1 | 物价在下降。 | The prices are declining . | |
2 | 夕阳产业,夕阳工业 | sunset-industries"; declining industries | |
3 | 西藏社会危机四伏,“政教合一制度已像油尽的灯火一样走向没落。” | Danger lurked on every side in Tibet and "the theocratic system is declining like a lamp consuming its last drop of oil." | |
4 | 先进的文化必然战胜没落的文化。 | Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture. | |
5 | 锌和铬对糖尿病小鼠的降血糖及抗氧化作用 | Effects of Zinc and Chromium on Declining Blood Glucose Level and Improving Antioxidant Activity in Diabetic Mice | |
6 | 许多人担心美国公司部门的价格会下降,而通货膨胀先行指标指出它将很快上升。 | Many are worried about the US corporate sector’s declining pricing power, which the leading inflation indicator suggests should be rising soon. | |
7 | 一打内战就是各霸一方,生产衰落,交通中断,难民不是百万、千万而是成亿地往外面跑 | If civil war broke out in China, with each faction dominating a region, production declining , transportation disrupted and not millions or tens of millions but hundreds of millions of refugees fleeing the country. | |
8 | 隐没中的传统与现代主义的交融-论朱践耳第十交响曲《江雪》 | The Fusion between Declining Tradition and Modernism an Essay on Zhu Jian-er′s Tenth Symphony "Fishing in Snow" | |
9 | 应用灰色模型对新场气田产量递减井进行动态预测 | Use of Grey Model to Predict the Production Declining Well of the Xinchang Gas Field in Sichuan, China | |
10 | 用高血脂小鼠模型评价降血脂保健食品可行性的探讨 | The Possibility of Using Hyperlipemia Mice as Model for Evaluating the Function of Declining Blood Lipids Food | |
11 | 由于纬纱进入了一个流速下降的场中,使得问题更加严重,此时相当于气流从后面推动纬纱 | The problem is increased because the filling moves into a field of declining air velocity and thus behaves as if it is propelled from behind | |
12 | 由于纬纱进入了一个流速下降的场中,使得问题更加严重,此时相当于气流从后面推动纬纱,纬纱前端的速度低于后部的速度。 | The problem is increased because the filling moves into a field of declining air velocity and thus behaves as if it is propelled from behind; the front moves slower than the rear and the yarn buckles. | |
13 | 由于一些大国的退步和其它国家的缓慢进展,发展中国家饥饿人口的整体变化趋势从下降变为上升。 | With reversals in many large countries and progress slowing in others, the pattern of change in the developing countries as a whole shifted from a declining to a rising trend. | |
14 | 有些人认为,缝纫机行业已经衰落,但邱继宝却说,缝纫机永远是一个青春的产业, | Although someone consider sewing machine industry is declining , Qiu Jibao argues it’s a youthful industry for ever. | |
15 | 余额递减法;递减计提法:即在折旧时采取对资产的原始成本使用一个递减比率的方法计算年折旧额 | Declining balance method; reducing charge method: In depreciation where the annual charge for depreciation is the amount obtained by applying a diminishing rate to the original cost of the asset. | |
16 | 与此同时,世界人均耕地正在减少。国际农业生物工程应用技术采购管理局(ISAAA)称,自1960年以来,耕地面积一直持续下降,并将在今后50年减少一半。 | At the same time, the world’s available cultivable land per person is declining . Arable land has declined steadily since 1960 and will decease by half over the next 50 years, according to the Int’l Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Appl. Tech. | |
17 | 与有形长期资产一样,无形资产的价值在资产生命期中不断递减。 | Like tangible long-lived assets, the value of the intangible assets is declining during the life of the assets. | |
18 | 原来这梨香院即当日荣公暮年养静之所,小小巧巧,约有十余间房屋,前厅后舍俱全. | This court where the Duke of Rongguo had spent his declining years was small but channing, its dozen or so rooms including a reception hall in front and the usual sleeping quarters and offices behind. | |
19 | 在本章中,我们将演示并讲解直线折旧法和最常用的加速折旧法-双倍余额递减法。 | In this chapter, we illustrate and explain straight-line depreciation and double declining -balance, a most widely used accelerated method. | |
20 | 在第三格中,奥列芬特挖苦了《纽约时报》日益衰落的编辑体制(“我们一个文字编辑都没有了”)。 | In frame 3, Oliphant takes a dig at the declining editorial standards of the Times ("But we don’t have any copy editors") | |
21 | 在通货紧缩或物价下跌时期,结果与上述相反。 | During a period of deflation or declining prices, the effect described above is reversed. | |
22 | 在以后的岁月,他的健康不断衰退。 | His health was declining in after years. | |
23 | 这几个月来她的健康每况愈下。 | Her health has been declining the past few months. | |
24 | 这是因为余额递减法本身已自动考虑了残值。 | This is because the declining -balance method provides an "automatic" residual value. | |
25 | 这说明他们的经济正在衰退。 | This shows their economy is declining . | |
26 | 这些努力也都未能挽回雅乐舞蹈的衰颓命运。 | But all these efforts couldn’t drag the Elegant Music from its declining cycle. | |
27 | 这种余额递减折旧法也因而称为双倍余额递减法(或2%余额递减法)。 | As a result, this declining -balance method of depreciation often is called double-declining-balance (or 2%-declining balance). | |
28 | 这周围的地区在多年衰败后,又兴旺发达起来。 | The neighborhood after declining for years, was coming up again | |
29 | 政府无意扶持不景气的企业。 | The government does not intend to prop up declining industries. | |
30 | 支持正在强大起来的法国反对正在哀弱下去的西班牙的克伦威尔政策(威廉·E·H·莱基)。Uphold指在面临挑战和强烈对抗时的镇定和坚定 | the policy of Cromwell,who supported the growing power of France against the declining power of Spain(William E.H.Lecky.To uphold is to maintain or affirm in the face of a challenge or strong opposition |