1 | 北京的水资源已极为紧张,曾作为北京主要水源的密云水库水位已经低了不少,水质也有所下降, | Beijing’s water supply is already under grave stress: the Miyun Reservoir, which previously supplied much of the city’s water, is critically low and the quality of its water is declining | |
2 | 编篮子这一行已逐渐衰落. | Basket-weaving is a dying(ie declining )trade. | |
3 | 产业融合下的衰退产业创新 | Research of Innovation of Declining Industry Based on Industrial Convergence | |
4 | 肠道病源在台湾没落了吗? | Are Intestinal Pathogens Declining in Taiwan? | |
5 | 朝鲜族人口自然增长率下降对发展的影响 | The Influence of Sharp Declining of Korean Nationality’s Population on the Development of the Nationalities and Society | |
6 | 出生率持续下降,审计署预料到2010年,将会有二万七千六百个小学学位过剩,相当于三十五间小学。 | Coupled with a declining birth rate, the commission projected an over-supply of 27,600 primary school places by 2010, equivalent to leaving 35 schools idle. | |
7 | 但是,整个杂志行业远未衰落,它仅是如同从前那样在发生着变化,以适应社会变化和技术进步。 | "But the industry as a whole is far from "" declining ; it is merely changing, as it always has done, in response to social change and technical development." | |
8 | 第二十四条 保险人收到被保险人或者受益人的赔偿或者给付保险金的请求后,对不属于保险责任的,应当向被保险人或者受益人发出拒绝赔偿或者拒绝给付保险金通知书。 | Article 24 After receiving a claim for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the insured or the beneficiary, the insurer shall issue to the insured or the beneficiary a notice declining indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits for any events not falling within the scope of the cover. | |
9 | 第三十四条国家建立煤矿企业积累煤矿衰老期转产资金的制度。 | Article 34 The State shall establish the system of accumulating funds by coal mining enterprises for changing the line of production during the declining period of coal mines. | |
10 | 定率递减折旧法,定率余额递减法 | fixed-percentage-on-declining balance method;fixed percentage on reducing balance method | |
11 | 东周时的礼崩乐坏,周王室的政治势力衰微固然是主要因素 | The major reason for the collapse of rites and the disappearance of Elegant Music in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was of course the declining power of the Zhou rulers. | |
12 | 法国的出生率几年来一直在下降。 | The birth rate in France has been declining for several years. | |
13 | 防止产量进一步下滑 | prevent the output from further declining | |
14 | 封建没落时代一曲女性的赞歌 | A Poem Singing in Praise of Great Women in the Declining Feudal Society | |
15 | 该报告引用了联合国对未来50年中气候变化对贫穷国家可能带来影响的预测,报告指出那些比较贫穷的国家将面临更多的困难,包括愈演愈烈的洪灾,不断衰减的粮食生产 | The report, which draws on UN predictions of the effects of climate change in poor countries over the next 50 years, says poor countries will experience more flooding, declining food production, more disease | |
16 | 刚刚接受信息后的回忆和识别力是最准确的,它先是迅速下降,然后逐渐减弱。 | The accuracy of recall and recognition are at their best immediately after encoding the information, declining at first rapidly, then gradually | |
17 | 光绪3岁登基,18岁(1889年)开始听政。当时,强邻四逼,国事日衰。 | enthroned when only three years old, Guangxu did not begin to participate in state affairs until 1889 when he was 18 and when the Qing regime, menaced by neighbouring powers, was progressively declining | |
18 | 广告效果下降原因及其对策分析 | An Analysis of the Reason of Declining Advertising Effects and Its Countermeasures | |
19 | 国家毒品滥用研究所的统计数字表明,这种供应过剩不是毒品使用减少的结果。 | Statistics of the national Institute on Drug Abuse indicate that the glut is not the result of declining use | |
20 | 基督山伯爵以少校马上来访为借口推辞了阿尔贝的邀请,但他和巴浦斯汀所说的确是实情。 | BOTH THE COUNT and Baptistin had told the truth when they announced to Morcerf the proposed visit of the major, which had served Monte Cristo as a pretext for declining Albert’s invitation | |
21 | 基于信息素递减的蚁群算法 | Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Pheromone Declining | |
22 | 江汉平原湿地功能下降与洪涝灾害关系分析 | Analysis of the Relationship between Declining Functions of Wetland and Increasing Frequency of Flood and Waterlog in Jianghan Plain | |
23 | 江潭落月复西斜 | The moon declining over the pool will sink anon | |
24 | 接受或谢绝跳舞的邀请 | Accepting or declining an invitation to dance | |
25 | 她晚年的大部分时间是在家境贫寒却又虚摆排场的情况下度过的。 | She spent most of her declining years in genteel poverty. | |
26 | 近几年来,法国的出生率一直在下降。 | The birthrate in France has been declining for several years | |
27 | 拒绝揣测中国动机 | declining to speculate on China’s motive | |
28 | 美国尼伯科止回阀可以安装在水平方向或水流流向垂直管道上方的任何中间位置上。即使在略微请楔(不超过15o)的状态下,它们也能够令人满意地工作。 | NIBCO check valves may be installed in both horizontal and vertical lines with upward flow or in any intermediate position. They will operate satisfactorily in a declining plane (no more than 150). | |
29 | 面对着亚洲市场的萎缩,越来越多的美国加州公司将出口方向转向拉丁美洲,欧洲和其他更有前景的地区。 | Faced with declining markets in asia, a growing number of California companies are gearing up to shift exports to Latin america, Europe and other more promising regions. | |
30 | 明代捐纳与官学教育的衰败 | The Denotation and the Declining of Official Education in Ming Dynasty |