1 | "我们对""质量求卓越""坚持已产生了实际的成果,业务量提高了80%并成为业内首家通过ISO9002认证的公司" | Our dedication to excellence through quality has yielded tangible results including increasing lifting volume by almost 80 percent, and becoming one of the first in the industry to be awarded an ISO9002 certification | |
2 | "作为一家成功的公司,东方海外深知其不断的成功和发展源于其员工的技能、贡献和团队合作。人是我们最大的财富,这就是为什么""人为本""为我们首要核心价值观的原因所在。" | as a successful corporation OOCL understands that its continued success and growth depends upon the skills, dedication and teamwork of its employees. People are our greatest asset and this is why People, People, People is the first core value. | |
3 | “爱岗敬业、争创一流,艰苦奋斗、勇于创新,淡泊名利、甘于奉献”的劳模精神 | the ethos of the model workers; namely; dedication to work; striving for excellence; working hard; being bold in innovating; not being lured by fame and wealth; and being ready to make sacrifices. | |
4 | “是一种乐观主义,融合着不沉浸于失败,保持自己强劲的毅力、致力于不断发展”。 | "the blend of an optimism that cannot contemplate failure, of a perseverance that is fanatic in its intensity and of a dedication amounting to obsessive concern". | |
5 | 〞热爱:热烈的通常是忘我的爱慕和依恋,如爱慕某人.〞 | Devotion:ardent, often selfless affection and dedication , as to a person. | |
6 | 爱的奉献。 | A dedication to love. | |
7 | 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善 | patriotism; dedication ; integrity; and goodwill | |
8 |
贝多芬著名的9首交响乐包括:V英雄交响曲>(原为V拿破仑.波拿巴交响曲)是献给拿破仑的,后因拿破仑称帝而改为现名),(第五交响曲)(从人类对命运的抗争获得灵感),<田园交响曲)和 |
"His famous nine symphonies include the ""Eroica"", which he originally called the ""Bonaparte""but later renamed when he withdrew the dedication to Napoleon; the ""Fifth"", which was inspired by man’s struggle against fate; the ""Pastoral"" ;and the ""Choral""." | |
9 | 本人谨代表董事会,衷心感谢各位股东、客户、银行界、供货商以及社会友好给予本集团的鼎力支持,更感谢全体员工的尽心尽力、忠心不渝。 | On behalf of the board, I would like to thank our shareholders, customers, bankers, suppliers and friends in the community for their continued support and all our staff for their loyalty and dedication . | |
10 | 本书献词写道:“献给母亲”。 | The book’ s dedication reads " To Mother " | |
11 | 秉持完善的质量管理体系,以及我们对卓越质量的不懈追求 | adherence to a sound quality management system, coupled with our dedication to a never-ending process of pursuing total quality excellence in all business functions | |
12 | 崇尚奉献 追求卓越 培养高素质信息科技人才 | Advocating Dedication , Pursuing Excellence, Training high-quality Information Technology Talents | |
13 | 初读阿赫玛托娃《没有主人公的长诗》―诗题、代序和献词部分 | To Interpret A Poem Without Hero by Anna Akhmatova from Its Title, Preface and Three Versions of Dedication | |
14 | 此一经营理念与企业文化得以贯彻,除了每一位同仁皆能脚踏实地、稳扎稳打,为公司创建永续成长的基础外 | Uni-President’s management principles are consistent with the business culture. In addition to every Uni-President’s employee working honestly and with dedication , proceeding step-by-step to build up the foundation of continuous growth. | |
15 | 从这个新产品可以看出全体职工的技术水平和工作态度. | The new model is a testament to the skill and dedication of the work-force. | |
16 | 但是,当他听说拿破仑宣布自己为皇帝时,立刻撕去了写着献辞的扉页。 | But the moment he heard that Napoleon had declared himself Emperor, he tore off the dedication of the title page | |
17 | 地产权所有人将土地奉献作为公用. | dedication of land for public use by the owner | |
18 | 奠基石:建筑奠基时安放在外墙上的石块,有时为实心石块,上刻文字,较典型的是中空而内置金属容器的石块。 | Cornerstone: Ceremonial building block, dated or otherwise inscribed, usually placed in an outer wall of a building to commemorate its dedication . | |
19 | 对联合国及其《宪章》所载原则愈益效忠的精神 | spirit of renewed dedication to the United Nations and the principles embodied in its Charter | |
20 | 葛底斯堡演说:举世闻名的演说,林肯总统在宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡国家公墓落成典礼上发表。 | Gettysburg Address: (Nov. 19, 1863)Speech by Pres. Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of a cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa., for those killed at the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. | |
21 | 公司每位职员对她的敬业精神和乐观态度都很赞赏。她的小组成员都说她的乐观态度很有感染回力,能轻易就把事情做好。 | She wowed everybody by her dedication and optimism. Her team members say that her optimism is quite infectious and she can make things happen. | |
22 | 哈本心慌意乱,没法充分了解请愿书的意义,只知道请愿书似乎支持出色的教学工作,以及献身给学生和进行实验以防止“人文学科死亡”的必要性。 | Hubben, rattled, could not make much sense of the petition except that it seemed to support excellence in teaching and the need for dedication to students and for experimentation to prevent “the death of the humanities”. | |
23 | 会长索恩牧师眼光很尖,谁要是一时激动,并非真正把自己奉献给基督,他一看便知。 | Reverend Thorn, the leader of the group is most adroit in uncovering young men who are guided by emotion and not by true dedication to Christ | |
24 | 她的尽心尽力往往令我吃惊。 | Her dedication constantly astonishes me. | |
25 | 她发给我们一份题为《生活是一种态度》的讲义,和我们畅谈责任感、坚忍不拔、真诚、正直、信任、理解、奉献和杰出成就。 | She gave us a handout called "Life is an Attitude" and walked us through Accountability, Tenacity, Truth, Integrity, Trust, Understanding,Dedication , and Excellence. | |
26 | 她所以能赢得大批观众,乃是刻苦工作和一心钻研业务的结果。 | Her ability to reach a large audience is the result of hard work and professional dedication . | |
27 | 今天,为了向客户长期提供最优品质的产品和服务,需要付出持续的努力,公司需要信守其宣扬的价值观。总而言之,需要有奉献精神,即对理想的奉献。 | In Today’s world, it takes constant effort to maintain the highest quality in both product and service to customers. It takes commitment to the values the company embodies . Above all it takes dedication -dedication to an ideal. | |
28 | 今天对挑战者号机组人员我们可以这样说:像德雷克一样,他们的奉献是毫无保留的。 | Well, today we can say of the challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake’s, complete | |
29 | 精诚所至,金石为开 | Where whole-hearted dedication is directed, the whole world will step aside to let you by | |
30 | 敬业 负责 客观 大度-人文奥运对媒体从业人员的要求 | Dedication , Responsibility, Objectivity and Open-mindedness: Demands Set by the Olympic Games on Media Professionals |