属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拼拼凑凑见真相 Piecing it together
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-墨西哥边境工厂 兵临城下
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-叙利亚内战 艰难时刻
1 | 周恩来同往常一样机智,敏税,威严而灵活,富有幽默感。 | Zhou, as always, was electric, quick, taut, deft , humorous | |
2 | ||1:本瑟尼·麦克里恩和乔·诺瑟拉在书中讲述的危机历史大部分都已经在新闻报道、书籍、政府调查报告和庭审文件中得到披露。||2:不过,他们的长处在于,将数量相当可观的材料加以整合,并加入自己的独家报道,形成了关于这场危机历程的全面而权威的阐述。||3:先前相比较而言被忽略的事件和人物重新得到重视,比如使得拆分抵押证券成为可能的《1986年税法》,还有阿姆莱奎斯特抵押公司(Ameriquest)及其政治手腕高杆的创始人罗兰·阿尔诺(Roland Arnall)在主导这场次级贷评定标准直线下降的竞赛中所起的重要作用。 | ||1:Much of the history that Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera recount has already appeared in news accounts, books, government investigations and court proceedings.||2:Still, they have synthesised an impressive amount of that material and supplemented it with their own reporting to produce a comprehensive and authoritative account.||3:Lesser-known events and individuals take on new prominence, such as the 1986 tax law that made it possible to slice up mortgage-backed securities, and the important role played by Ameriquest and its politically deft founder, Roland Arnall, in leading the race to the bottom in subprime standards. | |
3 | 但是穆诺兹觉得自己想说什么就说什么,因为他为墨西哥北部的出口公司找到了圣杯:不仅仅是加工制造,而是如何制造。 | But Mr Muoz feels free to say what he likes, because he has found the holy grail for exporters in northern Mexico. He has brought inventive flair, not just deft fingerwork, to the process of making things . | |
4 | 目前为止, Fantasy Shopper运营甚好。 | So far it has played a deft hand. | |
5 | 也许当局没有淘金的眼光,他们需要的是对避免官僚主义驾轻就熟的企业。 | Perhaps local officials are failing to spot the brightest entrepreneurs—those deft enough to avoid the bureaucrats. | |
6 | 于外交来说,这一招妙不可言,但却使不作为获得了许可,而且代价在叙利亚伤亡中显而易见。 | That may be deft diplomacy, but it is a licence for inaction, and the price is counted in Syrian suffering. | |
7 | “我想也许我还不够性感吧。”当时还风韵犹存的霍恩好似开玩笑却不无讽刺地告诉卡森。 | "I think maybe I wasn’t sexy enough, " the still sensuous Horne told Carson, with a sarcasm so deft , it could pass for airy banter. | |
8 | 奥巴马本周巧妙地使人们在“共公选择权”上做出妥协是其理由之一。 | One reason to think so is the deft way Mr Obama signalled a willingness to compromise on the "public option" this week. | |
9 | 从金融危机发生以来,瓦利先生一直显示出了敏锐的政治触觉,但在英国电视台采访中的表现得充满懊悔。 | Since the crisis Mr Varley has shown a deft political touch, with contrite interview performances on British television. | |
10 | 但是多亏了左翼力量的非比寻常的的游说,这种措施已经成为了财政公平的一种象征,高收入者能够得到退税款。 | But, thanks to uncharacteristically deft lobbying by the left, it has become a symbol of fiscal injustice, as the wealthy collect refunds. | |
11 | 但是只要这个捕鸟能手有其他的选择,他可能会足够聪明地限制暴力。 | But as long as the deft bird-catcher has other choices, he is probably clever enough to limit the violence. | |
12 | 而库克在这方面的能力还有待观察,尽管他在与麦金塔电脑、iPhone和iPad供应链合作伙伴打交道方面游刃有余。 | Cook remains untested on this front, despite his deft hand dealing with the supply chain partners that make Macs, iPhones and iPads. | |
13 | 结论针对陕北地区生态环境十分脆弱这一特点,认为解决陕北地区的生态问题应从加强对生态环境需水问题的研究入手。 | Conclusion The problem of the eco-environmental water should be seriously deft with in order to solve the ecological problems in this area. | |
14 | 就这样狡辩一下,克鲁格曼就把自己打扮成了一个医生,他给出了绝妙的诊断而不是致命的药方。 | So with a deft little two-step, Krugman paints himself as a doctor who gave an excellent diagnostic, and not a disastrous prescription. | |
15 | 伦敦的规则大都很灵活但不松弛,而且征税人对外国人的个人所得的态度也很友好。 | Regulation is mainly deft but not lax, and the taxman takes a hospitable view of foreigners’ personal earnings. | |
16 | 凭借着一些灵巧的金融策略,它们在商业上采取公开,本质上却躲避着通行规章。 | With some deft financial maneuvers, these businesses essentially went public while sidestepping the usual rules. | |
17 | 轻巧型带传动自动张紧装置 | The Design of a Deft Automatic Belt Tightener | |
18 | 它的塑料手臂十分灵巧,足以抓住各类物体而不会损坏它们。 | His plastic hand is deft enough to grasp a wide variety of objects without damaging them. | |
19 | 它更像是生者与逝者之间娴熟的合作,轻而易举地交融在一起。 | It feels more like a deft act of collaboration between the living and the dead, one melding easily with the other. | |
20 | 它结构简单、使用方便、灵巧,可单手操作粘贴封口。 | The utility model has simple structure, convenient use and deft use and can be operated for sticking and sealing by a hand. | |
21 | 我的估计是这些敏捷灵活、聪明而时而无情的中国统治者会提供足够的管理下的忍受选择。 | My bet is that these deft , smart and sometimes ruthless Chinese dictators can deliver enough managed choice to endure. | |
22 | 显然她的话也使她自己同样吃惊、因为她打了个呵欠,随即做了一连串迅速而灵巧的动作就站了起来。 | Evidently it surprised her as much as it did me, for she yawned and with a series of rapid, deft movements stood up into the room. | |
23 | 现在面临的挑战是迫切需要一个同样娴熟的政策制定和管理的能力。 | Now the challenge cries out for a similarly deft touch in policy design and management. | |
24 | 有一些公司却很灵活,他们找到了将环保政策变成商业利润的方法。 | Some businesses will come up with deft ways of turning green policies into profits. | |
25 | 与她精细校准的道德罗盘匹配的是一个记者灵巧而朴素的描述技法。 | Her finely calibrated moral compass is matched by a reporter’s knack for deft , understated description. | |
26 | 这些士兵两人一组,熟练地操纵着地面战车。 | These soldiers work in teams of two, operating the ground craft with deft skill. | |
27 | 这一举动巧妙地均衡了外交政策,又避免在全球管理改革上分心。 | This amounts to a deft rebalancing of policy without detracting from Brazil’s case for reform of global governance. | |
28 | 中国一直奉行灵活,精巧且很有耐心的策略。 | It has been deft , subtle and patient. |