属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-尼日利亚 为何感觉完了?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-煤炭 未来的能源
1 | 艾灸百会、命门穴提高衰老大鼠空间记忆能力的行为学评价 | Behavioral Evaluation on Improving Spatial Memory Capacity of Decrepit Rats through Moxibustion on Du 20 and Du 4 | |
2 | 到了5世纪,这些通称为"野蛮人"的人从衰落的西方帝国的原型中建立起新的国家。 | In the 5th century these peoples, often called barbarians, carved new kingdoms out of the decrepit Western Empire. | |
3 | 该影片是在一所破旧不堪的警察局里拍摄的。 | The film had been shot in a decrepit old police station. | |
4 | 破旧汽车,破旧飞机一种用久而破烂的交通工具,尤指破坏了的汽车或飞机 | An old, rickety vehicle, especially a decrepit automobile or aircraft. | |
5 | 衰老的马. | a decrepit horse. | |
6 | 他看上去是个秃顶的槽老头,坐在那里,满头大汗,眼睛瞪着那些法官,心想这班人一定都是犹太人(这是一个狱卒后来告诉我的)。 | A bald, decrepit -looking old man, he sat perspiring profusely, glaring at the judges and convincing himself so a guard later told me--that they were all Jews | |
7 | 他是个秃顶衰老的人,坐在那里,满头大汗,眼睛瞪着那些法官。 | A bold, decrepit -looking old man, he sat perspiring profusely, glaring at the judges. | |
8 | 他正心不在焉地听着老朽的富翁同僚的抱怨,这位同僚--可怜的家伙--太富有了,以至于无法从布什的减税政策中受益。 | He half-listens to the complaints of his decrepit fellow plutocrat, who--poor fellow!--is too rich to benefit from George Bush’s tax cuts | |
9 | 他坐在一条木凳上,靠着一个朽了的葡萄架,穿过那些果树的瘦弱蜷屈的暗影,仰望群星。 | He seated himself on a wooden bench, with his back against a decrepit vine,he gazed at the stars, past the puny and stunted silhouettes of his fruit-trees | |
10 | 我们自恃身强力壮步履轻捷,那个眼神不好的糟老头子休想抓住我们。 | We think ourselves too lusty and too nimble for that blear-eyed decrepit old gentleman to catch us | |
11 | 新闻集团主席兼总裁鲁珀特.默多克说:"过去四十多年,李光耀把一个贫困衰弱的殖民地发展成富裕兴盛、光芒四射的现代大都会,期间充满敌意的列强始终虎视耽耽。 | billionaire media tycoon Rupert Murdoch of News Corp. says, "More than 40 years ago, Lee Kuan Yew transformed what was a poor, decrepit colony into a shining, rich and modern metropolisall the time surrounded by hostile powers | |
12 | 一个破旧的火炉. | a decrepit stove | |
13 | 一个衰弱的老人坐在公园的长凳上。 | A decrepit old man sat on a park bench. | |
14 | 一种用久而破烂的交通工具,尤指破坏了的汽车或飞机. | an old, rickety vehicle, especially a decrepit automobile or aircraft. | |
15 | 中国过时的国营企业 | the country’s decrepit state-owned enterprises | |
16 | ||1:卡诺的州长Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso投入了上百万用于基础设施。||2:巨大的水泥柱下出租车往来穿梭,而上面将支撑起一座立交桥。||3:但是正当三条高速公路建设时,通往农村社区的支路却还是残破不堪。||4:投资百万美元的5个大型项目将建成3个豪华住宅区和2个运输站。 | ||1:Kano’s state governor, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, has poured millions into infrastructure.||2:Taxis weave through huge concrete columns that will eventually support a flyover.||3:But while three-lane highways are being built, feeder roads from rural communities remain decrepit .||4:A multimillion-dollar development, the Mega Five Projects, will have three posh housing estates and two transport terminals. | |
17 | ||1:美国天然气市场的繁荣,促使着本地煤炭企业到海外拓展市场,推动者煤炭国际价格的下跌。||2:只要一天消费者们仍不用对燃烧煤炭的副作用承担责任,那么煤炭价格将依旧保持那让人难以拒绝的低廉。||3:在德国,煤炭发电的成本仅为天然气发电的一半。||4:这是一个多么自相矛盾的情况:煤炭正推动着其经济的发展,而在其他方面,德国却是欧洲最环保的国家。||5:由廉价、肮脏的棕色煤块(褐煤)所产生的电力,目前已经达到了自东德时期以来的最高水平,达到了1620亿千瓦时。 | ||1:America’s gas boom has prompted its coal miners to seek new export markets, sending prices plunging on world markets.||2:So long as consumers do not pay for coal’s horrible side-effects, that makes it irresistibly cheap.||3:In Germany power from coal now costs half the price of watts from a gas-fired power station.||4:It is a paradox that coal is booming in a country that in other respects is the greenest in Europe.||5:Its production of power from cheap, dirty brown coal (lignite) is now at 162 billion kilowatt hours, the highest since the days of the decrepit East Germany. | |
18 | 城市下层年久失修,社会最底层群体被迫居住在破旧不堪的贫民窟。 | The lower levels fell into disrepair and decay, and the lowliest of dregs were forced into the decrepit under city. | |
19 | 大蒜油对衰老小鼠与免疫力低下小鼠作用的研究 | Effect of Garlic Oil on the Decrepit Mouse and the Low Immunity Mouse | |
20 | 但他们很快就约好了在杰克的公寓拍照的日期,那是一个和校园隔了一个街区的“破旧老地方”。 | But they soon set a date for a shoot at Jack’s apartment, a "decrepit old place" a block from campus. | |
21 | 工党在1997年取得执政权的时候,选民们对于陈旧的公共服务机构的忧虑更大于对高税收的忧虑。 | By 1997, when Labour won power, the electorate had become more worried about decrepit public services than high taxes. | |
22 | 基于自组织理论的衰老矿区产业演替规律研究 | Study of industrial successive mechanism in decrepit mining areas based on the self-organization theory | |
23 | 尽管如此,此次空袭行动并非萨利赫先生手下落后的苏联时期的空军所为。 | The strike, though, was not the work of Mr. Saleh’s decrepit Soviet-era air force. | |
24 | 就在一个月以前,32岁的卡拉,她有三个孩子,还在印度金奈破旧的卡里帕医院担忧着。 | Just over a month ago, Kala, 32, a mother of three, had stood shaking with fear in Chennai’s decrepit Kaliappa hospital. | |
25 | 美国的青春活力,如今则是中国和印度的活力,似乎正使得衰落的旧大陆大为逊色。 | The youthful dynamism of America, and now of China and India, seems to be leaving the decrepit old continent in the shade. | |
26 | 美国消费者偶尔骑墙转向,式微的德国、法国和意大利经济才能有所改观。 | Only with the occasional piggy-back from American consumers can the decrepit Germans, French and Italians make any progress at all. | |
27 | 然而这一消息仍然令人痛苦,因为劳动力市场依旧低迷,我们还没看到经济增长在劳动力市场上有所反映。 | The news is still bitter, though, because we have yet to see the gains of economic growth translated into the still-decrepit labour market. | |
28 | 撒切尔的忠实追随者们对于把他们的英雄描绘成近于痴呆的衰老妇人感到愤怒。 | Thatcher loyalists are outraged that their heroine should be portrayed as decrepit , on the brink of dementia. | |
29 | 虽然这些楼是奥运会重被阶段盖的,但建筑的低劣品质使它们看上去非常的老旧。 | Although most of them were built in the run-up to the Olympics, the poor quality of construction makes them look decrepit and decades old. | |
30 | 他表示,即使衰老的政权垮台,在伊斯兰与西方之间依然会发生根本的文明冲突。 | Even if decrepit regimes fell, he suggested, there would still be a fundamental clash of civilizations between Islam and the West. |