragrance Hill and the blooming lotus on Tai Lake | |
12 | 一个绶带军官在外执行命令已不再是一个人,而变成了冷酷无情的法律的化身。 | He saw before him an officer delegated to enforce the law, and perfectly well knew that it would be as unavailing to seek pity from a magistrate decked with his official scarf, as to address a petition to some cold marble effigy | |
13 | 一位衣着鲜艳的姑娘 | a girl decked out in a brave dress | |
14 | 因为那天是节日,农民们用五颜六色的饰品把房屋打扮起来。 | As it was a festival day the peasants decked out their houses in fanciful colours | |
15 | 用他们最华丽的衣服打扮起来. | decked out in all their bravery | |
16 | 游行队伍中的彩车用旗帜装饰起来。 | The floats in the parade are decked out with flags. | |
17 | 于是,她的针线活便出现在总督的皱领上、军人的绶带上、牧师的领结上;装饰在婴儿的小帽上,还给封闭在死人的棺木中霉烂掉。 | Her needle-work was seen on the ruff of the Governor; military men wore it on their scarfs, and the minister on his hand; it decked the baby’s little cap; it was shut up, to be mildewed and moulder away, in the coffins of the dead. | |
18 | 装饰华丽的房屋 | A bravely decked house | |
19 | 装饰华丽的房子. | bravely decked houses | |
20 | ||1:我不是真的坏蛋。||2:但我确实喜欢衣服,穿戴打扮其乐无穷。||3:当我穿上我最好的衣服时看上去漂亮极了。||4:当我穿上它们,我感觉自己光彩照人。||5:你可能会说,当我穿上我最好的衣服,我打扮得漂亮到极点,或全身盛装打扮。||6:事实上,我丈夫说我打扮得简直迷死人。||7:当然,我决不会杀死任何人,这是指一些关于衣服穿着让人赏心悦目的特殊表达。 | ||1:I’m not really a bad person.||2:But I do love clothes. It is always fun to get dressed up.||3:I look great in my best clothes.||4:When I put them on, I feel decked out.||5:You might say when I wear my best clothes, I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth.||6:In fact, my husband says I look dressed to kill.||7:Of course, I would never kill anyone. But, there is something special about putting on clothes that are pleasing to the eye. | |
21 | ||我不是真的坏蛋。但我确实喜欢衣服,穿戴打扮其乐无穷。当我穿上我最好的衣服时看上去漂亮极了。当我穿上它们,我感觉自己光彩照人(decked out)。||你可能会说,当我穿上我最好的衣服,我打扮得漂亮到极点(dressed to the nines),或全身盛装打扮(dressed to the teeth)。事实上,我丈夫说我打扮得简直迷死人(dressed to kil)。当然,我决不会杀死任何人,这是指一些关于衣服穿着让人赏心悦目的特殊表达。 | ||I’m not really a bad person. But I do love clothes. It is always fun to get dressed up. I look great in my best clothes. When I put them on, I feel decked out.|| You might say when I wear my best clothes, I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth. In fact, my husband says I look dressed to kill. Of course, I would never kill anyone. But, there is something special about putting on clothes that are pleasing to the eye. | |
22 | “她长得非常迷人,一身的Gucci,”其中一位主管说。 | "She was very attractive, decked out in Gucci, " one of them says. | |
23 | “目前一切没问题,”他坐在家中地下室的休闲房里说,这里配备了乒乓球桌和大屏幕电视。 | "It’s OK at the moment, " he said, sitting in his basement den, which is decked out with a Ping-Pong table and wide-screen TV. | |
24 | 2009年12月,在比勒陀利亚比赛中,身穿索维托的凯泽酋长队队服的球迷们为球队的胜利欢呼。 | Decked out in their team’s black-and-gold shirts, fans cheer on Soweto’s Kaizer Chiefs soccer club during a December 2009 match in Pretoria. | |
25 | 不到几秒钟,一位下士进到商店中,穿了一整套的军服… | Within seconds, a private walked into the PX decked out in his full uniform. | |
26 | 大厅装饰着冬青树枝迎接圣诞节。 | The hall was decked with holly for the Christmas. | |
27 | 但是即使这不太高兴的姐妹佩戴了时下最新的名人趋势——兔子耳朵,这让他们看起来不同凡响。 | But even this pouty pair struggle to look sulky decked out in the latest celebrity trend: bunny ears. | |
28 | 当马车停在门前的时候,班纳特太太满面堆着笑容,她丈夫却板着脸。 | Smiles decked the face of Mrs. Bennet as the carriage drove up to the door; | |
29 | 电梯的对面有一张摆满了鲜花的桌子,边上各有一把椅子。 | Opposite the elevators two chairs stood on either side of a table decked with flowers. | |
30 | 东南部地区双层窗的节能研究 | Study on energy-saving of double-decked window in Southeastern China |