1 | 我翻身,用毯子蒙住头。随后,它以笔记本和闹钟为军火。每一次的哗啦声都逼得我在毯子下面钻得越来越深。 | I rolled over and covered my head with the blanket. Then she moved on to an arsenal of notebooks and the alarm clock. Each crash forced me deeper under the covers. | |
2 | 我教他怎样不拖拉钓线,怎样在深水里钓鱼。 | I showed him how to keep his fly from dragging, how to fish the deeper pools | |
3 | 我们必须再挖深些才能找到水. | We had to dig deeper to find water. | |
4 | 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点? | Can we dredge the river to make it deeper ? | |
5 | 我们应该把小树埋得深一些。 | We should dig those young trees in a bit deeper . | |
6 | 我们越向洞穴深处越走心里就越害怕。 | Our fears multiplied as we went deeper and deeper into the cave. | |
7 | 我欠了很多债,是我的岳父给我了帮助,他借给我一些钱,帮助我摆脱了经济困境。 | I was getting deeper in debt but my father-in-law threw me a lifeline and lent some money until my financial situation improved. | |
8 | 我认为这种幸福是不牢靠的?就像它来得突然一样,它也会突然地破灭并使她陷入更大的失望。 | I thought this kind of happiness must be trustable---just as suddenly as it had come it would collapse and plunge her into deeper despair. | |
9 | 我伸了个懒腰,在温暖的毯子里将身体蜷缩得更紧了。 | I relax and curl deeper beneath the blankets’ warmth | |
10 | 我想这种说法是有道理的,科学家们对施加控制和保密几乎一致的抗拒是合理的立场,但是我认为这种抗拒也许还有更深一层的理由。 | I think that the talk has been justified, and that the almost unanimous resistance of scientists to the imposition of control and secrecy is a justified position, but I think that the reason for it may lie a little deeper | |
11 | 我只知道他原来不打算陷得这么深,他的心情很不平静,而且除了我,他没有一个可以说说心里话的人。 | I only know he got into it deeper than he wanted to , and he was much troubled, and had on one to confide in except me | |
12 | 希望这种望远镜能使科学家比以前更好地观察宇宙。 | It’s hoped that the telescope will enable scientists to see deeper into the universe than ever before. | |
13 | 现在,一种更强烈的、莫名其妙的欲望敦促他快点把小车驶过火辣辣的平原。 | Now a deeper , more confused desire made him urge the car across the blinding plains | |
14 | 现在我们党对我国社会主义建设规律的认识深刻得多了. | Our Party now has a much deeper understanding of the laws governing China’s socialist construction than it did at the time of the Eighth Congress. | |
15 | 修筑在坚固岩石上的结构一般不需要基础,因为岩石通常和混凝土一样坚固,而且岩层更深。 | Structures built on strong rock generally need no foundation since rock is usually as strong as concrete, and goes much deeper . | |
16 | 叙利亚军队虽然伤亡惨重,但是并未崩溃。 | The syrian army, though suffering deeper serious casualties, had not broken | |
17 | 研究人员在报告中推测,接受过较多教育的人大脑的某些比脑皮层更深层次的结构可能完好无损,从而弥补了脑皮层萎缩带来的损失。 | In their report, the researchers speculated that in people with more education, certain brain structures deeper than the cortex may stay intact to compensate for cortical shrinkage | |
18 | 一些摇滚歌曲也是关于爱情的,但是他们表达的感情更深刻。 | Some rock songs are also about love, but the feelings they express are deeper . | |
19 | 一阵傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。 | A deeper shade of hauteur overspread his features, but he said not a word. | |
20 | 一种关系能够在分属两党的八位总统执政期间都得到蓬勃发展,必然有比个人癖好更为深刻的原因。 | A relationship that thrived under eight American Presidents of both political parties must have resulted from deeper causes than personal idiosyncrasy | |
21 | 因为翻译的忠实并不排除文字上的必要改变,以便使人能够用另一种语言在另一个国家体会到原作的形式、气氛及其内在含意。 | Because the fidelity of a translation not excluding an adaptation to make the form, the atmosphere and deeper meaning of the work felt in another language and country. | |
22 | 由浅入深 ; 由易到难 | from the shallower to the deeper ; from the easier to the more advanced | |
23 | 有机起源理论认为,大多数浮游生物都产于大陆周缘的大陆架内,水深不超过1000米。 | The theories say that most of the plankton production occurs on the shelf around the continents and in waters not deeper than one thousand meters. | |
24 | 寓言,讽喻一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力,从而使表面含义含有或表达一种对等的,但更深刻的象征意义 | A literary, dramatic, or pictorial device in which characters and events stand for abstract ideas, principles, or forces, so that the literal sense has or suggests a parallel, deeper symbolic sense. | |
25 | 再往里走,坑道缩小成了一条窄窄的通道. | The tunnel contracts to a narrow passageway as you go deeper . | |
26 | 在更深的层次上,有人会反驳,说上述的某些"发展"是一种不可长久的生活方式的产物,鼓励社会浪费资源,并变得更加物质主义 | At a deeper level some would argue that the some of’the"developments’’above are the product of an unsustainable way of life and have encouraged society to waste resources and become more materialistic | |
27 | 在更深一层意义上,它含有性别歧视的成分。 | At a deeper lever, it has a sexist component | |
28 | 在那里,你们俩可以随便谈谈,心贴得更近,在街上那种贪婪的睨视,恶意的斜觑,巷里是没有的 | Over there, you two can chat freely and with even deeper affection, free from greedy sidelong glances or malicious squints such as you often meet with in busy streets | |
29 | 这促使他对这个问题作了较深刻的分析。 | This led him to make a deeper analysis of the problem | |
30 | 这促使他对这问题作了较深刻的分析。 | This led him to make a deeper analysis of the problem. |